In Case You Haven't Been Paying Attention...CNN and MSNBC Thinks We're In For A Recession

The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Leftard in denial about Obama being called "deporter in chief" by the Latino community and being the president who started the whole policy of putting children in cages, has decided to use homophobic slurs to express his gay fantasies of getting sodomized by members who disagree with his opinions.

Obama deported a lot si why do you assfucks accuse him of doing nothing? Are you all lying assholes or what?

Obama did not have a policy of taking children from their families.

My use of the term "Assfuck" does not mean a anal sex. But if you are not having anal sex with your wife, you should wonder where she is getting it. Anal sex is also heterosexual ans a lot of women enjoy it.

An "assfuck" is a person that is a fucking ass, ignorant & stupid & too dumb to know it.

Does your pussy hurt?
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Great Scot!! You still think that is an excuse for Obama to put young children in cages. They need to lock up you Dems and Obama in cages with pedophiles, to show how it feels to be locked up in cages.

So, what would you do if all of a sudden you had thousands of unaccompanied children to house?

Trump CHOSE go do it.

I will not put them in cages like Obama had done. Obama just makes me shiver for the things that he has done in office..

giphy (1).gif
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Leftard in denial about Obama being called "deporter in chief" by the Latino community and being the president who started the whole policy of putting children in cages, has decided to use homophobic slurs to express his gay fantasies of getting sodomized by members who disagree with his opinions.

Obama deported a lot si why do you assfucks accuse him of doing nothing? Are you all lying assholes or what?

Obama did not have a policy of taking children from their families.

My use of the term "Assfuck" does not mean a anal sex. But if you are not having anal sex with your wife, you should wonder where she is getting it. Anal sex is also heterosexual ans a lot of women enjoy it.

An "assfuck" is a person that is a fucking ass, ignorant & stupid & too dumb to know it.

It is because he is afraid that Pres.Trump destroy his legacy by beating his record for locking up more kids than any other U.S. President.But he will not have to worry about that. Because Pres.Trump will just put a wall so that no more immigrant children will not have to worry about being put into cages anymore.
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Great Scot!! You still think that is an excuse for Obama to put young children in cages. They need to lock up you Dems and Obama in cages with pedophiles, to show how it feels to be locked up in cages.

So, what would you do if all of a sudden you had thousands of unaccompanied children to house?

Trump CHOSE go do it.

I will not put them in cages like Obama had done. Obama just makes me shiver for the things that he has done in office..

View attachment 276342

Where would you put them?
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Great Scot!! You still think that is an excuse for Obama to put young children in cages. They need to lock up you Dems and Obama in cages with pedophiles, to show how it feels to be locked up in cages.

So, what would you do if all of a sudden you had thousands of unaccompanied children to house?

Trump CHOSE go do it.

I will not put them in cages like Obama had done. Obama just makes me shiver for the things that he has done in office..

View attachment 276342

Where would you put them?
These are cheaper than cages.

The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Leftard in denial about Obama being called "deporter in chief" by the Latino community and being the president who started the whole policy of putting children in cages, has decided to use homophobic slurs to express his gay fantasies of getting sodomized by members who disagree with his opinions.

Obama deported a lot si why do you assfucks accuse him of doing nothing? Are you all lying assholes or what?

Obama did not have a policy of taking children from their families.

My use of the term "Assfuck" does not mean a anal sex. But if you are not having anal sex with your wife, you should wonder where she is getting it. Anal sex is also heterosexual ans a lot of women enjoy it.

An "assfuck" is a person that is a fucking ass, ignorant & stupid & too dumb to know it.
All this talk of the joys of anal sex by a Leftie prevent. Perhaps you should come out of the closet?

Look, admit it, you guys have no credibility left, they even had pictures of seperated children in cages during the Obama adminstration that they tried to falsely attribute to Trump. Talk about getting your hand caught in the cookie jar!

Did Obama Admin Build Cages That House Immigrant Children at U.S.-Mexico Border?

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies

Barack’s ICE chief: Cages were Obama’s idea

Democrats Tweet 2014 Obama Migrant Detention Photo to Promote Trump Policy Hearing
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Leftard in denial about Obama being called "deporter in chief" by the Latino community and being the president who started the whole policy of putting children in cages, has decided to use homophobic slurs to express his gay fantasies of getting sodomized by members who disagree with his opinions.

Obama deported a lot si why do you assfucks accuse him of doing nothing? Are you all lying assholes or what?

Obama did not have a policy of taking children from their families.

My use of the term "Assfuck" does not mean a anal sex. But if you are not having anal sex with your wife, you should wonder where she is getting it. Anal sex is also heterosexual ans a lot of women enjoy it.

An "assfuck" is a person that is a fucking ass, ignorant & stupid & too dumb to know it.
All this talk of the joys of anal sex by a Leftie prevent. Perhaps you should come out of the closet?

Look, admit it, you guys have no credibility left, they even had pictures of seperated children in cages during the Obama adminstration that they tried to falsely attribute to Trump. Talk about getting your hand caught in the cookie jar!

Did Obama Admin Build Cages That House Immigrant Children at U.S.-Mexico Border?

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies

Barack’s ICE chief: Cages were Obama’s idea

Democrats Tweet 2014 Obama Migrant Detention Photo to Promote Trump Policy Hearing

Obama did not separate the families. Children came here unaccompanied.

Why can't you get that?

