In Case You Haven't Been Paying Attention...CNN and MSNBC Thinks We're In For A Recession

It’s insane to me that people would welcome a recession just because it could threaten the presidents reelection. The best part about it is it’s country’s poorest people hoping for it when they’re always historically the hardest hit by it.
The Democrats wouldn't just welcome a recession......they'd throw a party. Recessions are opportunities to elitists to get rich as fuck. George Soros made $6,000,000,000.00 off of the Great Recession.
Soros is a professional their and financial pirate who's plan is to help Democrats destroy America from within, and as a result become the wealthiest most powerful man on this planet, by far. The Left will literally strike a deal with the devil, if it helps them gain votes and power. This isn't the first time Soros has attacked a country. Sad thing is the victims of Soros' deeds are usually the poor and helpless. Funny part is you have Democratic Socialists like Warren and Sanders bashing people like Soros publicly, but receiving millions from Soros behind the scenes.

Here's how George Soros broke the Bank of Thailand

How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen, Bet Against Bill Ackman

How Soros Broke the British Pound

The Man Who Broke the Bank of England, George Soros
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

Oh I though ECONOMIST were predicting a recession.
It’s insane to me that people would welcome a recession just because it could threaten the presidents reelection. The best part about it is it’s country’s poorest people hoping for it when they’re always historically the hardest hit by it.
The Democrats wouldn't just welcome a recession......they'd throw a party. Recessions are opportunities to elitists to get rich as fuck. George Soros made $6,000,000,000.00 off of the Great Recession.
Soros is a professional their and financial pirate who's plan is to help Democrats destroy America from within, and as a result become the wealthiest most powerful man on this planet, by far. The Left will literally strike a deal with the devil, if it helps them gain votes and power. This isn't the first time Soros has attacked a country. Sad thing is the victims of Soros' deeds are usually the poor and helpless. Funny part is you have Democratic Socialists like Warren and Sanders bashing people like Soros publicly, but receiving millions from Soros behind the scenes.

Here's how George Soros broke the Bank of Thailand

How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen, Bet Against Bill Ackman

How Soros Broke the British Pound

The Man Who Broke the Bank of England, George Soros
Soros is a member of a club that has members like Prince Charles, Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Tony Blaire, and Bill Gates. They can get away with murder, and they have.
CNN/MSNBC are DESPERATE for a recession.
Russia didn't work
Racism didn't work
Surely we can bring Trump down if we say the word "recession" a thousand times a day.
Guess who CNN dragged from under the rock he has been hiding under yesterday?
None other than Barney Frank.
That's right!
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.

How about you assfucks quit making excuses for the actions of the Republican party.

Jesus fuck. I can't believe you bring up the mortgage "scam".

like a good little racist fuck, you think it was OK for banks to discriminate against blacks. If they can prove their finances, then they deserve to own a home.

The housing bubble created by deregulatios & the Republican belief that corporations would not take actions that would lead to their demise.

Bush warned? Really? So why didn't he do something. He had both houses.

You assholes really need to become better informed or quit lying.

We're sorry boy, your race card has been rejected. Please attempt to come up with an actual argument. Like a good little uninformed troll you cry WAAAACIST because people should (the horror) be able to AFFORD the payments on the loans they take out. The housing bubble was caused by the DEMS mortgage scam. You really need to get shots for that terminal TDS. And an education so you quit lying in every post you make.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.
Dumbfuck, his name is Bush, not Clinton...

Bush Minority Homeownership Plan Rests Heavily on Fannie and Freddie

When President Bush announced his Minority Homeownership plans last week in Atlanta, his top priorities were new federal programs: a $2.4 billion tax credit to facilitate home purchases by lower-income first-time buyers, and a $200 million national downpayment grant fund.

But none of the new federal programs--if passed by Congress--will come even close to achieving the 5.5 million-household increase in minority homeownership the President set as his target.

