In Case You Haven't Been Paying Attention...CNN and MSNBC Thinks We're In For A Recession

Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.
Government solves all problems for the right wing. The time Your guy shut down the government, it almost caused a recession.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA oh me achin ribs
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

What an un-Spock thing to say. At some point reality is going to have to creep into these conversations. If you want to believe its solely the democrats that have the power to create recessions then I am happy to respect your position but I think that will end all discussion because you've drawn a line in the sand and aren't interested in open discussion.
I guess you have a problem with reading comprehension then.
Didn't I say that Bush had a hand in it thru his neglect?

Bush was a Republican was he not?

No, I don't have a reading comprehension problem. I took into account your other comments which were very derogatory towards democrats. I certainly understand the frustration on some of their policy issues and I clash also with a number of them myself but it's difficult to take 10% of the conversation at full face value when the other 90% is primarily insults and attacks.

This was an excellent topic and I was pleased to see someone had posted it. Then i read your leading comment and was totally put off but still tried to approach it with my genuine perspective minus the personal or political attacks.

I'm starting to realize why I signed up 2 years ago but only just started participating. I must have seen the constant bickering and attacks and decided I wasn't interested in contributing to the dysfunction.
Well, you seem to be a rational person, but this is often a place filled with irrational posters. My suggestion is re-read the post you originally responded to and maybe you will see a totally different context,....which was my intent.
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along

Care to expand beyond "funny", Care? I'll crucify you Ms Last Week's Stock Fall Was Worst In History. LOL

First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Who ignored it?

His Republican lead House and his Republican lead Senate? :rolleyes:
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Who ignored it?

His Republican lead House and his Republican lead Senate? :rolleyes:

Yep...yer an amateur. Really, clueless and toeing the party line and spewing the same tired shit is no way to go through life

You've embarrassed yourself twice today. Bow out before you do again

Educate yourself....

Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

The problem with your post and what stopped me from reading further is the simple fact that neither CNN or MSNBC think at all.
All they do is blow smoke out of their asses and spread bullshit.
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along

Care to expand beyond "funny", Care? I'll crucify you Ms Last Week's Stock Fall Was Worst In History. LOL

I WAS WRONG on the 800 being the largest single day drop...

That was in 2018 under Trump, 1600 drop

I funnied your comment on the 2007/8 great recession that you claimed came from Bush's predecessor 8 years earlier! That, was funny.... in the ridiculous sense!!!
First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along

Care to expand beyond "funny", Care? I'll crucify you Ms Last Week's Stock Fall Was Worst In History. LOL

I WAS WRONG on the 800 being the largest single day drop...

That was in 2018 under Trump, 1600 drop

I funnier you comment on the 2007/8 great recession that you claimed came from his predecessor 8 years earlier! That, was funny.... in the ridiculous sense!!!

You're a clueless clown...that is all...other than I've forgotten more on economics than you'll ever learn.

First, I'm hoping we are not heading for a severe recession.

But based on historical data its certainly a possibility. There are several actions that our leaders could do (or not do) to help tamp down the human interference. I would first recommend getting the heck off twitter and stop calling for the fed to reduce rates. It reeks of panic.

Recessions are normal and actually can be healthy for the economy. It's like getting a haircut. It grows back stronger and longer.
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Who ignored it?

His Republican lead House and his Republican lead Senate? :rolleyes:
This is old ground we are covering now.
Bill Clinton and Glass - Steagall:

Some commentators have stated that the GLBA's repeal of the affiliation restrictions of the Glass–Steagall Act was an important cause of the financial crisis of 2007–2008. Nobel Prize in Economics laureate Joseph Stiglitz argued that the effect of the repeal was "indirect": "[w]hen repeal of Glass-Steagall brought investment and commercial banks together, the investment-bank culture came out on top".[10][11] Economists at the Federal Reserve, such as Chairman Ben Bernanke, have argued that the activities linked to the financial crisis were not prohibited (or, in most cases, even regulated) by the Glass–Steagall Act.[12][13][14] Glass–Steagall legislation - Wikipedia

But what really got the ball rolling was the movement in congress to make sure blacks became homeowners. They relaxed requirements for qualifying because of poor credit. People started moving into homes they couldn't afford, and when all of these loans switched from fixed to adjustable rates they walked and defaulted on their loans.​
To cause a recession Trump would have to cooperate with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Bush let it happen. I don't think Trump will.

