In Germany, land of strict gun control,18 year old had pistol without a permit...psychiatric care..

Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?
Islamist extremists hide huge stockpile of weapons near German mosque
I detest a world where the enemy has them even when they are outlawed, law matters not to them.

HUGE stash of weapons reportedly belonging to Islamist extremists have been found hidden near a mosque in Germany.

Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works.
I'm very happy they found them. Thank God. But think--of all the recent terror attacks here and across the water, how many were stopped by an armed civilian? None that I know of. Your argument doesn't add up.
Last edited:
Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works. you think mothers in that McDonalds would have liked to have had a gun that day? They may have stopped the killer was another gun free zone.....and the 18 year old kid, who could not legally own a gun for multiple reasons...couldn't pass the background check, too young, couldn't own the semi auto pistol......and yet he was the only one there with a gun.........and he murdered children........

German gun control laws did not stop the are wrong.........I'll say it are wrong.

I don't have to run the gun death rate in Germany vs. the U.S. because it isn't about is about twits don't understand that....

It is obvious that there are legal and illegal guns in that means...for you anti gunners, that criminals can and do get them matter how intense, and extreme their gun control laws are for normal German citizens.......

They get them when they want or need them....they simply do not use them to commit murder........

Our thugs commit murder because of cultural reasons...our non gun murder rate is higher than other countries total murder you are just plain wrong....

Tell us how gun control works when fully automatic weapons are status symbols in France....where they are completely illegal.........explain that.....

Explain why it is that Britain confiscated their guns....and the gun crime rate stayed the same....and went up 4% last year...and their cops are finding more and more fully automatic weapons on the streets, they are arming more of their cops with guns...and they are sending armed patrols into neighborhoods with high levels of gun violence.....

Please explain how that shows that gun control laws that keep normal people from owning guns actually work?

And you can't.
Guy, you can't flip back and forth like this. Either crime goes down because more people own guns or crime goes down because less people own guns. You can't change the argument half way through and say crime goes down because of the culture.
I actually agree that the culture argument is no doubt true--in being part of what we need to do in this country to change things. But your stance, of encouraging more guns, is not the way to change the culture either.

Try to get this right......

gun murder rates do not go up because more law abiding people have guns.....

Crime rates go down when more law abiding people are able to carry guns.....

In he countries of Europe that I are seeing the murder rates created by their particular criminal cultures...since normal, law abiding citizens have a really hard time getting any kind of gun....we have listed the hoops that a normal person has to go through to get a legal gun.......

If normal people in those countries had guns....their gun crime rates would go down......just like they did here as more Americans bought and carried guns...

Do you acknowledge that as more Americans bought guns and carried them that our gun murder rate went down.......that is a fact.....verified by government statistics from the CDC and the you acknowledge that?

Britain confiscated guns from normal gun owners...and their gun crime rate stayed the same....and went up 4% last year..their violent crime rates went up 27% last you acknowledge that?

I haven't changed the just won't understand the argument.....

The 18 year old kid in Munich.......could not legally possess the gun he had because of his age.....the 18 year old kid could not have legally owned the gun because he would have failed the background check due to his psychiatric care...

And he ignored all those laws, and got the pistol and ammo on the Dark web..........
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

We don't have that many road rage shootings either genius....the majority of our crime is criminals shooting criminals......the family massacre in ohio you mean the family massacred at the illegal pot farm?
Islamist extremists hide huge stockpile of weapons near German mosque
I detest a world where the enemy has them even when they are outlawed, law matters not to them.

HUGE stash of weapons reportedly belonging to Islamist extremists have been found hidden near a mosque in Germany.

Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works.
I'm very happy they found them. Thank God. But think--of all the recent terror attacks here and across the water, how many were stopped by an armed civilian? None that I know of. You argument doesn't add up.

You guys disarm law abiding people all over Europe....and you create gun free zones here......and then say " one with a gun stopped them" .....

Do you even see that you took guns away from almost every public space....

Do you acknowledge that 2 weeks after the Orlando night club shooting, another night club was shot up by a shooter...and that that guy was stopped by a concealed you acknowledge that?

When people actually get to carry guns.......they actually do stop mass shooters.....

You can't make a public space a gun free zone and then get to one with a gun stopped the mass shooter.....

that is how you guys lie about the actual situation....
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Please link to the Ohio us which one it was....
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Family massacres....all the time.....

14 years' jail for mother who murdered four of her babies

21-year-old woman shot dead at wedding brawl in Hanover

Man jailed for burning mother of his unborn child alive

Munich woman 'murdered boyfriend with electric saw'

Drowned man encased wife's head in concrete

Jealous ex behind Bayreuth triple killing

Police have said that a 41-year-old man was behind three deaths in Bayreuth, northern Bavaria late on Sunday evening, shooting his ex-girlfriend, her father, and himself.