Instead, most of the heavy lifting was assigned to two mortgage market players that have sometimes come under fire from Bush administration officials and Congressional Republicans: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Fannie's and Freddie's commitments are the bedrock core of the President's ambitious plans--but didn't get the headlines. Fannie Mae agreed to increase its already substantial lending efforts to minority families by targeting another $260 billion of mortgage purchases to them during the next nine years. Freddie Mac agreed to buy an additional $180 billion in minority-household home loans during the same period.

Besides its $180 billion mortgage purchase commitment, Freddie Mac gave President Bush a promise to implement a 25-point program aimed at increasing minority homeownership. Some of the points were cutting-edge. For example, as part of an effort to remove the fear of financial loss from first-time minority home buyers, Freddie committed itself to "explor(e) the viability of equity assurance products to protect home values in economically distressed areas."

Pressed for details on "equity assurance" by RealtyTimes, Freddie Mac vice president Craig S. Nickerson said the idea is still at an embryonic stage, but might involve limited guarantees or insurance coverage to protect buyers from the possibility of loss of their initial equity stakes should property values in their neighborhoods decline.

Hey dumbduck yellow COWARD, the name signing the bill was CLINTON not Bush. Now STFU and try another lame excuse like the yellow COWARD you are.
What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.

How about you assfucks quit making excuses for the actions of the Republican party.

Jesus fuck. I can't believe you bring up the mortgage "scam".

like a good little racist fuck, you think it was OK for banks to discriminate against blacks. If they can prove their finances, then they deserve to own a home.

The housing bubble created by deregulatios & the Republican belief that corporations would not take actions that would lead to their demise.

Bush warned? Really? So why didn't he do something. He had both houses.

You assholes really need to become better informed or quit lying.
The mortgage fiasco and Obamacare made many much poorer. Its going to tale a long time until we are even. The scales of justice on issues will be met one way or the other. Its not about street fights. Its just a matter of time. We would let your buddies detonate WMD's in your areas. And then we would laugh. It is so long overdue. The compassion of 9/11 is history. With all of the agenda the Prog candidates are touting it is like we just do not learn.
The mortgage fiasco was under Bush. Obama had to clean it up. Democrats passed legislation to prevent another & Republicans weakened it.

Obamacare did not make people poorer. You are just stupid.

Anyone who follows Trump is a full blown dumbasss.

Trump is arming the Middle East & you assfucks don't get it.
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Some economics expert you are.
What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.

How about you assfucks quit making excuses for the actions of the Republican party.

Jesus fuck. I can't believe you bring up the mortgage "scam".

like a good little racist fuck, you think it was OK for banks to discriminate against blacks. If they can prove their finances, then they deserve to own a home.

The housing bubble created by deregulatios & the Republican belief that corporations would not take actions that would lead to their demise.

Bush warned? Really? So why didn't he do something. He had both houses.

You assholes really need to become better informed or quit lying.

We're sorry boy, your race card has been rejected. Please attempt to come up with an actual argument. Like a good little uninformed troll you cry WAAAACIST because people should (the horror) be able to AFFORD the payments on the loans they take out. The housing bubble was caused by the DEMS mortgage scam. You really need to get shots for that terminal TDS. And an education so you quit lying in every post you make.

When the shoe fits.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court. Whrn a blsvk familoy is rejected & a whioye family with the same finsncials scepted, it is racist.

Your supporting redlining is proof you are a racist. A stupid, ignorant racist..

Republicas had basically run Congress since the beginning of 10995, so explasin how the Democrasts did it.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.

How about you assfucks quit making excuses for the actions of the Republican party.

Jesus fuck. I can't believe you bring up the mortgage "scam".

like a good little racist fuck, you think it was OK for banks to discriminate against blacks. If they can prove their finances, then they deserve to own a home.

The housing bubble created by deregulatios & the Republican belief that corporations would not take actions that would lead to their demise.

Bush warned? Really? So why didn't he do something. He had both houses.

You assholes really need to become better informed or quit lying.

We're sorry boy, your race card has been rejected. Please attempt to come up with an actual argument. Like a good little uninformed troll you cry WAAAACIST because people should (the horror) be able to AFFORD the payments on the loans they take out. The housing bubble was caused by the DEMS mortgage scam. You really need to get shots for that terminal TDS. And an education so you quit lying in every post you make.

