In Case You Haven't Been Paying Attention...CNN and MSNBC Thinks We're In For A Recession

When the shoe fits.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court. Whrn a blsvk familoy is rejected & a whioye family with the same finsncials scepted, it is racist.

Your supporting redlining is proof you are a racist. A stupid, ignorant racist..

Republicas had basically run Congress since the beginning of 10995, so explasin how the Democrasts did it.

Damn, could you redo that in English? I don't speak racist moron. Well jackass, if you want to just hand out loans to people who obviously can't afford the payments, how many are you willing to co-sign for? Come on, do it or you're RACIST! Hey dumbfuck, a white person with no ability to pay (like you) would be rejected too. Doesn't matter what color you are, if you can't afford the payments, DON'T TAKE OUT A HOME LOAN. Common sense. Which seems to be totally absent in people like you. I'll be sure to let you know how things are going when we get to the year 10995. Maybe by then you'll learn how to spell.

Quit lying.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court,

But you, being a total assfuck, deny this. Why is that? Why would to lie about banks discriminating against black people.

Modern-day redlining: How banks block people of color from homeownership

Or wait, are you so stupid that you are talking about the CRA?

The CRA said banks need to use a percent of their profits in their neighborhoods to help people buy homes. The banks would lower the interest rate or reduce the downpayment to help those who did not quite meet the standards. But the borrowers still had to prove they could make those lower payments. The CRA had nothing to do with race.

You lying jackasses have no clue about much of anything.

I can't type but at least I am not a dumbass racist like you.

So you admit to being a dumbass racist who won't co-sign those loans for those black people who want a home. Look you stupid fuck I'll type slowly so maybe you can understand. If you can't afford the payments, you get rejected . Period. Regardless of color, race, or whatever gender you're claiming to be today. If you can't afford the payments, don't get a loan you can't repay. Keep showing your complete and total ignorance and lack of education and common sense. Owning a home is not a right. Again, your race card has been rejected. Try a legitimate argument you racist.
Wow, I can't believe you had the nerve to call someone stupid.

You totally ignore where redlining was shown to discriminate & made illegal.

You are too fucking stupid to know that no one forced banks to make any loan to anyone who could not pay it back.

Since you have nothing to back up your claims other than your fat lying mouth, you can go fuck yourself.

AS for education, I put up mine alongside any of you assfucks.

Modern-day redlining: How banks block people of color from homeownership

Read it. Qyit being such an ignorant, uneducated fuck.

Damn you are an ignorant uneducated fuck aren't you you racist liar? Your "education"? Hahahahaha! Hey fuckwad, when the government FORCES you to make those loans under threat of fines and other legal action, that is coercion. So according to you it was WAAAACIST to foreclose on these people who predictably defaulted. Keep crying. You still lose. As usual. Your deflections and outright lies and racism show you to be an ignorant leftist.

The CRA was an incentive program. Banks were not forced to participate. Customer still had to show they could pay back the loans.

Redlining was proven ib a court of law to be racist.

All you have is your racist bullshit ignorance.
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.
Let's not forget how many times Obama blamed Bush whenever their was bad news. He was blaming Bush even in his eighth year!

The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.
Let's not forget how many times Obama blamed Bush whenever their was bad news. He was blaming Bush even in his eighth year!

The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.
The problem is the Federal Reserve. The solution is to repeal the 16th amendment.

Any other dialogue about whose president or politician is better than the other guy's is both irrelevant and counterintuitive and a waste of time.
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.
Let's not forget how many times Obama blamed Bush whenever their was bad news. He was blaming Bush even in his eighth year!

The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of
touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.

So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
The problem is the Federal Reserve. The solution is to repeal the 16th amendment.

Any other dialogue about whose president or politician is better than the other guy's is both irrelevant and counterintuitive and a waste of time.
Because the government can survive with no money.
Because the government can survive with no money.

Money is a store of value. The Federal Reserve deals in monetized debt. Fiat currency. Each dollar is worth about four cents now.

That's another problem, modern politicos don't know what money is.
Did you miss the largest drop in stock market history this past week and why it happened?

Care4all if you would please support your assertion with a link to viable documentation... Thank you in advance for your time...

Don't hold your breath on that one
You're such an ass....:lol:

I already corrected myself and said I was wrong on that assertion.... in this very thread.... try reading it!
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.
Let's not forget how many times Obama blamed Bush whenever their was bad news. He was blaming Bush even in his eighth year!

The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of
touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.

So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.
Let's not forget how many times Obama blamed Bush whenever their was bad news. He was blaming Bush even in his eighth year!

The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of
touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.

So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
Because the government can survive with no money.

Money is a store of value. The Federal Reserve deals in monetized debt. Fiat currency. Each dollar is worth about four cents now.

