In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
What I am going to say will not be well received by anybody, right or left. But I am going to say it any because I think it should be said. We could do far, far worse selecting a GOP presidential nominee than Mike Pence. He is a conservative politician with an admirable political history, including being the governor of Indiana and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Sure, there will be the detractors. The Trump supporters will throw Pence under the bus because he refused to certify electors. The left hates Pence because he opposes murdering babies.

Mike Pence served 4 long years as VP to Trump. During that time he was a soldier for Trump and his agenda. He had to endure a constantly changing staff, Don's late night Twitter sessions, McDonald's wrappers on the floor in the Oval Office, and probably Don Leering at his wife. But hey, I get it. I voted for Trump both times. I love Trump. He is my kind of guy. However, I differ from him in that I am an ideological conservative while he is a populist. There is nothing wrong with populism per se. I am not crazy about it because without a clear understanding of what you are voting for, and the ability of a populist to sway with the breeze, I feel that there is less accountability with populists. Moreover, my conservatism requires adherence to the constitution as our primary guiding principle as opposed to situational ethics. But I digress.

Through all the funny jokes about grabbing pussy and tales of fucking smoking how whoowahs (which Pence finds offensive and degrading), Pence remained a dutiful and loyal soldier. he defended Trump and advocated his policies. Plus, he did it within the parameters of his own tolerances rather than becoming a mini-Trump. A mini-Trump is a schmuck. There can only be one man who can pull off being Trump.

Clearly and lawfully, Pence made the correct decision not to reject electors and send us into the constitutional twilight zone. Even to this day he does not speak ill of Trump, though he will levy a critique of him. And so what? Every president can be, and will be, subject to critical analysis. See, Don is the kind of man you don't want your daughter to hang around, while Pence is the father tells his daughter not to hang around someone like Trump. Again, I love the man (Trump), and I love much of what he did in office. But I think we can really do better. While my current choice for 2024 is DeSantis, as between Trump and Pence.... I think I would have to go with Pence. Pence is a reasonable, pragmatic man who abides by a strong moral code. He is a decent and humble man. He demonstrated his iron character by standing by Trump for 4 years. I don't think anyone else did that except for Kellyanne Conway (who probably would do anything to stay away from that stupid bastard hubby of hers). Pence will thoughtfully consider every position he takes, and will not send boys into way without a thorough and agonizing battle with his conscience. He will also pursue a strong policy of prosperity through capitalism and energy growth, putting a stop to the idiotic leftist "green deal" bullshit.

If Trump is nominated again, of course I will vote for him. The alternative is just too fucking disgusting. Democrats have nowhere near to the moral fortitude to serve in any position of power, let alone the presidency and legislature. Pence has the understanding that the mechanisms of government belong to the People and that politicians hold their positions in what should be a quasi-fiduciary capacity to the People. There is not a Democrat alive today that believes this. They believe that they must be a great person and a leader since they were elected, and therefore, they are deserving of all the trappings and spoils of power. There are a lot of GOP who feel the same way. I trust Pence to do the right thing morally. There are not many politicians in the world you can say that about.

What I am going to say will not be well received by anybody, right or left. But I am going to say it any because I think it should be said. We could do far, far worse selecting a GOP presidential nominee than Mike Pence. He is a conservative politician with an admirable political history, including being the governor of Indiana and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Sure, there will be the detractors. The Trump supporters will throw Pence under the bus because he refused to certify electors. The left hates Pence because he opposes murdering babies.

Mike Pence served 4 long years as VP to Trump. During that time he was a soldier for Trump and his agenda. He had to endure a constantly changing staff, Don's late night Twitter sessions, McDonald's wrappers on the floor in the Oval Office, and probably Don Leering at his wife. But hey, I get it. I voted for Trump both times. I love Trump. He is my kind of guy. However, I differ from him in that I am an ideological conservative while he is a populist. There is nothing wrong with populism per se. I am not crazy about it because without a clear understanding of what you are voting for, and the ability of a populist to sway with the breeze, I feel that there is less accountability with populists. Moreover, my conservatism requires adherence to the constitution as our primary guiding principle as opposed to situational ethics. But I digress.

Through all the funny jokes about grabbing pussy and tales of fucking smoking how whoowahs (which Pence finds offensive and degrading), Pence remained a dutiful and loyal soldier. he defended Trump and advocated his policies. Plus, he did it within the parameters of his own tolerances rather than becoming a mini-Trump. A mini-Trump is a schmuck. There can only be one man who can pull off being Trump.

Clearly and lawfully, Pence made the correct decision not to reject electors and send us into the constitutional twilight zone. Even to this day he does not speak ill of Trump, though he will levy a critique of him. And so what? Every president can be, and will be, subject to critical analysis. See, Don is the kind of man you don't want your daughter to hang around, while Pence is the father tells his daughter not to hang around someone like Trump. Again, I love the man (Trump), and I love much of what he did in office. But I think we can really do better. While my current choice for 2024 is DeSantis, as between Trump and Pence.... I think I would have to go with Pence. Pence is a reasonable, pragmatic man who abides by a strong moral code. He is a decent and humble man. He demonstrated his iron character by standing by Trump for 4 years. I don't think anyone else did that except for Kellyanne Conway (who probably would do anything to stay away from that stupid bastard hubby of hers). Pence will thoughtfully consider every position he takes, and will not send boys into way without a thorough and agonizing battle with his conscience. He will also pursue a strong policy of prosperity through capitalism and energy growth, putting a stop to the idiotic leftist "green deal" bullshit.