When the shoe fits.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court. Whrn a blsvk familoy is rejected & a whioye family with the same finsncials scepted, it is racist.

Your supporting redlining is proof you are a racist. A stupid, ignorant racist..

Republicas had basically run Congress since the beginning of 10995, so explasin how the Democrasts did it.

Damn, could you redo that in English? I don't speak racist moron. Well jackass, if you want to just hand out loans to people who obviously can't afford the payments, how many are you willing to co-sign for? Come on, do it or you're RACIST! Hey dumbfuck, a white person with no ability to pay (like you) would be rejected too. Doesn't matter what color you are, if you can't afford the payments, DON'T TAKE OUT A HOME LOAN. Common sense. Which seems to be totally absent in people like you. I'll be sure to let you know how things are going when we get to the year 10995. Maybe by then you'll learn how to spell.
Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.

How about you assfucks quit making excuses for the actions of the Republican party.

Jesus fuck. I can't believe you bring up the mortgage "scam".

like a good little racist fuck, you think it was OK for banks to discriminate against blacks. If they can prove their finances, then they deserve to own a home.

The housing bubble created by deregulatios & the Republican belief that corporations would not take actions that would lead to their demise.

Bush warned? Really? So why didn't he do something. He had both houses.

You assholes really need to become better informed or quit lying.

We're sorry boy, your race card has been rejected. Please attempt to come up with an actual argument. Like a good little uninformed troll you cry WAAAACIST because people should (the horror) be able to AFFORD the payments on the loans they take out. The housing bubble was caused by the DEMS mortgage scam. You really need to get shots for that terminal TDS. And an education so you quit lying in every post you make.

When the shoe fits.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court. Whrn a blsvk familoy is rejected & a whioye family with the same finsncials scepted, it is racist.

Your supporting redlining is proof you are a racist. A stupid, ignorant racist..

Republicas had basically run Congress since the beginning of 10995, so explasin how the Democrasts did it.

Damn, could you redo that in English? I don't speak racist moron. Well jackass, if you want to just hand out loans to people who obviously can't afford the payments, how many are you willing to co-sign for? Come on, do it or you're RACIST! Hey dumbfuck, a white person with no ability to pay (like you) would be rejected too. Doesn't matter what color you are, if you can't afford the payments, DON'T TAKE OUT A HOME LOAN. Common sense. Which seems to be totally absent in people like you. I'll be sure to let you know how things are going when we get to the year 10995. Maybe by then you'll learn how to spell.

Quit lying.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court,

But you, being a total assfuck, deny this. Why is that? Why would to lie about banks discriminating against black people.

Modern-day redlining: How banks block people of color from homeownership

Or wait, are you so stupid that you are talking about the CRA?

The CRA said banks need to use a percent of their profits in their neighborhoods to help people buy homes. The banks would lower the interest rate or reduce the downpayment to help those who did not quite meet the standards. But the borrowers still had to prove they could make those lower payments. The CRA had nothing to do with race.

You lying jackasses have no clue about much of anything.

I can't type but at least I am not a dumbass racist like you.
It’s insane to me that people would welcome a recession just because it could threaten the presidents reelection. The best part about it is it’s country’s poorest people hoping for it when they’re always historically the hardest hit by it.
The Democrats wouldn't just welcome a recession......they'd throw a party. Recessions are opportunities to elitists to get rich as fuck. George Soros made $6,000,000,000.00 off of the Great Recession.
Soros is a professional their and financial pirate who's plan is to help Democrats destroy America from within, and as a result become the wealthiest most powerful man on this planet, by far. The Left will literally strike a deal with the devil, if it helps them gain votes and power. This isn't the first time Soros has attacked a country. Sad thing is the victims of Soros' deeds are usually the poor and helpless. Funny part is you have Democratic Socialists like Warren and Sanders bashing people like Soros publicly, but receiving millions from Soros behind the scenes.

