In California, 3,000 votes were recorded from an empty dorm building

How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
you do Khutbah Jumaat feces fling really well. In fact I met lots of jews with background and
origin in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya Iran and Syria -----LOTS AND LOTS----I am OLD----
the biggest EMIGRATION from Iran actually preceded the age of the AYATOILETS
I remember it well. For those who do not know------islamo nazi propaganda has it
that ZIONISM was "INVENTED" by some ASHKENAZI guy named HERZL----sometime
circa 1895-------but they also have an imaginary recipe for Matzoh made with blood--tucked
into their holy copy of MEIN KAMPF------that props the holey koran. For real laughs----find
a muslim kid-----adolescent------ and ENGAGE in conversation. Ask a PAKISTANI kid about
"judaism" He will "KNOW" everything there is to know

Rave on.........
So you contend that Jews teleported to Judea. OK. Lol

I said no such thing, you nincompoop.
I asked you how they got there? Teleported? You didn’t say anything. Duh. You’re 84 and you act like you’re 4. Pretty sad, Islamist. What’s funny is that in your culture your opinion is worthless.
How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
you do Khutbah Jumaat feces fling really well. In fact I met lots of jews with background and
origin in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya Iran and Syria -----LOTS AND LOTS----I am OLD----
the biggest EMIGRATION from Iran actually preceded the age of the AYATOILETS
I remember it well. For those who do not know------islamo nazi propaganda has it
that ZIONISM was "INVENTED" by some ASHKENAZI guy named HERZL----sometime
circa 1895-------but they also have an imaginary recipe for Matzoh made with blood--tucked
into their holy copy of MEIN KAMPF------that props the holey koran. For real laughs----find
a muslim kid-----adolescent------ and ENGAGE in conversation. Ask a PAKISTANI kid about
"judaism" He will "KNOW" everything there is to know

Rave on.........
So you contend that Jews teleported to Judea. OK. Lol

I said no such thing, you nincompoop.
I asked you how they got there? Teleported? You didn’t say anything. Duh. You’re 84 and you act like you’re 4. Pretty sad, Islamist. What’s funny is that in your culture your opinion is worthless.

Has anyone followed up on this dorm story? If not, why not?
How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
you do Khutbah Jumaat feces fling really well. In fact I met lots of jews with background and
origin in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya Iran and Syria -----LOTS AND LOTS----I am OLD----
the biggest EMIGRATION from Iran actually preceded the age of the AYATOILETS
I remember it well. For those who do not know------islamo nazi propaganda has it
that ZIONISM was "INVENTED" by some ASHKENAZI guy named HERZL----sometime
circa 1895-------but they also have an imaginary recipe for Matzoh made with blood--tucked
into their holy copy of MEIN KAMPF------that props the holey koran. For real laughs----find
a muslim kid-----adolescent------ and ENGAGE in conversation. Ask a PAKISTANI kid about
"judaism" He will "KNOW" everything there is to know

Rave on.........
So you contend that Jews teleported to Judea. OK. Lol

I said no such thing, you nincompoop.
I asked you how they got there? Teleported? You didn’t say anything. Duh. You’re 84 and you act like you’re 4. Pretty sad, Islamist. What’s funny is that in your culture your opinion is worthless.

Has anyone followed up on this dorm story? If not, why not?
You’re diverting the conversation again. LOL and yes the Jews are investigating

Again in your culture your opinion is worthless
How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
you do Khutbah Jumaat feces fling really well. In fact I met lots of jews with background and
origin in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya Iran and Syria -----LOTS AND LOTS----I am OLD----
the biggest EMIGRATION from Iran actually preceded the age of the AYATOILETS
I remember it well. For those who do not know------islamo nazi propaganda has it
that ZIONISM was "INVENTED" by some ASHKENAZI guy named HERZL----sometime
circa 1895-------but they also have an imaginary recipe for Matzoh made with blood--tucked
into their holy copy of MEIN KAMPF------that props the holey koran. For real laughs----find
a muslim kid-----adolescent------ and ENGAGE in conversation. Ask a PAKISTANI kid about
"judaism" He will "KNOW" everything there is to know

Rave on.........
So you contend that Jews teleported to Judea. OK. Lol

I said no such thing, you nincompoop.
I asked you how they got there? Teleported? You didn’t say anything. Duh. You’re 84 and you act like you’re 4. Pretty sad, Islamist. What’s funny is that in your culture your opinion is worthless.