If Trump is nominated again, of course I will vote for him. The alternative is just too fucking disgusting. Democrats have nowhere near to the moral fortitude to serve in any position of power, let alone the presidency and legislature. Pence has the understanding that the mechanisms of government belong to the People and that politicians hold their positions in what should be a quasi-fiduciary capacity to the People. There is not a Democrat alive today that believes this. They believe that they must be a great person and a leader since they were elected, and therefore, they are deserving of all the trappings and spoils of power. There are a lot of GOP who feel the same way. I trust Pence to do the right thing morally. There are not many politicians in the world you can say that about.

Others rag on Pence for refusing to delay the congressional “certification” of the election.

By contrast, I continue to applaud him for that decision. In my estimation, it demonstrates his fidelity to the Constitution and his Oath Of Office.

He is (in my view) a bit too old school GOP. The kind that go along to get along. What the GOP actually needs, by contrast, is an effective leader who will steer us away from those old school behaviors.

President Trump obviously made a deep impression on the liberal Democrat Parody and its hand-maiden media. The fact that his persona and actions have driven the left (Dins) so far over the edge attests to that. But even the kind of Republicans who have benefitted from their stale methodology are alarmed by what Trump started.

Since Pence is far too old school, I don’t support his candidacy. But I do acknowledge that we could do far worse than Pence in the White House.
I wasn't happy when Trump pulled Pence onto his ticket... Pence is a very nice man I'm sure but he is a faithful establishment republican in the same vail as McConnell.... He very possibly may have been the White House leaker all along.... and the source of many of Trump's problems... which means he is not the man we need...
Others rag on Pence for refusing to delay the congressional “certification” of the election.

By contrast, I continue to applaud him for that decision. In my estimation, it demonstrates his fidelity to the Constitution and his Oath Of Office.

He is (in my view) a bit too old school GOP. The kind that go along to get along. What the GOP actually needs, by contrast, is an effective leader who will steer us away from those old school behaviors.

President Trump obviously made a deep impression on the liberal Democrat Parody and its hand-maiden media. The fact that his persona and actions have driven the left (Dins) so far over the edge attests to that. But even the kind of Republicans who have benefitted from their stale methodology are alarmed by what Trump started.

Since Pence is far too old school, I don’t support his candidacy. But I do acknowledge that we could do far worse than Pence in the White House.
Pence was looking for every excuse to violate the took Dan Quayle to convince him to do the right thing......

"Over and over, Pence asked if there was anything he could do," - suggesting that Pence was looking for a way to acquiesce to Donald Trump's demands that he reject the electoral votes legally-cast in Biden's favor. Quayle quickly put the kibosh on any effort to overturn the election, telling Pence: "Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away."

Now yo bitch ass pretending like you admire that - when at the time, you and others were the main ones wanting Trump to be installed as a fascist authoritarian....
Pence was looking for every excuse to violate the took Dan Quayle to convince him to do the right thing......

"Over and over, Pence asked if there was anything he could do," - suggesting that Pence was looking for a way to acquiesce to Donald Trump's demands that he reject the electoral votes legally-cast in Biden's favor. Quayle quickly put the kibosh on any effort to overturn the election, telling Pence: "Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away."

Now yo bitch ass pretending like you admire that - when at the time, you and others were the main ones wanting Trump to be installed as a fascist authoritarian....
And you believe the “reporting” of Bobby Woodward. :itsok:
And you believe the “reporting” of Bobby Woodward. :itsok:
I believe you dic suckers were cheering on the folks who stormed the capitol yelling "Hang Mike Pence" and hoping you could scare congress into overturning the pussies WERE SILENT then; so don't pretend to admire him now...

By the way, even Mike Pence admits it was Dan Quayle who talked him into it....the same Mike Pence your cult leader sent a mob after.....and yet both you and Mike still bow to Trump......that is how pathetic you cucks are
Pence's conservative bonafides are irrelevant to Cult 45. He turned on their idol and will have to pay the price.
Pence was looking for every excuse to violate the took Dan Quayle to convince him to do the right thing......

"Over and over, Pence asked if there was anything he could do," - suggesting that Pence was looking for a way to acquiesce to Donald Trump's demands that he reject the electoral votes legally-cast in Biden's favor. Quayle quickly put the kibosh on any effort to overturn the election, telling Pence: "Mike, you have no flexibility on this. None. Zero. Forget it. Put it away."

