Can anyone think of a reason why we’d fund Ukraine

They're killing Russians.


That's just bullshit.

New Yawkers deserve Hokum, and Bragg, and Letitia. Atlantans deserve Fat Fani. Kaliphony deserves Newscum and Nazi Pelousy.

People get the goobermint they deserve.

Florida deserves RDS, Texas deserves Abbott, etc, etc.

And while, yes, the Russian people did get dicked around by Bill the rapist and Ubercunt when they were begging for help from the West, the Russian People didn't HAVE to turn to Putin.

But they did.

Ukraine is corrupt, you say?? How corrupt is it compared to our little slice of Heaven in DC ???
Uky and DC are joined at the HIP.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
You started with an honest question but then deteriorated rapidly. Meaning you are parroting propaganda....


You are Unhelpful, divisive, and outrage farming. Creating holes in the American armor that protects the USA.
You intend on continuing your destruction of the USA?
This isn't complicated. If Russia prospers then America loses it's clear advantage it's established militarily and economically.

And that's not even needing to mention the military alliance between Russia, China, and the rest of the rapidly growing Brics alliance.

I think that Russia has already established military superiority for a few reasons:

Russia's ability to produce weaponry and ammunition much more efficiently and faster than Nato countries/America combined.

Russia has developed technically superior weapons and has won the race on delivering them.

America's Aircraft carriers can be mothballed. (to make it simple.

Nuclear war is prohibited and will only be considered by Russia as a complete and total end game.

There are lots more questions but I can't convince any Americans to go there!
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
It pisses of Putin
Which pisses off hos favorite sycophant, Trump.
Which in turn pisses off all Trump sycophants we know as MAGATS
Which causes them to when and cry like little girls
MAGAT Tears are priceless.

Ask a MAGAT question get a DADO response.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
Its a good deal for the US. Better to fight putin in Ukraine tham in Poland. Everyone else understands that.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
Yeah I can think of a few reasons,hillbilly.
It's America's proxy war against Russia.
But that's a very dissatisfying answer now that it indicates that America and allies combined can't win this war.

At least we can start to entertain the question on whether American can win the war by calling off some of the previously agreed upon limitations.

That would begin with the agreement not to attack Russia directly with long range US made missiles, in numbers too large for Russia to shoot down.

I think the time has come. Now it depends on whether anybody is interested?

What comes next? If Moscow is hit, will Russia turn Kiev into a smoking ash pile? Would Russia even be capable of doing that? Or are we getting dangerously close to nuclear war?
Russia doesn't want to destroy Ukraine.
Putin wants those Ukrainian wheat fields back.
He can't feed his own population much less fill those contracts with China.

But if he gets Ukraine, what about Poland? Chech Republic? Germany and beyond.
He's expressed clearly his desire to restore the Russian/Soviet empire.
What then?

The US and NATO should supply offensive weapons that will allow Ukraine to take the war inside Russia by bombing large population centers, roads, railways, and airports.

As long as the Russian people feel the war is far away they won't do much to stop it.
Take away their comfort. Introduce real fear and...
China's and Russia's preliminary arrangements have now been finalized in Beijing.

But even the Brics alliance aside, it's become evident that Russia has been underestimated severely!

A peaceful solution is needed soon!
How about...

Russia picks up all its toys and goes home
Returns all prisoners and kidnapped children
Ukraine sends Russia a bill for the damages
Russia pays the bill
Everyone lives peacefully ever after.
View attachment 949069

Just guessing....

Biden was paid off, politicians robbing us and laundering $, politicians have the dream they will conquer Russia and take the natural resources as war spoils, the globalists want a nuclear war to cut back on the surplus population, dems are trying bankrupt America to turn it commie, dreams of a war economy that refloats the economic boat...dunno.

View attachment 949068
The GOP's primary propaganda tool after FAUX News
Its a good deal for the US. Better to fight putin in Ukraine tham in Poland. Everyone else understands that.
Putin has his sphere of influence. Any of the areas close to Russia they had is open season. Poland is not. Russia needs areas to the seas and oceans. Their economy is a deterrent to world domination. Ww waste our resources on this when China is a rich nation getting richer. Their military is getting larger and larger. Their technology is getting more advanced in it. They produce/build naval vessels much faster than us and at several more for every one we do. They can afford lemons in military items. We build lemons with corrupted and traitorous men that enriches people involved and weakens us as we are not prepared to fight all ways. We must change. We must get prudent, lean and mean. Otherwise, we will not keep up as their technology will eventually overtake our ability to install it on our own weapon platforms as we do not have enough high-tech people who are problem solvers and employees who can do it in enough numbers as we are into quotas, DEI, genders, and much more. In less than two decades, China will be numero uno. They got the eye of the tiger. We got the stomach of the sloth.
This isn't complicated. If Russia prospers then America loses it's clear advantage it's established militarily and economically.

