In Case You Haven't Been Paying Attention...CNN and MSNBC Thinks We're In For A Recession

Let's not forget how many times Obama blamed Bush whenever their was bad news. He was blaming Bush even in his eighth year!

The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of
touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.

So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
They wants a recession. But there is no signs of one. If there were signs? They would of have drop the interest rate very low to help the economy. But they are raising it up. They are mad that the economy isn't collapsing by now. And so they are raising up the interest rate to prevent the public from buying homes and from opening up a business. They knows that the more people are spending, that the economy grows stronger. The more money that goes into the economy, that there will be more jobs. So they are trying to discourage spending. By Soros spending his money and tax payer's money on these manufactured riots and protest. That it helped out with the economy. He should of have told the paid protesters to spend their money in Mexico or Canada. Are he should bust them in from those countries.
But they don't want the people to own a home, so that they can control the public. And so if those that are against their agendas. That they will evict them or else, they will raise their rent to force them into submission.

What Happens to Interest Rates During a Recession?
The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of
touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.

So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

Sorry, bud, we are heading for a recession...

The sad thing is, if you guys had elected a statesman instead of a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, that wouldn't be as fatal to your movement.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

Sorry, bud, we are heading for a recession...

The sad thing is, if you guys had elected a statesman instead of a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, that wouldn't be as fatal to your movement.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

Sorry, bud, we are heading for a recession...

The sad thing is, if you guys had elected a statesman instead of a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, that wouldn't be as fatal to your movement.
The problem for Democrats is they're not running anyone who can beat him next year.
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of
touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.

So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

They wants a recession. But there is no signs of one. If there were signs? They would of have drop the interest rate very low to help the economy. But they are raising it up. They are mad that the economy isn't collapsing by now. And so they are raising up the interest rate to prevent the public from buying homes and from opening up a business. They knows that the more people are spending, that the economy grows stronger. The more money that goes into the economy, that there will be more jobs. So they are trying to discourage spending. By Soros spending his money and tax payer's money on these manufactured riots and protest. That it helped out with the economy. He should of have told the paid protesters to spend their money in Mexico or Canada. Are he should bust them in from those countries.
But they don't want the people to own a home, so that they can control the public. And so if those that are against their agendas. That they will evict them or else, they will raise their rent to force them into submission.

What Happens to Interest Rates During a Recession?
The rates were recently lowered. Where were you?
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.
CNBC, this morning, is saying Peter Navarro will be the fall guy for Trumps China trade debacle and will see the WH exit signs.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Great Scot!! You still think that is an excuse for Obama to put young children in cages. They need to lock up you Dems and Obama in cages with pedophiles, to show how it feels to be locked up in cages.
So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
If we had the damn wall to stop them from coming we wouldn't have to lock them up anywhere.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

Sorry, bud, we are heading for a recession...

The sad thing is, if you guys had elected a statesman instead of a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, that wouldn't be as fatal to your movement.
Don't jerk off to a recession just yet, consumer confidence is at a record 30 year high, and record low unemployment numbers. His presidency is turning out to be quite successful and productive.

But here's some good news for your ilk:

Melissa A. on Twitter

There is a mental Hospital taking new TDS patients.
They are going to need one of these in every blue City after 2020.

So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Leftard in denial about Obama being called "deporter in chief" by the Latino community and being the president who started the whole policy of putting children in cages, has decided to use homophobic slurs to express his gay fantasies of getting sodomized by members who disagree with his opinions.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Great Scot!! You still think that is an excuse for Obama to put young children in cages. They need to lock up you Dems and Obama in cages with pedophiles, to show how it feels to be locked up in cages.

So, what would you do if all of a sudden you had thousands of unaccompanied children to house?

Trump CHOSE go do it.
Our poor would be living in Cages like they do in Hong Kong.
The reason why Obama put the children in cages. To protect them from sex starving immigrants that have been traveling days without the comfort of a woman. Even Peter Fonda knew what they will do with little boys.

Peter Fonda tweets he wants to 'rip Barron Trump from his mother' and put him in a 'cage with pedophiles'
ull you ignorant assfucks quit implying that Obama took children? Are you all this fucking stupid? Obama faced an influx of unaccompanied children.

You fat assed stupid fuck orange god took children from their families.

If Trump thinks stealing children & throwing them in cages, why not Barron? What makes him different than those kids at the border?? Because in was born wealthy? Really assfuck?

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
We have to hurry up and get rid of those racist bastards that were locking up children in cages.

Look assfuck. it is one thing when you get a flood of unaccompanied children and another when you take them from their families,.

Leftard in denial about Obama being called "deporter in chief" by the Latino community and being the president who started the whole policy of putting children in cages, has decided to use homophobic slurs to express his gay fantasies of getting sodomized by members who disagree with his opinions.

Obama deported a lot si why do you assfucks accuse him of doing nothing? Are you all lying assholes or what?

Obama did not have a policy of taking children from their families.

My use of the term "Assfuck" does not mean a anal sex. But if you are not having anal sex with your wife, you should wonder where she is getting it. Anal sex is also heterosexual ans a lot of women enjoy it.

An "assfuck" is a person that is a fucking ass, ignorant & stupid & too dumb to know it.

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