Now yo bitch ass pretending like you admire that - when at the time, you and others were the main ones wanting Trump to be installed as a fascist authoritarian....
LOL!!! What color is the fucking sky in your world, douchebag?? :auiqs.jpg: :D
I believe you dic suckers were cheering on the folks who stormed the capitol yelling "Hang Mike Pence" and hoping you could scare congress into overturning the pussies WERE SILENT then; so don't pretend to admire him now...

By the way, even Mike Pence admits it was Dan Quayle who talked him into it....the same Mike Pence your cult leader sent a mob after.....and yet both you and Mike still bow to Trump......that is how pathetic you cucks are
He was not "talked into it". He went to Quayle to speak to someone uniquely situated to advise him. Quayle is a former VP, btw. I do not know if you know this or not. LOL!!
What I am going to say will not be well received by anybody, right or left. But I am going to say it any because I think it should be said. We could do far, far worse selecting a GOP presidential nominee than Mike Pence. He is a conservative politician with an admirable political history, including being the governor of Indiana and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Sure, there will be the detractors. The Trump supporters will throw Pence under the bus because he refused to certify electors. The left hates Pence because he opposes murdering babies.

Mike Pence served 4 long years as VP to Trump. During that time he was a soldier for Trump and his agenda. He had to endure a constantly changing staff, Don's late night Twitter sessions, McDonald's wrappers on the floor in the Oval Office, and probably Don Leering at his wife. But hey, I get it. I voted for Trump both times. I love Trump. He is my kind of guy. However, I differ from him in that I am an ideological conservative while he is a populist. There is nothing wrong with populism per se. I am not crazy about it because without a clear understanding of what you are voting for, and the ability of a populist to sway with the breeze, I feel that there is less accountability with populists. Moreover, my conservatism requires adherence to the constitution as our primary guiding principle as opposed to situational ethics. But I digress.

Through all the funny jokes about grabbing pussy and tales of fucking smoking how whoowahs (which Pence finds offensive and degrading), Pence remained a dutiful and loyal soldier. he defended Trump and advocated his policies. Plus, he did it within the parameters of his own tolerances rather than becoming a mini-Trump. A mini-Trump is a schmuck. There can only be one man who can pull off being Trump.

Clearly and lawfully, Pence made the correct decision not to reject electors and send us into the constitutional twilight zone. Even to this day he does not speak ill of Trump, though he will levy a critique of him. And so what? Every president can be, and will be, subject to critical analysis. See, Don is the kind of man you don't want your daughter to hang around, while Pence is the father tells his daughter not to hang around someone like Trump. Again, I love the man (Trump), and I love much of what he did in office. But I think we can really do better. While my current choice for 2024 is DeSantis, as between Trump and Pence.... I think I would have to go with Pence. Pence is a reasonable, pragmatic man who abides by a strong moral code. He is a decent and humble man. He demonstrated his iron character by standing by Trump for 4 years. I don't think anyone else did that except for Kellyanne Conway (who probably would do anything to stay away from that stupid bastard hubby of hers). Pence will thoughtfully consider every position he takes, and will not send boys into way without a thorough and agonizing battle with his conscience. He will also pursue a strong policy of prosperity through capitalism and energy growth, putting a stop to the idiotic leftist "green deal" bullshit.

If Trump is nominated again, of course I will vote for him. The alternative is just too fucking disgusting. Democrats have nowhere near to the moral fortitude to serve in any position of power, let alone the presidency and legislature. Pence has the understanding that the mechanisms of government belong to the People and that politicians hold their positions in what should be a quasi-fiduciary capacity to the People. There is not a Democrat alive today that believes this. They believe that they must be a great person and a leader since they were elected, and therefore, they are deserving of all the trappings and spoils of power. There are a lot of GOP who feel the same way. I trust Pence to do the right thing morally. There are not many politicians in the world you can say that about.

I hope the rest of trumpers agree with you.

It is a far cry from wanting to hang him a couple years ago.
LOL!!! What color is the fucking sky in your world, douchebag?? :auiqs.jpg: :D
Care to tell me why those folks were yelling hang Mike Pence?

Care to tell me what they thought they would be stopping from happening by storming the capitol?

They thought they would be stopping Mike Pence from presiding over Congress while they certify the election......

THE ONLY PEOPLE OPPOSED TO THAT WERE YOU spare me the "I admire Mike Pence" bullshit...if you really admired him, you would have defended him when it counted...pussy...
Care to tell me why those folks were yelling hang Mike Pence?

Care to tell me what they thought they would be stopping from happening by storming the capitol?

They thought they would be stopping Mike Pence from presiding over Congress while they certify the election......

THE ONLY PEOPLE OPPOSED TO THAT WERE YOU spare me the "I admire Mike Pence" bullshit...if you really admired him, you would have defended him when it counted...pussy...
Jesus...There is no logic nor self-awareness to anything you say. Go bother someone else, ass fucker. :auiqs.jpg:
I like Pence, I've met him, but he doesn't have a prayer

Pence is the quintessential republican. his biggest liability is that he has the personality of a fence post. He has no personality, no speaking ability, no story-telling skills and is an emotionless, uninspired talker who barely gets the attention of his own base much less could ever capture the hopes and confidence of millions of americans.

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