Eight babies' bodies found in German town
Last edited:
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Please link to the Ohio us which one it was....
C`mon Guy, even Bush knows how to use The Google. Are you dumber than Bush?Still no arrests after 8 family members were killed ‘execution-style’ in Ohio
Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works.
I've taken my children out to eat thousands of times and I NEVER needed a gun. And gun control doesn't work. Criminals have never followed the law. And trying to compare the stats of a country with only a fraction of the population we do is ignorant at best. You've become too old, to indoctrinated & too gullible to be in this conversation in any meaningful capacity
Then ignore me. I'm not the only old, doddering fool who believes gun control cuts down on gun deaths. Ask anyone in Europe, where gun control works.

Gun control does not work....criminals in Europe get guns do terrorists...on official government terrorist watch lists...and they get fully automatic weapons which are completely illegal in Europe.......

you are wrong.....
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Please link to the Ohio us which one it was....
C`mon Guy, even Bush knows how to use The Google. Are you dumber than Bush?Still no arrests after 8 family members were killed ‘execution-style’ in Ohio
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Please link to the Ohio us which one it was....
C`mon Guy, even Bush knows how to use The Google. Are you dumber than Bush?Still no arrests after 8 family members were killed ‘execution-style’ in Ohio

Moron......they had an illegal pot is believed they were executed by drug cartel really need to do some basic research before you post......

As I state over and over again.....90% of all gun murderers are criminals with long histories of crime, violence and Ohio link shows this.........70-80% of gun crime victims are also your Ohio story shows.....they were involved in the illegal drug trade and they got their family murdered......moron.
Islamist extremists hide huge stockpile of weapons near German mosque
I detest a world where the enemy has them even when they are outlawed, law matters not to them.

HUGE stash of weapons reportedly belonging to Islamist extremists have been found hidden near a mosque in Germany.

Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works.
I'm very happy they found them. Thank God. But think--of all the recent terror attacks here and across the water, how many were stopped by an armed civilian? None that I know of. Your argument doesn't add up.

The terrorists attacked gun free zones....the ones that attacked cops here...the body count was way lower.............

And do yo remember that terrorist attack in Nice last week....? over 84 killed.....without a gun.......

Here are actual mass shootings stopped by people with guns..... vs .......mass shootings not stopped with guns....

Some details to help you make your guess....

Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead)


No guns: 15 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Temple massacre has some Sikhs mulling gun ownership

The president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin had only a butter knife on hand, which he used to fight the gunman. He was killed, but his heroic actions were credited for slowing the shooter. Guns were not allowed in the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

“No guns [were] allowed in the temple,” Kulbir Singh, an attendee of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, told “Everyone knows that it’s not allowed, anywhere in the temple.”
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Please link to the Ohio us which one it was....
C`mon Guy, even Bush knows how to use The Google. Are you dumber than Bush?Still no arrests after 8 family members were killed ‘execution-style’ in Ohio

Sadly...for you......there is the internet.....and lying about the nature of this family killing is typical of you anti-gun nuts....this was an illegal drug crime.....not a family massacre....

Pike County shootings: What we know 5 weeks after 8 murdered

April 28

April 29

Last edited:
First news from the conference today is he got the gun off the dark net.
Secondly, later news of the family killing #
Ohio shooting: The latest from Pike County | Ohio News
Pike County shooting: The latest
8 members of Pike County family slain execution style

Breaking News Staff

Updated: 7:34 a.m. EDT, Fri April 29, 2016



No arrests have been made in the Ohio shooting investigation of eight execution-style killings of members of the Rhoden family in Pike County, Ohio. Large-scale marijuana grow operations were discovered at three of the four murder scenes. Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine told WHIO and Dayton Daily News Monday that the possibility of a Mexican drug cartel connection has not been ruled out — investigators are looking at everything.

Victims were found Friday at four different locations in Pike County (about 100 miles east of Cincinnati)
Victims suffered execution-style gunshot wounds to the head
Attack was sophisticated, pre-planned, Ohio AG said
Marijuana grow operations found at 3 crime scenes; 1 indoor, hundreds of plants
Cockfighting cages found at crime scene
Three children — ages 4 days, 6 months, and 3 years — were found unharmed at the crime scenes

Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Please link to the Ohio us which one it was....
C`mon Guy, even Bush knows how to use The Google. Are you dumber than Bush?Still no arrests after 8 family members were killed ‘execution-style’ in Ohio
Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works.
The size to compare is not fair NOR the population count. You are requesting fair but requiring bias standards.
I don't understand what you mean. I would expect the comparison to be per-capita, so the much smaller number of people living in Germany would be taken into account.