The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Who ignored it?

His Republican lead House and his Republican lead Senate? :rolleyes:

Yep...yer an amateur. Really, clueless and toeing the party line and spewing the same tired shit is no way to go through life

You've embarrassed yourself twice today. Bow out before you do again

Educate yourself....

Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI
Interesting fluff piece that completely ignored the bubble and causes of the bubble.
The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Who ignored it?

His Republican lead House and his Republican lead Senate? :rolleyes:

Yep...yer an amateur. Really, clueless and toeing the party line and spewing the same tired shit is no way to go through life

You've embarrassed yourself twice today. Bow out before you do again

Educate yourself....

Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI
Interesting fluff piece that completely ignored the bubble and causes of the bubble.
I think is focused on issues that were blamed for that were false.
Did you miss the largest drop in stock market history this past week and why it happened?
The market has already bought back the entire drop. Nice little shake out to get the scared money out and buy up their positions. The power of the media is ridiculous anymore. But I’m sorry but I’m going to trust the market over the clueless agenda driven media. There’s a worry about negative yield bonds and that much I’ll concede but the fundamentals are strong and there’s nothing to indicate otherwise. Eventually that bond market is gojng to become a problem but when foreign bonds are yielding negative of course flight to US bonds increases. Not every yield curve inversion has led to a recession and certainly not one that corrected itself literslly the NEXT DAY.
It’s insane to me that people would welcome a recession just because it could threaten the presidents reelection. The best part about it is it’s country’s poorest people hoping for it when they’re always historically the hardest hit by it.
Don't listen to them. These are the same A'holes that pushed Russian Collusion on us for over 2 years. They're hoping to convince enough people that we're headed for a recession so that they can counter the good Trump economy and make it a negative.

The Democrats have alot of chaos in store for us when it comes to the economy. They could care less if we lose our jobs. They screwed up the economy before, and if it means getting one of their candidates back in the WH they'll do it. But it takes alot of events to happen for them to screw up a strong economy. The first thing they have to destroy is consumer confidence. As long as we're still purchasing, the economy will keep rolling. So the Democrats and their corrupt media have to keep talking about Inverted Curves and other financial stuff that most people don't understand until they all start cutting back on everything. That's how you cause a recession.

Pedophile Bill Maher is talking about wanting a recession. Like Maxine Waters, he's tipping off what they're up to because he has a big mouth and doesn't know how to keep it shut. But bigmouths are good for this conspiracy because the more people talk about a recession the more real it becomes.

This is how the Democrats destroyed the economy beginning in 2007. They blamed the poor economy on Bush, but it was really just Democrats talking down the economy along with reckless actions by congress and banks that led to "The worst economy since the Great Depression". Cheap credit....lax governmental regulations. Hedge-funders betting on a crashing economy.

Bottom line: Don't believe a word the media says without verification. Reliable verification. Not snopes, or Not Drudge Report.....nothing.

With 100% certainty I can say this..there will be another recession. Its just economics. With 90% certainty I can say within 24 months of a recession I will have made money from it.
A stopped clock and liberals...they appear right very occasionally. But not at this moment.

Correct there no such thing as a straight growth vector. In fact sometimes a recession is a sign of a pending growth spurt. It has much less to do with the white house than it does with the fed and the
Commercial sector. I said the same thing when Obama was in office


They WANT a recession.

These dickheads better hope Trump wins again.

If some boring Dimm wins POTUS, their ratings will drop even more!