Has anyone followed up on this dorm story? If not, why not?
You’re diverting the conversation again. LOL and yes the Jews are investigating

Again in your culture your opinion is worthless

Jews are investigating? This thread is about 3,000 votes from a vacant dorm. What did you think it was about?
This claim seems pretty credible, and the full article goes into a lot more detail than the excerpt that I'm posting.

The mainstream media has not debunked this claim.

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

May 30, 2021

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.

Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.

This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.

It also means these ballots were fraudulent.

That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.

Why not?

Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.

Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?


Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

The D.A.’s Office directed him to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.

Mr. Cole’s subsequent complaint, filed with the Sheriff’s Office, alleges that:

Someone in charge of the mail at the building illegally filled out those ballots for the students and sent all those ballots directly back to the election board, which is a felony.

Someone in charge of or with access to the ballots and signature machines simply ignored the phony signatures on the ballots returned from the Torres Building, which is a felony.

Or officials turned off the signature inspection machine.

Or officials lowered the threshold of the machine inspection on the Torres Building precinct ballots, thus allowing the approximate 3,000 fraudulent ballots to be counted, a felony.

Does it matter?

California is the Republican's LARGEST STATE in the 2020 presidential election. And yet everyone who voted for them got literally ignored.

And yet you have people banging this drum saying there's something wrong with this democracy, without actually looking at the REAL PROBLEM.
How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
you do Khutbah Jumaat feces fling really well. In fact I met lots of jews with background and
origin in Tunisia, Morocco, Libya Iran and Syria -----LOTS AND LOTS----I am OLD----
the biggest EMIGRATION from Iran actually preceded the age of the AYATOILETS
I remember it well. For those who do not know------islamo nazi propaganda has it
that ZIONISM was "INVENTED" by some ASHKENAZI guy named HERZL----sometime
circa 1895-------but they also have an imaginary recipe for Matzoh made with blood--tucked
into their holy copy of MEIN KAMPF------that props the holey koran. For real laughs----find
a muslim kid-----adolescent------ and ENGAGE in conversation. Ask a PAKISTANI kid about
"judaism" He will "KNOW" everything there is to know

Rave on.........
So you contend that Jews teleported to Judea. OK. Lol

I said no such thing, you nincompoop.
I asked you how they got there? Teleported? You didn’t say anything. Duh. You’re 84 and you act like you’re 4. Pretty sad, Islamist. What’s funny is that in your culture your opinion is worthless.

Has anyone followed up on this dorm story? If not, why not?
You’re diverting the conversation again. LOL and yes the Jews are investigating

Again in your culture your opinion is worthless

Jews are investigating? This thread is about 3,000 votes from a vacant dorm. What did you think it was about?

jews investigate EVERYTHING ...............and know everything..........the talmud is a
compendium of tricks and magic
How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
I was born in 1980 and you completely ignored my post. Why? Doesn’t fit your narrative.

1980? That explains a lot.
We have discussed this before. You’re forgetfulness explains a lot. You keep diverting the conversation. LOL
gee-----don't CONTEND so bitterly. Just read the koran. .... "we came, we raped,
we murdered, we pillaged, we oppressed, we engaged in our all time FAVE---STARVATION
SIEGE------and we succeeded --------they died, they ran and we took
So, no proof was ever shown, that this STORY was even true???

No copy of police/sheriff report?

No articles from any legit papers? None?

Okee dokee.
How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
I was born in 1980 and you completely ignored my post. Why? Doesn’t fit your narrative.

1980? That explains a lot.
We have discussed this before. You’re forgetfulness explains a lot. You keep diverting the conversation. LOL
gee-----don't CONTEND so bitterly. Just read the koran. .... "we came, we raped,
we murdered, we pillaged, we oppressed, we engaged in our all time FAVE---STARVATION
SIEGE------and we succeeded --------they died, they ran and we took

LOLOL.. Idiocy.
How about stop stealing their land ,,,,for starters That'd be a great start

Palestinians don't own any land.

Neither did the European refugees.
what European refugees?