That's another problem, modern politicos don't know what money is.
Money is what you need to buy sdhit, unless you are a Republican. Then you just spend & add it to the debt.
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.

We had higher taxes, more regulations, and proposed climate change measures, and etc, etc, before Trump became president and Obama still handed him a strong economy with 4.7% unemployment and shrinking.

Obama did NOTHING, to promote growth. Name one thing he did. He raised taxes had more regularions, proposed climate change measures all which stifled growth. His growth over 8 years was abysmal. In fact he told us all it was the new normal.

It has been shown that growth under Trump's first two years has been better. We still have two years to go.

Please tell us exactly what Obama policies creates a climate where growth could occur.

Presidents don't create growth or jobs. Presidents can push for governmental policies and laws that create an atmosphere for economic growth.
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.

We had higher taxes, more regulations, and proposed climate change measures, and etc, etc, before Trump became president and Obama still handed him a strong economy with 4.7% unemployment and shrinking.

Obama did NOTHING, to promote growth. Name one thing he did. He raised taxes had more regularions, proposed climate change measures all which stifled growth. His growth over 8 years was abysmal. In fact he told us all it was the new normal.

It has been shown that growth under Trump's first two years has been better. We still have two years to go.

Please tell us exactly what Obama policies creates a climate where growth could occur.

Presidents don't create growth or jobs. Presidents can push for governmental policies and laws that create an atmosphere for economic growth.
He thwarted a depression with ARRA which restored some confidence and produced 7 years of growth under his watch.
Let's not forget how many times Obama blamed Bush whenever their was bad news. He was blaming Bush even in his eighth year!

The recession started 4th quarter of 2007 yet you assfucks blamed Obama.

Obama took office in the midst of the worst recession in 80 years, an economy SHRINKING at a rate over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, and you stupid fucking morons think it was not Bush's fault?
Yada yada yada, the recession occured mostly because the Dems forced the banks to give out shady loans to low income people they shouldn't have. Bush junior suffered a recession ear,y in his presidency as well, he brushed it off and led the country to a recovery.

But what about all the promises that Obama made before he took office about the shovel ready jobs, etc. Not one of his promises panned out. Face it, Obama was a massive failure both domestically and internationally, that's how the American people saw it and why his incumbent aka Hillary Clinton that everyone assumed would win suffered such a humiliating defeat in 2016.

You probably live in one of these Left coast bubble cities where everyone talks and thinks like you, and you think THAT must be how the rest of the country must think as well.

But it doesn't.

It's because of ignorant, out of
touch Leftist buffoons like you ,mthat Trump will cake-walk his way into a second term.

So a law passed in 1977 sat idle & then in 2007 it caused the worst recession in 80 years.

A law that forced no bank to loan money to people that could not show that they could make the payments.

Please don't compare the bust to the Bush Recession.

Actually, Obama has a good record of keeping promises. The ARRA did .fund about 60 billion in infrastructure spending. The ARRA did what it was designed to do according to the CBO.

I will agree with you that losing an election to such a con man piece of shit like Trump is humiliating, even with all the Russian help Trump got.

I live in the middle of Republican country & laugh at the way you people kiss Trump's ass.
Exactly, the reason we had the catastrophe called the Obama presidency is because of an aloof dufus called Bush, and the reason we have Trump today is because of that bowel movement called Hussein Obama.

Trump is basically reversing and / or fixing everything Obama the asshole touched, which would immediately turn to shit. Honestly, I don't think there's one think that there's one positive thing that Obama can be credited with. Race relations? Foreign policy? Economy? Business freindly, entrepreneurship encouraging regulatory environment? The country would not have survived had Hillary been elected. The country realized this and that's why we have Trump in office. And thanks to totally out of touch, ignorant radicals like you, we're going to get four more years of Trump. Deal with it.
So we have as racist bigoted asdfuck Tuimp because you bigoted rscist sassfucks did not like Obama.

I get it. Nothing new there.

Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trumpboy who trader our children's future to dupe a pack of dumbasses like you.

Our country would be doing great under Hillary,. Debt under control, world relations better, our environment protected, and not the lirs & embarrassment of a Trump.
"Obama's record on race, economy. foreign relations, environment, business is miles ahead of Trump..." :cuckoo:

You see, it's ignorant, delusional statements like that by brainwashed Leftcoast idiots like you that will cause Trump to waltz into a second term.
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.

We had higher taxes, more regulations, and proposed climate change measures, and etc, etc, before Trump became president and Obama still handed him a strong economy with 4.7% unemployment and shrinking.

Obama did NOTHING, to promote growth. Name one thing he did. He raised taxes had more regularions, proposed climate change measures all which stifled growth. His growth over 8 years was abysmal. In fact he told us all it was the new normal.

It has been shown that growth under Trump's first two years has been better. We still have two years to go.

Please tell us exactly what Obama policies creates a climate where growth could occur.