Are you just stupid? You do not know what "unaccompanied" means?
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Leftard in denial about Obama being called "deporter in chief" by the Latino community and being the president who started the whole policy of putting children in cages, has decided to use homophobic slurs to express his gay fantasies of getting sodomized by members who disagree with his opinions.

Obama deported a lot si why do you assfucks accuse him of doing nothing? Are you all lying assholes or what?

Obama did not have a policy of taking children from their families.

My use of the term "Assfuck" does not mean a anal sex. But if you are not having anal sex with your wife, you should wonder where she is getting it. Anal sex is also heterosexual ans a lot of women enjoy it.

An "assfuck" is a person that is a fucking ass, ignorant & stupid & too dumb to know it.
All this talk of the joys of anal sex by a Leftie prevent. Perhaps you should come out of the closet?

Look, admit it, you guys have no credibility left, they even had pictures of seperated children in cages during the Obama adminstration that they tried to falsely attribute to Trump. Talk about getting your hand caught in the cookie jar!

Did Obama Admin Build Cages That House Immigrant Children at U.S.-Mexico Border?

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies

Barack’s ICE chief: Cages were Obama’s idea

Democrats Tweet 2014 Obama Migrant Detention Photo to Promote Trump Policy Hearing

Obama did not separate the families. Children came here unaccompanied.

Why can't you get that?

Are you just stupid? You do not know what "unaccompanied" means?

Obama built the cages and put children in them, are you that stupid?
...hypothetically and in that alternative universe;

our current administration would be "unleashing our inner Pygmalion and creating more artistic Commerce deals."

For the Sake of Art!
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

Why do you watch CNN and MSNBC?
Thxs for giving us Steve Moore's opinion.

His opinion is based on census facts. Got anything to refute those?

"In the seven and a half years that Barack Obama was president, and not including the end of the recession, which Obama inherited, incomes inched up by $1,043 (June 2009 – January 2019)"

Under Trump, over 5000 dollars in income increase.


Things are looking real good under Trump:

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Thxs for giving us Steve Moore's opinion.

His opinion is based on census facts. Got anything to refute those?

"In the seven and a half years that Barack Obama was president, and not including the end of the recession, which Obama inherited, incomes inched up by $1,043 (June 2009 – January 2019)"

Under Trump, over 5000 dollars in income increase.


Things are looking real good under Trump:


As a matter of fact I do.

'Two decades with no progress for the middle class': New census data shows household income is the same as in 1999.

  • The economy lifted more Americans from poverty in 2018 but failed to drive broader economic progress across households.
  • Median incomes were essentially flat after three years of growth last year, the Census Bureau said in a report Tuesday.
  • The median household income was $63,179 last year, statistically unchanged from 2017 and near where it stood in 1999.
  • The figures suggested rising inequality has continued to undermine progress during the longest expansion on record.
'Two decades with no progress for the middle class': New census data shows household income is the same as in 1999 | Markets Insider
Thxs for giving us Steve Moore's opinion.

His opinion is based on census facts. Got anything to refute those?

"In the seven and a half years that Barack Obama was president, and not including the end of the recession, which Obama inherited, incomes inched up by $1,043 (June 2009 – January 2019)"

Under Trump, over 5000 dollars in income increase.


Things are looking real good under Trump:


As a matter of fact I do.

'Two decades with no progress for the middle class': New census data shows household income is the same as in 1999.

  • The economy lifted more Americans from poverty in 2018 but failed to drive broader economic progress across households.
  • Median incomes were essentially flat after three years of growth last year, the Census Bureau said in a report Tuesday.
  • The median household income was $63,179 last year, statistically unchanged from 2017 and near where it stood in 1999.
  • The figures suggested rising inequality has continued to undermine progress during the longest expansion on record.
'Two decades with no progress for the middle class': New census data shows household income is the same as in 1999 | Markets Insider
My income went up $4 per hour since Trump has taken office.
Thxs for giving us Steve Moore's opinion.

His opinion is based on census facts. Got anything to refute those?

"In the seven and a half years that Barack Obama was president, and not including the end of the recession, which Obama inherited, incomes inched up by $1,043 (June 2009 – January 2019)"

Under Trump, over 5000 dollars in income increase.


Things are looking real good under Trump:


As a matter of fact I do.

'Two decades with no progress for the middle class': New census data shows household income is the same as in 1999.

  • The economy lifted more Americans from poverty in 2018 but failed to drive broader economic progress across households.
  • Median incomes were essentially flat after three years of growth last year, the Census Bureau said in a report Tuesday.
  • The median household income was $63,179 last year, statistically unchanged from 2017 and near where it stood in 1999.
  • The figures suggested rising inequality has continued to undermine progress during the longest expansion on record.
'Two decades with no progress for the middle class': New census data shows household income is the same as in 1999 | Markets Insider
/----/ Not so fast LIbtard
Middle-Class Income
The 2017 American Community Survey, issued by the U.S. Census Bureau, put the median national household income level at $60,336, the highest level recorded. However, the middle class is contracting, not expanding. Pew Research Center defines middle class as those earning between 67 percent and 200 percent of the median income, which works out to income between $39,560 and $118,080. While the middle class is by far the largest, it makes up approximately half of all Americans, at 51 percent. Much depends on the state you live in to determine the state of your class ranking. In Mississippi, an individual earning $41,754 is definitely middle class, but earn that same amount in New York and you’re a working-class person. State taxes can make a difference in exactly where people find themselves on the income class ladder.

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