The Jews from Europe and Russia who sought sanctuary in Palestine were refugees.
Ok ---land ownership is an interesting social phenomenon. Who owned
land in "palestine" and by what means did it become "owned"

The land in Palestine was owned by the Palestinians before the Ottoman Turk invasion around 1500.
The Turks displaced no one and charged no one rent.
They simply make Palestinians pay taxes to them.
If nothing else, after 7 years, the accepted norm is "adverse possession".
But that does not apply to the Israelis who have been in adverse possession of Palestinian land for over 7 years, because they were immediately told of their trangression and given opportunity to redress.
They did not.
So then gain no rights to the land over time.
All the land is still then Palestinian, (except for the 5% Jews did pay for and own).
adverse possession does not apply since the land was actually OWNED
by Turks-----and heavily burdened with unpaid BACK TAXES. None of the
land is owned by those who have been calling themselves "palestinians"
since the 1960s. During the time of the OTTOMAN empire and in the
centuries prior since the control by the Roman Empire, control of
"mandate palestine"------the only "palestinians" that existed were jews
An audit of California would, ultimately, be a complete waste of time. Even if Biden got six times the number of votes that there are US citizens in California or one, the 55 EVs were always going to go to him.

It only makes sense to audit swing states.
Strange how none of the blob supporters are demanding audits in states where the blob won.

You guys ARE for election security right?

I've always been a fan of "The Blob" ... The 1958 version, not the terrible 1988 remake ... I consider it one of Steve McQueen's best roles and it was a high-water mark in cinematic horror / sci fi ... but, I don't see what that has to do with election audits.

View attachment 500374
I guess when you got nothing to counter with, you have to resort to satire....
When you have nothing to counter with you put people on ignore like a coward. I prefer satire. Especially when your corpse is our president.

I think it’s perfectly reasonable to put someone who has nothing to contribute to the discussions, on ignore. Other than worshipping Trump, lying, insulting other posters, what knowledge, insight, or sanity have you ever contributed to a discussion?

Trumpy and worship and hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things as you do is all you have. That’s why I call you a FuckBoi.
Nope. Its not. You’re an overt antisemite and I do not put you on ignore. Why? I am not a fan of cancel culture.
AZOG the Israeli spy speaks
You’re still alive? Ugh world will be a better place when you’re not, traitor.
AZOG in tears,, his murderer pal Netanyahu is OUT
So what would your solution in Israel be? Do tell, old man.

Three possible solutions.

1. Its too late for this one, but the European Jewish refugees likely should have gone somewhere else. Their idea of the Mideast is mythical and horrifically Old Testament, so they likely will never fit into a modern Mideast. But too many have been born there by not for this to be valid any more.

2. A single state solution is to allow the Arab right of return and simply have elections, where all 12 million Moslems and all 6 million Jews votes. I see nothing to indicate there is any possible harm to anyone over this solution, except that many Jewish settlements will have to give back or pay back for the land that was owned by Moslem Arabs.

3. A two state solution is for Israelis to evacuate the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition. There is no way for Israel to legally occupy Jerusalem or any of the Palestine side of the 1948 UN partition, because that would be rewarding brutal genocide and illegal invasion. Those forcibly displaces have to either be allowed to return to their properties, or compensated.

What we have to remember is this is NOT about countries.
This is only about individual rights, like home ownership, having homes stolen, the right to vote, the right to travel, the right to be secure.
And the UN could easily go a long way into policing individual rights so that no government prejudice took over again.
Your #2 shows you're insane. There is not ONE mostly Moslem country that has equal human rights to that of Israel. Thanks for playing.

While Israel has modern civil privileges for SOME of its citizens, the fact is badly abuses the rights of the MAJORITY of the people under its jurisdiction, makes your claim false.

If they are not enforced equally and with blind justice, then they are not rights but privileges instead.
And they are less civilized, not more.
Why is the safest place for a Muslim woman and or a Muslim gay person in the Middle East, Israel? I mean if they are so cold hearted, how could that be?

The safest place for Muslims in Israel? Hardly.

What you have been labelling as “antisemitism”, is the rest of the world reacting in horror to the treatment of Muslims by the Israeli government. Apparently you think it’s OK for Netanyahu and his crowd to commit genocide against Hamas, as long as it’s keeping your family safe.

Disgusting revulsion at the policies being pursued by the Israeli government, should not be mistaken as “antisemitism”. But I don’t expect an idiot like you to understand that. You seem to be more interested Israeli policy than American.

