Palestinian Flags Raised in US Capital as American Flags Burned

The FBI is still hunting down Jan 6 mom and pop demonstrators and sentencing them to five freaking years while anti-American mobs run wild and deface monuments and rip the American Flag down and burn it in the streets. Something ain't right.
Yeah, but mom and pop made some disparaging comments about queers and one of them was heard using the word “negro” and "kikeaboo".
So we have American Islamists, Islamists students, and brain dead Americans (mostly white women of course) siding with the Islamic world, and want to destroy the ONLY democracy in the Mideast. And the rest of us as usual sit back and let these pieces of shit do as they please!!

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A better thread title would be "Democrats burn American flags and replace them with Palestinian flags."

Every protester there votes blue. Every democrat hates America. The only difference is the amount of hate they hold for America and Americans.

The most anti American thing a person can do is cast a vote for democrats.

Democrats = traitors involved with the plot to intentionally collapse America and usher in the great reset.

Democrats = WEF

Palestinian Flags Raised in US Capital as American Flags Burned​

Raise 'em high, boys and don't forget to wipe your shoes on the yankee flag on your way up the steps! And for those of you who ate too much spicey kebab yesterday, we provide some ass wipe!
american flag 1.jpg
America should not be tolerating these mother fuckers for damaging public property!

Think there will be any of these pieces of shit arrested months, or even years later like the Jan 6th aholes?!!!!!!!!

Think any DA's will go after these people who deface or destroy property, with the same zeal that they have went after Jan 6th people?!!
Yep, try that in a small town it will not go well
A better thread title would be "Democrats burn American flags and replace them with Palestinian flags."

Every protester there votes blue. Every democrat hates America. The only difference is the amount of hate they hold for America and Americans.

The most anti American thing a person can do is cast a vote for democrats.

Democrats = traitors involved with the plot to intentionally collapse America and usher in the great reset.

Democrats = WEF

There is no doubt, all of these scum who are American citizens, will be voting for Kumalla Harris.

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