Here's how George Soros broke the Bank of Thailand

How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen, Bet Against Bill Ackman

How Soros Broke the British Pound

The Man Who Broke the Bank of England, George Soros
Soros is a member of a club that has members like Prince Charles, Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Tony Blaire, and Bill Gates. They can get away with murder, and they have.
But no one can get away with raping 13 year old girls like Trump
It’s insane to me that people would welcome a recession just because it could threaten the presidents reelection. The best part about it is it’s country’s poorest people hoping for it when they’re always historically the hardest hit by it.
The Democrats wouldn't just welcome a recession......they'd throw a party. Recessions are opportunities to elitists to get rich as fuck. George Soros made $6,000,000,000.00 off of the Great Recession.
Soros is a professional their and financial pirate who's plan is to help Democrats destroy America from within, and as a result become the wealthiest most powerful man on this planet, by far. The Left will literally strike a deal with the devil, if it helps them gain votes and power. This isn't the first time Soros has attacked a country. Sad thing is the victims of Soros' deeds are usually the poor and helpless. Funny part is you have Democratic Socialists like Warren and Sanders bashing people like Soros publicly, but receiving millions from Soros behind the scenes.

Here's how George Soros broke the Bank of Thailand

How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen, Bet Against Bill Ackman

How Soros Broke the British Pound

The Man Who Broke the Bank of England, George Soros
Soros is a member of a club that has members like Prince Charles, Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Tony Blaire, and Bill Gates. They can get away with murder, and they have.
But no one can get away with raping 13 year old girls like Trump
You’re confused... You’re thinking of slick willy
Sounds like CNN and MSNBC are running out of options when they're down to racism and recession to attack the President.
Sounds like CNN and MSNBC are running out of options when they're down to racism and recession to attack the President.
Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.

How about you assfucks quit making excuses for the actions of the Republican party.

Jesus fuck. I can't believe you bring up the mortgage "scam".

like a good little racist fuck, you think it was OK for banks to discriminate against blacks. If they can prove their finances, then they deserve to own a home.

The housing bubble created by deregulatios & the Republican belief that corporations would not take actions that would lead to their demise.

Bush warned? Really? So why didn't he do something. He had both houses.

You assholes really need to become better informed or quit lying.

We're sorry boy, your race card has been rejected. Please attempt to come up with an actual argument. Like a good little uninformed troll you cry WAAAACIST because people should (the horror) be able to AFFORD the payments on the loans they take out. The housing bubble was caused by the DEMS mortgage scam. You really need to get shots for that terminal TDS. And an education so you quit lying in every post you make.

When the shoe fits.

Redlining was proven to be racist in court. Whrn a blsvk familoy is rejected & a whioye family with the same finsncials scepted, it is racist.

Your supporting redlining is proof you are a racist. A stupid, ignorant racist..

Republicas had basically run Congress since the beginning of 10995, so explasin how the Democrasts did it.
Dude learn to spell. Or are you typing so fast you can't correct typos?
It’s insane to me that people would welcome a recession just because it could threaten the presidents reelection. The best part about it is it’s country’s poorest people hoping for it when they’re always historically the hardest hit by it.
The Democrats wouldn't just welcome a recession......they'd throw a party. Recessions are opportunities to elitists to get rich as fuck. George Soros made $6,000,000,000.00 off of the Great Recession.
Soros is a professional their and financial pirate who's plan is to help Democrats destroy America from within, and as a result become the wealthiest most powerful man on this planet, by far. The Left will literally strike a deal with the devil, if it helps them gain votes and power. This isn't the first time Soros has attacked a country. Sad thing is the victims of Soros' deeds are usually the poor and helpless. Funny part is you have Democratic Socialists like Warren and Sanders bashing people like Soros publicly, but receiving millions from Soros behind the scenes.

Here's how George Soros broke the Bank of Thailand

How George Soros Made $4B In 2013: Short The Yen, Bet Against Bill Ackman

How Soros Broke the British Pound

The Man Who Broke the Bank of England, George Soros
Soros is a member of a club that has members like Prince Charles, Bush 41, Bill Clinton, Tony Blaire, and Bill Gates. They can get away with murder, and they have.
But no one can get away with raping 13 year old girls like Trump
You don't win arguments with slander.

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