Exaclty, the rube doesn't understand the concept normalization and isloation of variables in research.
Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works.
I've taken my children out to eat thousands of times and I NEVER needed a gun. And gun control doesn't work. Criminals have never followed the law. And trying to compare the stats of a country with only a fraction of the population we do is ignorant at best. You've become too old, to indoctrinated & too gullible to be in this conversation in any meaningful capacity
Then ignore me. I'm not the only old, doddering fool who believes gun control cuts down on gun deaths. Ask anyone in Europe, where gun control works.

Nah we don't want to be like Europe, especially when what they've learned works. We elect to be behind Europe every day. Same with healthcare.
Clearly this would not have happened if Germany had no gun laws.

It happened with all of their gun control laws........that is the important point...

So German women can't have the same pistol this kid got defend themselves.....and all those gun control laws failed to stop this kid...but the woman being attacked on the street......those gun control laws worked like a charm......they kept that woman from stopping the attack.....
I absolutely detest your vision of a world where a woman taking her kid to McDonalds has to carry a gun. If you were honest, you would run the true statistics of the gun death rate in Germany compared to the United States. But you won't, because gun control works.
I've taken my children out to eat thousands of times and I NEVER needed a gun. And gun control doesn't work. Criminals have never followed the law. And trying to compare the stats of a country with only a fraction of the population we do is ignorant at best. You've become too old, to indoctrinated & too gullible to be in this conversation in any meaningful capacity
Then ignore me. I'm not the only old, doddering fool who believes gun control cuts down on gun deaths. Ask anyone in Europe, where gun control works.

Nah we don't want to be like Europe, especially when what they've learned works. We elect to be behind Europe every day. Same with healthcare.

Europe is collapsing twit....their gun control laws do not stop criminals or terrorists from getting guns........the new wave of immigration is already causing their crime rates to increase....and that isn't going away.....they imported slaves here and we have been paying the cost of that social strife ever they have imported poor, angry, alien people into their countries by the million....and they are going to be paying for that for generations....
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Please link to the Ohio us which one it was....
C`mon Guy, even Bush knows how to use The Google. Are you dumber than Bush?Still no arrests after 8 family members were killed ‘execution-style’ in Ohio

Sadly...for you......there is the internet.....and lying about the nature of this family killing is typical of you anti-gun nuts....this was an illegal drug crime.....not a family massacre....

Pike County shootings: What we know 5 weeks after 8 murdered

April 28

April 29

They died from bullets, not drugs. DUH!
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Irrelevant. The question is, do the gun laws work, or not? If they worked, then what happened should be impossible. You can't tell me "gun laws work" and then have a guy who was a mental case, get a glock and start mowing people down.

It either works, or it doesn't. That's all there is to it.
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Irrelevant. The question is, do the gun laws work, or not? If they worked, then what happened should be impossible. You can't tell me "gun laws work" and then have a guy who was a mental case, get a glock and start mowing people down.

It either works, or it doesn't. That's all there is to it.
Gun laws crafted by those in the grip of a group that lobbies for criminals, the insane and terrorists are ineffective.
Yes.......Germany has all of the anti gun laws that anti gun activists here want....outside of a confiscation like Britain and Australia.....and this 18 year old got his hands on a pistol....without a permit......again, in a country with every single anti-gun law the anti gunners here want...

Munich gunman 'obsessed with mass shootings' - BBC News

He had a 9mm Glock pistol and 300 bullets in his rucksack.

Police do not yet know how the weapon was acquired, but said he had no permit for it and the serial number had been obliterated.

They are investigating whether he may have lured his victims through a Facebook invitation to the McDonald's restaurant where he launched his attack on Friday evening.

Hey.....he was even under psychiatric care.............

Police say the Munich-born gunman had been in psychiatric care, receiving treatment for depression.
How often do they have road rage shootings and family massacres like the recent one in Ohio?

Irrelevant. The question is, do the gun laws work, or not? If they worked, then what happened should be impossible. You can't tell me "gun laws work" and then have a guy who was a mental case, get a glock and start mowing people down.

It either works, or it doesn't. That's all there is to it.
Gun laws crafted by those in the grip of a group that lobbies for criminals, the insane and terrorists are ineffective.

Twit.....which of the gun laws were crafted for criminals and are such a you think before you post.....

you have background twits wanted them and you got solved want licensing gun owners...we show you it will do you act like children, hold your breath and stamp your want to register guns....again, we show it does bitch and whine and complain.........

you are the morons crafting laws for criminals and terrorists...laws that don't work, and when we show they don't work you scream...NRA...NRA...NRA......when it is your lack of thought, lack of reason that calls for gun laws that only attack normal gun owners....

you are the morons...not us....

We know what works....when you catch a someone committing a crime with a gun you lock them up.....

When you catch a felon with a arrest them and lock them up.....

You get rid of gun free zones which will keep morons from walking into them.......

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