We can survive another recession, we did after Bush Jr and after Reagan, but we will never survive another 4 years of tramp.
Who's we? You and those voices in your head? Surely you aren't proposing that your radical ideology is in line with mainstream public opinion.
MSDNC and CNN are saying a recession is coming because they ARE HOPING for one. Same as Maher, they know it's their only hope of getting Trump out of office.

Sad when a party has to hope for bad news for the country to get elected.

Major things missing from this "recession":

1. Record low unemployment
2. Record retail sales
3. Stock market maintaining record levels with comebacks from every downturn.
4. 7 million people off of food stamps

Our economy is so strong it can weather a trade war easily. Obama's economy was so bad and so fragile if Obama sneezed 3 times in a row it would drop 600pts and take a year to recover.

Think of it this way...

When people are optimistic about the future, money moves around.

During the entire 8 years of the meat puppet faggot, do you recall any time he was up beat, pointing to good indicators and celebrating prosperity?

Fuck no, at least I don't I recall him saying anything worth hearing. He babbled about the decline being a fact of life we had to get used too. Before his ass came along we had the highest GDP, the next thing you know the chi-coms are kicking our ass.

I've pointed it out elsewhere, but Trump had an interview with Larry King years ago where he asserted democrooks were better stewards of the economy, and compared to Bushes they probably are. Trump did bring in some heavyweight democrook bankers in his admin so it's not like he didn't stick to that and has "liberals" with some influence advising or working with him as he manages whatever part of the economy presidents actually manage.

I'm confident that if a recession does come along, Trump will pull whatever strings he has to end it quickly. The marxist sociopaths in the DNC as it is now seem hell bent against common Americans increasing their standard of living and household wealth. Democrook billionaire donors where the only people who got richer when obozo was in office.

Exactly! How easily did people forget that Trump became public enemy no. 1 only and only after he switched from D to R.
It’s insane to me that people would welcome a recession just because it could threaten the presidents reelection. The best part about it is it’s country’s poorest people hoping for it when they’re always historically the hardest hit by it.
The Democrats wouldn't just welcome a recession......they'd throw a party. Recessions are opportunities to elitists to get rich as fuck. George Soros made $6,000,000,000.00 off of the Great Recession.
The causes of the "Bush Recession" were in place before Bush came along
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Who ignored it?

His Republican lead House and his Republican lead Senate? :rolleyes:

Yep...yer an amateur. Really, clueless and toeing the party line and spewing the same tired shit is no way to go through life

You've embarrassed yourself twice today. Bow out before you do again

Educate yourself....

Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI
Interesting fluff piece that completely ignored the bubble and causes of the bubble.

What caused the bubble? Lol keep digging that hole you're in, amauter.
Yep. Bush focused on the Iraq war and allowed the recession to happen.

He told Glenn Beck once that he was just occupying the Oval Office. He knew of a Global Establishment that was running things and that he was powerless to stop it. Trump appeared to be working against it.

BTW, if they can kill Epstein they can kill anyone......including the president.

Bush warned them housing was going to implode... they ignored it. This is common knowledge.

But he should have forced the issue
Who ignored it?

His Republican lead House and his Republican lead Senate? :rolleyes:

Yep...yer an amateur. Really, clueless and toeing the party line and spewing the same tired shit is no way to go through life

You've embarrassed yourself twice today. Bow out before you do again

Educate yourself....

Obama didn't end the Great Recession that Bush didn't cause - AEI
Interesting fluff piece that completely ignored the bubble and causes of the bubble.

What caused the bubble? Lol keep digging that hole you're in, amauter.
Artificially cheap, excessive amounts of money being misallocated. The same thing that happens every time they make money that cheap.
A vacuous parasitic drone said:
Something incredibly stupid, even for her
Who's we? You and those voices in your head? Surely you aren't proposing that your radical ideology is in line with mainstream public opinion.

When it comes to stupid, count on pinheadlope to lower the bar just a little each day. As it is she has punched through the mantle of the earth and is about to make a hole in Khtulu's roof.


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