And that's not even needing to mention the military alliance between Russia, China, and the rest of the rapidly growing Brics alliance.

I think that Russia has already established military superiority for a few reasons:

Russia's ability to produce weaponry and ammunition much more efficiently and faster than Nato countries/America combined.

Russia has developed technically superior weapons and has won the race on delivering them.

America's Aircraft carriers can be mothballed. (to make it simple.

Nuclear war is prohibited and will only be considered by Russia as a complete and total end game.

There are lots more questions but I can't convince any Americans to go there!
The "zero sum game" is a fake game.
What if Russia, China, and the US didn't threaten?
What if trillions were freed up from military spending and put into housing, transportation, Medicine?

The desire for power, the lust for power, GREED is the root of all evil.
Nothing good about war, Where WE draw the line,
What is better for the world, Better for ordinary regular everyday people?
Do we really want dictator style leadership, where they promise everything
but give most of the spoils to the rich & powerful. And live like kings & lords of the manor?
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to Lend-Lease to England to defend against Hitler?

There are fucking idiots like you in every generation.

Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to fund Ukraine, just so they can buy US weapons?

if we need to make new weapons for the Chinese to study and Russians to destroy, why don’t we make them ourselves?

What’s the benefit from sending money to the most corrupt regime in the Western Hemisphere?
1. There are 110 statues honoring Joseph Stalin in Russia. Putin has erected 95 of them. When you tards claim to be against leftists, you cannot be believed. Putin is trying to reconstitute the Soviet Union. You think that isn't a threat to our interests, dumbass.

2. You tards whine about "rigged elections" and yet you support a dictator who has rigged elections to stay in power for a quarter of a century and counting. He has murdered or imprisoned anyone who is a threat to his continued dictatorship, and even rewrote the Russian constitution to stay in power. So fuck you and your whining about "rigged elections".

3. Ukraine is the breadbasket to the world. You want even higher prices for your groceries? Then let Putin gain control of that vast agricultural land.
4. Ukraine is a trading partner to the US. We import iron, steel, inorganic chemicals, oil, iron and steel products, and agricultural products from Ukraine. We export coal, machinery, vehicles, agricultural products, fish, seafood, and aircraft to Ukraine.

5. We are benefitting from Putin's military being decimated. That makes the whole world safer. And we get to observe the strategy and tactics of the Russian war machine. That is invaluable information. Without a single American life put at risk. That is worth every penny we spend on Ukraine.

You should be embarrassed this has to be explained to you useful idiots, but you just don't have the intellect to be.
Can anyone think of a single reason why we need to Lend-Lease to England to defend against Hitler?

There are fucking idiots like you in every generation.


Remember when the WEF goaded Hitler into attacking Russia?
It pisses of Putin
Which pisses off hos favorite sycophant, Trump.
Which in turn pisses off all Trump sycophants we know as MAGATS
Which causes them to when and cry like little girls
MAGAT Tears are priceless.
View attachment 949113

Ask a MAGAT question get a DADO response.

Is that why we funnel the money to Ukraine instead of just building them ourselves?
1. There are 110 statues honoring Joseph Stalin in Russia. Putin has erected 95 of them. When you tards claim to be against leftists, you cannot be believed. Putin is trying to reconstitute the Soviet Union. You think that isn't a threat to our interests, dumbass.

2. You tards whine about "rigged elections" and yet you support a dictator who has rigged elections to stay in power for a quarter of a century and counting. He has murdered or imprisoned anyone who is a threat to his continued dictatorship, and even rewrote the Russian constitution to stay in power. So fuck you and your whining about "rigged elections".

3. Ukraine is the breadbasket to the world. You want even higher prices for your groceries? Then let Putin gain control of that vast agricultural land.
4. Ukraine is a trading partner to the US. We import iron, steel, inorganic chemicals, oil, iron and steel products, and agricultural products from Ukraine. We export coal, machinery, vehicles, agricultural products, fish, seafood, and aircraft to Ukraine.

5. We are benefitting from Putin's military being decimated. That makes the whole world safer. And we get to observe the strategy and tactics of the Russian war machine. That is invaluable information. Without a single American life put at risk. That is worth every penny we spend on Ukraine.

You should be embarrassed this has to be explained to you useful idiots, but you just don't have the intellect to be.

Hysterical -- and off point.

Why do we fund Ukraine with totally unaccounted monies to "buy weapons" from us when we can just pay for them ourselves?

Is there some reason you STILL didn't address the only point in the OP?

Did you not understand the OP?

I'll draw a picture for you and g5000

$ > Ukraine > American weapons, or

$ > American weapons.

Why do we need to fund a middleman?
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