Your interests seem to be only those which benefit Israel and not which benefit the USA or the rest of the free world.

There were very few Jews in Palestine from 70 AD until 1920.. See the travel journals of Ibn Battuta or Rabbi Benjamin Tudela or even the Ottoman census of 1870.. Muslims were the majority followed by a large Christian population and a tiny population of Arab Jews.

That's 4 links.. Just read Rabbi Benjamin of Tuleda. He traveled in Palestine from Spain in the 11th century.
11th century? How about the 19th century?

No problem.. See the Ottoman census of 1870.
Link it….then link all the other Middle Eastern countries in the surrounding areas that threw the Jews out. Thank you. Or do you contend that the Jews all teleported there in 1947?

The Jews living in the Arab world left in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. They would still be there and prosperous if not for European Zionism.

Did YOU meet any Jews living in Tripoli or Tunesia or Morocco or Ira n or Damascus between 1950-1973? I did.
I was born in 1980 and you completely ignored my post. Why? Doesn’t fit your narrative.

1980? That explains a lot.
We have discussed this before. You’re forgetfulness explains a lot. You keep diverting the conversation. LOL
gee-----don't CONTEND so bitterly. Just read the koran. .... "we came, we raped,
we murdered, we pillaged, we oppressed, we engaged in our all time FAVE---STARVATION
SIEGE------and we succeeded --------they died, they ran and we took

LOLOL.. Idiocy.
LOLOLOLO-----a post just about as meaningful as a nabi-fart
This claim seems pretty credible, and the full article goes into a lot more detail than the excerpt that I'm posting.

The mainstream media has not debunked this claim.

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

May 30, 2021

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.

Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.

This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.

It also means these ballots were fraudulent.

That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.

Why not?

Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.

Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?


Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

The D.A.’s Office directed him to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.

Mr. Cole’s subsequent complaint, filed with the Sheriff’s Office, alleges that:

Someone in charge of the mail at the building illegally filled out those ballots for the students and sent all those ballots directly back to the election board, which is a felony.

Someone in charge of or with access to the ballots and signature machines simply ignored the phony signatures on the ballots returned from the Torres Building, which is a felony.

Or officials turned off the signature inspection machine.

Or officials lowered the threshold of the machine inspection on the Torres Building precinct ballots, thus allowing the approximate 3,000 fraudulent ballots to be counted, a felony.
Ok, with just a wee bit of sleuthing,

The UCSB Santa Catalina residence is NOT an on campus dorm, it is off campus...

And during covid, anyone staying at an on campus dorm closed, could stay at Santa Catalina complex....

On March 13 last year, UCSB University & Community Housing Services gave students three housing options for the spring quarter of 2020: living in the Santa Catalina residence hall, living off from campus during April, or cancelling residence contracts altogether.

After Chancellor Henry Yang released an updated letter addressing the statewide stay-at-home order on March 19, the housing committee ordered all remaining undergraduates living in residence halls to relocate to the Santa Catalina dorms, a building that “provided ample space to house all residence hall students in a way that maintains appropriate social distancing,” said in Chancellor Yang’s letter


There are eight residence halls at UCSB, seven of which are located at the main campus. One, Santa Catalina (formerly Francisco Torres Towers), is located near the entrance to West Campus north of Isla Vista.[93]

Santa Catalina has its own dining commons, Portola Dining Commons, as well as a heated swimming pool, two lounges, numerous study rooms, two recreational rooms, a gym, as well as tennis courts and an expansive lawn. Because Santa Catalina is nearly 1 mi (1.6 km) off-campus, it has its own campus police station, as well as housing offices and Res-Net support center

This claim seems pretty credible, and the full article goes into a lot more detail than the excerpt that I'm posting.

The mainstream media has not debunked this claim.

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

May 30, 2021

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.

Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.

This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.

It also means these ballots were fraudulent.

That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.

Why not?

Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.

Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?


Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

The D.A.’s Office directed him to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.

Mr. Cole’s subsequent complaint, filed with the Sheriff’s Office, alleges that:

Someone in charge of the mail at the building illegally filled out those ballots for the students and sent all those ballots directly back to the election board, which is a felony.