Presidents don't create growth or jobs. Presidents can push for governmental policies and laws that create an atmosphere for economic growth.
He thwarted a depression with ARRA which restored some confidence and produced 7 years of growth under his watch.
He farted is more like it. We were in "recovery mode" for eight years. Then he started with the taxes, choking regulations, fucking up our healthcare, race riots, etc. and let's not mention his catastrophic foreign policy including the Syrian genocide of over half a million people, mass migration of millions into Europe, Russian invasion of Crimea, North Korean belligerence, Russian election interference...all under Hussein Obama's watch.
Damn, could you redo that in English? I don't speak racist moron. Well jackass, if you want to just hand out loans to people who obviously can't afford the payments, how many are you willing to co-sign for? Come on, do it or you're RACIST! Hey dumbfuck, a white person with no ability to pay (like you) would be rejected too. Doesn't matter what color you are, if you can't afford the payments, DON'T TAKE OUT A HOME LOAN. Common sense. Which seems to be totally absent in people like you. I'll be sure to let you know how things are going when we get to the year 10995. Maybe by then you'll learn how to spell.

Quit lying.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court,

But you, being a total assfuck, deny this. Why is that? Why would to lie about banks discriminating against black people.

Modern-day redlining: How banks block people of color from homeownership

Or wait, are you so stupid that you are talking about the CRA?

The CRA said banks need to use a percent of their profits in their neighborhoods to help people buy homes. The banks would lower the interest rate or reduce the downpayment to help those who did not quite meet the standards. But the borrowers still had to prove they could make those lower payments. The CRA had nothing to do with race.

You lying jackasses have no clue about much of anything.

I can't type but at least I am not a dumbass racist like you.

So you admit to being a dumbass racist who won't co-sign those loans for those black people who want a home. Look you stupid fuck I'll type slowly so maybe you can understand. If you can't afford the payments, you get rejected . Period. Regardless of color, race, or whatever gender you're claiming to be today. If you can't afford the payments, don't get a loan you can't repay. Keep showing your complete and total ignorance and lack of education and common sense. Owning a home is not a right. Again, your race card has been rejected. Try a legitimate argument you racist.
Wow, I can't believe you had the nerve to call someone stupid.

You totally ignore where redlining was shown to discriminate & made illegal.

You are too fucking stupid to know that no one forced banks to make any loan to anyone who could not pay it back.

Since you have nothing to back up your claims other than your fat lying mouth, you can go fuck yourself.

AS for education, I put up mine alongside any of you assfucks.

Modern-day redlining: How banks block people of color from homeownership

Read it. Qyit being such an ignorant, uneducated fuck.

Damn you are an ignorant uneducated fuck aren't you you racist liar? Your "education"? Hahahahaha! Hey fuckwad, when the government FORCES you to make those loans under threat of fines and other legal action, that is coercion. So according to you it was WAAAACIST to foreclose on these people who predictably defaulted. Keep crying. You still lose. As usual. Your deflections and outright lies and racism show you to be an ignorant leftist.

The CRA was an incentive program. Banks were not forced to participate. Customer still had to show they could pay back the loans.

Redlining was proven ib a court of law to be racist.

All you have is your racist bullshit ignorance.

Sigh. Keep deflecting fake uneducated one. Banks were forced to give those loans and you know it. Now shut your racist pie hole.
You know what's going to happen. If Trump is defeated the Dems raise taxes, rebuild regulations, propose climate change measures etc, etc , then the economy goes into a recession as business pulls back. Then they blame Trump for the recession.

We had higher taxes, more regulations, and proposed climate change measures, and etc, etc, before Trump became president and Obama still handed him a strong economy with 4.7% unemployment and shrinking.

Obama did NOTHING, to promote growth. Name one thing he did. He raised taxes had more regularions, proposed climate change measures all which stifled growth. His growth over 8 years was abysmal. In fact he told us all it was the new normal.

It has been shown that growth under Trump's first two years has been better. We still have two years to go.

Please tell us exactly what Obama policies creates a climate where growth could occur.

Presidents don't create growth or jobs. Presidents can push for governmental policies and laws that create an atmosphere for economic growth.
He thwarted a depression with ARRA which restored some confidence and produced 7 years of growth under his watch.
He farted is more like it. We were in "recovery mode" for eight years. Then he started with the taxes, choking regulations, fucking up our healthcare, race riots, etc. and let's not mention his catastrophic foreign policy including the Syrian genocide of over half a million people, mass migration of millions into Europe, Russian invasion of Crimea, North Korean belligerence, Russian election interference...all under Hussein Obama's watch.
We were not in recovery mode for 8 years. You rightards are simply out of your fucking minds. :cuckoo:

In reality, GDP was back to pre-recession levels by 2010. The employment level was back to pre-recession levels by 2014. And the stock market was back to pre-recession levels by 2012.

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