in chief — but tells Democrats who complain to leave the country

As a candidate he campaigned almost exclusively on grievance in 2016, asserting just before he ran that the country “is a hellhole. We are going down fast.”

He argued that U.S. presidents were “stupid leaders” who made the “stupidest” deals and started stupid wars led by generals who were “reduced to rubble.” Federal judges were “very unfair” and “a disgrace.” The United States, he said, is a “laughingstock all over the world.”

American cities were “war zones,” even as crime fell to near-record lows. The heartland was no better — littered with “rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation,” as he declared in an inaugural address that famously decried what he called “American carnage.”

Trump has made clear he will campaign aggressively for reelection on the “love-it-or-leave-it” theme, a nativist slogan popularized during the anti-communist witch hunts of the 1950s, and then against anti-war protesters and other activists in the social and political turmoil of the 1960s.

Trump is the complainer in chief — but tells Democrats who complain to leave the country

Making America great again was his slogan, when did America stop being great?

How is it that when he criticizes America he is being patriotic, but anyone he doesn't like that criticizes America is being anti American.

Please explain.
America became less than great when illegals poured in.

So you are saying it when down hill when the Pilgrims arrived.
No the stupid ones from south of the border.
Again why is it that when Trump was criticizing America he wasn't being anti-American, but when someone with opposing views criticizes things happening in America they are considered as anti-American. Can a Trump Humper explain that?
Hmmm, answer the question? MAWA.

By returning to a healthy economy and confronting the real issues of the day (immigration, budget and others) Trump is making American better for every citizen.

He was given a healthy economy, he has only maintained it.

The division and corruption of the Democrats certainly is not a move toward a return to greatness.

The Republican Party is a joke and can NEVER again claim to be morally or ethically on the high ground.

By the way, I answered because you obviously can't comprehend what is going on around you without help.

It is pretty obvious by this dumb ass post that you are the one that doesn't comprehend what is going on.

Go ahead, show us Obama's economy was healthy compared to today. Pretty easy to beat Democrats on moral high ground, not saying by a lot, but its there. Just babbling with factual support I see. Nice troll, sit troll, stay troll.




Pretty funny how you give Obama credit for the longest economic recovery in US history and one of the deepest. Of course it grew in percentage terms, he made it so bad to begin with.
He just showed you and you still come back making a complete horses ass of yourself.
Again why is it that when Trump was criticizing America he wasn't being anti-American, but when someone with opposing views criticizes things happening in America they are considered as anti-American. Can a Trump Humper explain that?

Easy. Trump is pro-American, the others in the main are anti-American. Not because they criticize Trump, but because of the damage they have done to the nation, and their now-obvious adoption of Communism, which is diametrically opposed to American thought.

Also, he does not criticize the country, only the bad apples.
Again why is it that when Trump was criticizing America he wasn't being anti-American, but when someone with opposing views criticizes things happening in America they are considered as anti-American. Can a Trump Humper explain that?

Easy. Trump is pro-American, the others in the main are anti-American.

Is that why he had 5 deferments.

Not because they criticize Trump, but because of the damage they have done to the nation, and their now-obvious adoption of Communism, which is diametrically opposed to American thought.

What damage have they done to our nation?

Also, he does not criticize the country, only the bad apples.

So claiming America wasn't great anymore is not criticizing our country. The hits just keep on coming. Smfh.
Again why is it that when Trump was criticizing America he wasn't being anti-American, but when someone with opposing views criticizes things happening in America they are considered as anti-American. Can a Trump Humper explain that?

Easy. Trump is pro-American, the others in the main are anti-American.

Is that why he had 5 deferments.

He served in the same unit as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

BK - Not because they criticize Trump, but because of the damage they have done to the nation, and their now-obvious adoption of Communism, which is diametrically opposed to American thought.

What damage have they done to our nation?

Slavery, Jim Crow, 2nd Amendment restrictions, designating unconstitutional protected classes, destruction of the public school system, financing terror organizations, destruction of the family unit, encouraging social and moral dysfunction, encouraging racial separatism, victimhood, group grievance and dependency on government, importing a foreign voting bloc to shore up their diminishing numbers, foisting globalist nonsense over national sovereignty.

Just for starters.

BK - Also, he does not criticize the country, only the bad apples.

So claiming America wasn't great anymore is not criticizing our country.

Nope. Merely pointing out the decrepit state the Democrats had put the country in.

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