Someone in charge of or with access to the ballots and signature machines simply ignored the phony signatures on the ballots returned from the Torres Building, which is a felony.

Or officials turned off the signature inspection machine.

Or officials lowered the threshold of the machine inspection on the Torres Building precinct ballots, thus allowing the approximate 3,000 fraudulent ballots to be counted, a felony.
Ok, with just a wee bit of sleuthing,

The UCSB Santa Catalina residence is NOT an on campus dorm, it is off campus...

And during covid, anyone staying at an on campus dorm closed, could stay at Santa Catalina complex....

On March 13 last year, UCSB University & Community Housing Services gave students three housing options for the spring quarter of 2020: living in the Santa Catalina residence hall, living off from campus during April, or cancelling residence contracts altogether.

After Chancellor Henry Yang released an updated letter addressing the statewide stay-at-home order on March 19, the housing committee ordered all remaining undergraduates living in residence halls to relocate to the Santa Catalina dorms, a building that “provided ample space to house all residence hall students in a way that maintains appropriate social distancing,” said in Chancellor Yang’s letter


There are eight residence halls at UCSB, seven of which are located at the main campus. One, Santa Catalina (formerly Francisco Torres Towers), is located near the entrance to West Campus north of Isla Vista.[93]

Santa Catalina has its own dining commons, Portola Dining Commons, as well as a heated swimming pool, two lounges, numerous study rooms, two recreational rooms, a gym, as well as tennis courts and an expansive lawn. Because Santa Catalina is nearly 1 mi (1.6 km) off-campus, it has its own campus police station, as well as housing offices and Res-Net support center
. somebody took advantage of the situation.
Good to know.
So, no proof was ever shown, that this STORY was even true???

No copy of police/sheriff report?

No articles from any legit papers? None?

Okee dokee.
Like the Russia Collusion nonsense you mean? Okee dokeeee
This claim seems pretty credible, and the full article goes into a lot more detail than the excerpt that I'm posting.

The mainstream media has not debunked this claim.

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

May 30, 2021

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.

Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.

This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.

It also means these ballots were fraudulent.

That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.

Why not?

Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.

Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?


Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

The D.A.’s Office directed him to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.

Mr. Cole’s subsequent complaint, filed with the Sheriff’s Office, alleges that:

Someone in charge of the mail at the building illegally filled out those ballots for the students and sent all those ballots directly back to the election board, which is a felony.

Someone in charge of or with access to the ballots and signature machines simply ignored the phony signatures on the ballots returned from the Torres Building, which is a felony.

Or officials turned off the signature inspection machine.

Or officials lowered the threshold of the machine inspection on the Torres Building precinct ballots, thus allowing the approximate 3,000 fraudulent ballots to be counted, a felony.
Ok, with just a wee bit of sleuthing,

The UCSB Santa Catalina residence is NOT an on campus dorm, it is off campus...

And during covid, anyone staying at an on campus dorm closed, could stay at Santa Catalina complex....

On March 13 last year, UCSB University & Community Housing Services gave students three housing options for the spring quarter of 2020: living in the Santa Catalina residence hall, living off from campus during April, or cancelling residence contracts altogether.

After Chancellor Henry Yang released an updated letter addressing the statewide stay-at-home order on March 19, the housing committee ordered all remaining undergraduates living in residence halls to relocate to the Santa Catalina dorms, a building that “provided ample space to house all residence hall students in a way that maintains appropriate social distancing,” said in Chancellor Yang’s letter


There are eight residence halls at UCSB, seven of which are located at the main campus. One, Santa Catalina (formerly Francisco Torres Towers), is located near the entrance to West Campus north of Isla Vista.[93]

Santa Catalina has its own dining commons, Portola Dining Commons, as well as a heated swimming pool, two lounges, numerous study rooms, two recreational rooms, a gym, as well as tennis courts and an expansive lawn. Because Santa Catalina is nearly 1 mi (1.6 km) off-campus, it has its own campus police station, as well as housing offices and Res-Net support center
. somebody took advantage of the situation.
Good to know.
Why would any democrat risk a felony for voter fraud in California by cheating, silly one? Seriously?

Republicans would need to cheat, in California, in order to win....not Democrats.
So, no proof was ever shown, that this STORY was even true???

No copy of police/sheriff report?

No articles from any legit papers? None?

