In Case You Haven't Been Paying Attention...CNN and MSNBC Thinks We're In For A Recession

Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
You don't have to listen to them. You can listen to the Fed's actions, or the trading on wall street, or the global indicators. It appears a recession is coming, which shouldn't surprise anyone,, after 11 years of growth.
Did you miss the largest drop in stock market history this past week and why it happened?

It causes me great pain to resist insulting people when they repeat things like this, but you are aware that an 800 point drop in a market that is currently at 26K points is a sneeze right?

The market lost 1/3 of it's value immediately following 9/11. It recovered in a few years under piss poor stewardship of GWB.

Stocks erased all their gains from Tuesday’s rally — the biggest on a presidential Election Day in 24 years — as investors banked their profits and dealt with another round of bleak economic news, this time about businesses that compose nearly 90 percent of the economy.

The Dow Jones industrial average tumbled 486.01 points on Wednesday after a daylong sell-off accelerated in the final hour, sending the index to 9,139.27
Markets Fall Sharply, Erasing Election Day Gains

The day your moonbat messiah became president elect the market lost significantly more value than what you claim is "the largest drop in history". If you were Deanturd or Pinheadlope I could not possibly be this nice, but I want to encourage you to THINK about things before you post them, unlike those two complete imbeciles. I believe you have the capacity to think, I know they don't.

Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
You don't have to listen to them. You can listen to the Fed's actions, or the trading on wall street, or the global indicators. It appears a recession is coming, which shouldn't surprise anyone,, after 11 years of growth.
Don't you mean 8 years of stagnation followed by 3 years of growth?
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
You don't have to listen to them. You can listen to the Fed's actions, or the trading on wall street, or the global indicators. It appears a recession is coming, which shouldn't surprise anyone,, after 11 years of growth.
CEA's Kevin Hassett discusses the economy
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
You don't have to listen to them. You can listen to the Fed's actions, or the trading on wall street, or the global indicators. It appears a recession is coming, which shouldn't surprise anyone,, after 11 years of growth.
CEA's Kevin Hassett discusses the economy
It's probably better to get your info from independent sources, not Trump shills.
Don't you mean 8 years of stagnation followed by 3 years of growth?
Sure, whatever. But a recession will probably happen.
At least you really hope it happens.
Better yet, let's all close our eyes.....cross our fingers, click our heels 3 times and say "There's no place like home......there's no place like home.....there's no place like home" your eyes and Obama is still president......and you'll have your fucking recession!!!!
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

With 100% certainty I can say this..there will be another recession. Its just economics. With 90% certainty I can say within 24 months of a recession I will have made money from it.
A stopped clock and liberals...they appear right very occasionally. But not at this moment.

Correct there no such thing as a straight growth vector. In fact sometimes a recession is a sign of a pending growth spurt. It has much less to do with the white house than it does with the fed and the
Commercial sector. I said the same thing when Obama was in office



Recessions can be delayed, sort of, at the cost of making them deeper and more severe when they finally come. They can never be avoided.
Recoveries can be delayed and lengthened by government programs.
Look at Japan
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.
Bush & the Republicans caused it. Running up the debt, deregulation, unfunded spending, coddling Wall Street,.

Quit lying & pretending it was the Democrats.

YOUR fucking party basically ran congress 1995 thru 2006. A Republican President for 6 of those years.

Man the tuck up.

YOUR party basically ran Congress from 2011 through 2018. Two with a Republican President.

MAN the fuck up.
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Caused by Republican deregulation.

Wait, if only Clinton had not balanced the budget.....
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue

This is 100% bullshit.

Bush wanted to put Fannie & Freddy under Whjite House control.

His own fucking party said no.
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Caused by Republican deregulation.

Wait, if only Clinton had not balanced the budget.....

Balancing the budget and the internet explosion was a perfect combination. I sure wish we could come up with another great discovery.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

With 100% certainty I can say this..there will be another recession. Its just economics. With 90% certainty I can say within 24 months of a recession I will have made money from it.
A stopped clock and liberals...they appear right very occasionally. But not at this moment.

Correct there no such thing as a straight growth vector. In fact sometimes a recession is a sign of a pending growth spurt. It has much less to do with the white house than it does with the fed and the
Commercial sector. I said the same thing when Obama was in office



Recessions can be delayed, sort of, at the cost of making them deeper and more severe when they finally come. They can never be avoided.
Recoveries can be delayed and lengthened by government programs.
Look at Japan
Well I think we're up shit creek, cuz CNN said we would be in another depression if Trump was elected and it's been delayed till at least 2021.
Russia, Russia, Russia ! = didn't work.

Trump supporters are Nazis ! = didn't work.

The economy is crashing !
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

With 100% certainty I can say this..there will be another recession. Its just economics. With 90% certainty I can say within 24 months of a recession I will have made money from it.
A stopped clock and liberals...they appear right very occasionally. But not at this moment.

Correct there no such thing as a straight growth vector. In fact sometimes a recession is a sign of a pending growth spurt. It has much less to do with the white house than it does with the fed and the
Commercial sector. I said the same thing when Obama was in office



Recessions can be delayed, sort of, at the cost of making them deeper and more severe when they finally come. They can never be avoided.
Recoveries can be delayed and lengthened by government programs.
Look at Japan
Well I think we're up shit creek, cuz CNN said we would be in another depression if Trump was elected and it's been delayed till at least 2021.
Actually, they said by 2021.

Is there anything you don't lie about?
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here.

How about you assfucks quit making excuses for the actions of the Republican party.

Jesus fuck. I can't believe you bring up the mortgage "scam".

like a good little racist fuck, you think it was OK for banks to discriminate against blacks. If they can prove their finances, then they deserve to own a home.

The housing bubble created by deregulatios & the Republican belief that corporations would not take actions that would lead to their demise.

Bush warned? Really? So why didn't he do something. He had both houses.

You assholes really need to become better informed or quit lying.
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

Two unfunded quagmire wars

Two unfuned unnecessary Tax Cuts

Large unfunded expansion to Medicare

Try to take control of Fannie & Freddie from Congress

All actions that your hero George W Bush & the Republicans did to foment the Bush recession.

Quit your fucking lying.

Just shut up you uninformed lying leftist. The dot com bubble burst on Clinton on his way out. Conveniently for you idiots Bush had to take the brunt of that. The DEMS mortgage scam (blacks have a RIGHT to own a home you know) was directly responsible for the housing bubble bursting (which Bush warned you idiots was coming but you laughed until he was proven right). Your childish screaming and stamping your feet doesn't change that. Now STFU. You're just embarrassing yourself here. I'm not a leftist or a liar...........well sometimes I embellish a little but that's only happened a time or two.

Okay - there was this one time but no one was hurt....that bad and he did have healthcare so everything worked out.

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