Okee dokee.
Like the Russia Collusion nonsense you mean? Okee dokeeee
Plenty of proof Russia interfered in 2016, and plenty of evidence the trump campaign welcomed their help and colluded with the Russians... Trump's campaign manager shared trump campaign strategy for the swing states and internal polling on them with Russian operatives....
So, no proof was ever shown, that this STORY was even true???

No copy of police/sheriff report?

No articles from any legit papers? None?

Okee dokee.
Like the Russia Collusion nonsense you mean? Okee dokeeee
Plenty of proof Russia interfered in 2016, and plenty of evidence the trump campaign welcomed their help and colluded with the Russians... Trump's campaign manager shared trump campaign strategy for the swing states and internal polling on them with Russian operatives....
Plenty? Yet the Mueller report found zero. You see what you want to see, warrior princess. Typical biased voter.
This claim seems pretty credible, and the full article goes into a lot more detail than the excerpt that I'm posting.

The mainstream media has not debunked this claim.

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

May 30, 2021

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.

Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.

This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.

It also means these ballots were fraudulent.

That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.

Why not?

Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.

Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?


Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

The D.A.’s Office directed him to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.

Mr. Cole’s subsequent complaint, filed with the Sheriff’s Office, alleges that:

Someone in charge of the mail at the building illegally filled out those ballots for the students and sent all those ballots directly back to the election board, which is a felony.

Someone in charge of or with access to the ballots and signature machines simply ignored the phony signatures on the ballots returned from the Torres Building, which is a felony.

Or officials turned off the signature inspection machine.

Or officials lowered the threshold of the machine inspection on the Torres Building precinct ballots, thus allowing the approximate 3,000 fraudulent ballots to be counted, a felony.
Ok, with just a wee bit of sleuthing,

The UCSB Santa Catalina residence is NOT an on campus dorm, it is off campus...

And during covid, anyone staying at an on campus dorm closed, could stay at Santa Catalina complex....

On March 13 last year, UCSB University & Community Housing Services gave students three housing options for the spring quarter of 2020: living in the Santa Catalina residence hall, living off from campus during April, or cancelling residence contracts altogether.

After Chancellor Henry Yang released an updated letter addressing the statewide stay-at-home order on March 19, the housing committee ordered all remaining undergraduates living in residence halls to relocate to the Santa Catalina dorms, a building that “provided ample space to house all residence hall students in a way that maintains appropriate social distancing,” said in Chancellor Yang’s letter


There are eight residence halls at UCSB, seven of which are located at the main campus. One, Santa Catalina (formerly Francisco Torres Towers), is located near the entrance to West Campus north of Isla Vista.[93]

Santa Catalina has its own dining commons, Portola Dining Commons, as well as a heated swimming pool, two lounges, numerous study rooms, two recreational rooms, a gym, as well as tennis courts and an expansive lawn. Because Santa Catalina is nearly 1 mi (1.6 km) off-campus, it has its own campus police station, as well as housing offices and Res-Net support center
. somebody took advantage of the situation.
Good to know.
Why would any democrat risk a felony for voter fraud in California by cheating, silly one? Seriously?

Republicans would need to cheat, in California, in order to win....not Democrats. case you haven't checked...Democrats don't need to cheat in CA.
They just made cheating legal. Mail-in ballots made that a sure thing.
No I.D. needed.....and all you need to do is establish a residence.
So, no proof was ever shown, that this STORY was even true???

No copy of police/sheriff report?

No articles from any legit papers? None?

Okee dokee.
Like the Russia Collusion nonsense you mean? Okee dokeeee

Russian collusion has been proven. Read the Mueller Report. Manafort confessed to it and plead guilty to handing the Republican polling database to a Russian spy.

Just because Barr and Trump said that no collusion was proven, doesn’t make it a fact. Bar and Trump lied.

You fools keep thinking that if you repeat the lie often enough, it becomes the truth. But that’s not happening anymore. Republicans are being held to a higher standard. The world is not letting you get away with that bullshit any longer.

The grown-ups are in charge. The question now becomes whether or not Donald Trump will be charged for his crimes of obstruction of justice, fiscal malfeasance, abuse of power, and/or influence peddling.

No American president has ever been charged with a crime after his presidency ended. But Trump’s crimes were so egregious, and his abuses of power so absolute, such behaviour cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged.

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