In harm’s way: When journalists die to keep the world informed


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
If it wasn't for these brave journalists, we would be kept in the dark about what is actually happening. Being a journalist at the Front has always being a dangerous job, but at least previously journalists didn't have to also worry about being beheaded.

In harm’s way: When journalists die to keep the world informed
At least 60 journalists were killed this year worldwide
December 30, 2014 12:00 AM


By the Editorial Board
The beheading of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, two freelance journalists captured in Syria by militants with the so-called Islamic State, horrified the American public and helped galvanize support for limited military strikes despite the public’s weariness with war.

Mr. Foley and Mr. Sotloff were among 17 journalists killed in Syria in 2014, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which has tracked the death of newsmen and women around the world since 1992.

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I've been hearing a lot about this - klilled and being imprisoned. They are very brave people to keep on doing this.
If it wasn't for these brave journalists, we would be kept in the dark about what is actually happening. Being a journalist at the Front has always being a dangerous job, but at least previously journalists didn't have to also worry about being beheaded.

In harm’s way: When journalists die to keep the world informed
At least 60 journalists were killed this year worldwide
December 30, 2014 12:00 AM


By the Editorial Board
The beheading of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, two freelance journalists captured in Syria by militants with the so-called Islamic State, horrified the American public and helped galvanize support for limited military strikes despite the public’s weariness with war.

Mr. Foley and Mr. Sotloff were among 17 journalists killed in Syria in 2014, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which has tracked the death of newsmen and women around the world since 1992.

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And 16 journalists were killed in the OPT by the IDF.

16 Journalists Killed in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1992/Motive Confirmed
I've been hearing a lot about this - klilled and being imprisoned. They are very brave people to keep on doing this.

I don't know if I could be as brave as these men and women are, putting themselves in harm's way to get the news out to the public. It has to be a relief to their friends and relatives when these reporters get some kind of hiatus where they don't have to look over their shoulders, so to speak. Even the aid workers in various locations have to be very brave to be where they are trying to help people when there are those not happy with what they are doing and try to kill them.
If it wasn't for these brave journalists, we would be kept in the dark about what is actually happening. Being a journalist at the Front has always being a dangerous job, but at least previously journalists didn't have to also worry about being beheaded.

In harm’s way: When journalists die to keep the world informed
At least 60 journalists were killed this year worldwide
December 30, 2014 12:00 AM


By the Editorial Board
The beheading of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, two freelance journalists captured in Syria by militants with the so-called Islamic State, horrified the American public and helped galvanize support for limited military strikes despite the public’s weariness with war.

Mr. Foley and Mr. Sotloff were among 17 journalists killed in Syria in 2014, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which has tracked the death of newsmen and women around the world since 1992.

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And 16 journalists were killed in the OPT by the IDF.

16 Journalists Killed in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1992/Motive Confirmed

And then we have had brave American journalists like Ernie Pyle during World War II. If Billy Boy had been around at that time, he would have blamed the Jews for Mr. Pyle's death. Meanwhile, it looks like it was too difficult for Billy Boy to give praise to the brave journalists whose lives were lost while following conflicts around the world these days. Perhaps Billy Boy can get off his bar stool and apply for a job as a journalist in someplace like Iraq these days. Hope the knife is honed real good just in case they capture him.

Ernie Pyle Is Killed on Ie Island Foe Fired When All Seemed Safe
I've been hearing a lot about this - klilled and being imprisoned. They are very brave people to keep on doing this.

I don't know if I could be as brave as these men and women are, putting themselves in harm's way to get the news out to the public. It has to be a relief to their friends and relatives when these reporters get some kind of hiatus where they don't have to look over their shoulders, so to speak. Even the aid workers in various locations have to be very brave to be where they are trying to help people when there are those not happy with what they are doing and try to kill them.

I have a lot of respect for those people...also, the people putting their lives on the line to help fight Ebola. There's a lot of unrecognized bravery - they don't carry guns, but the risk their lives to help people and to get the word out.
And then we have had brave American journalists like Ernie Pyle during World War II. If Billy Boy had been around at that time, he would have blamed the Jews for Mr. Pyle's death. Meanwhile, it looks like it was too difficult for Billy Boy to give praise to the brave journalists whose lives were lost while following conflicts around the world these days. Perhaps Billy Boy can get off his bar stool and apply for a job as a journalist in someplace like Iraq these days. Hope the knife is honed real good just in case they capture him.

Ernie Pyle Is Killed on Ie Island Foe Fired When All Seemed Safe
Are you mourning the 16 reporters who lost their lives in the OPT?
All of those journalists are incredibly brave going in to conflict zones - and it's no secret that they get targeted to stop them from reporting the truth.
And then we have had brave American journalists like Ernie Pyle during World War II. If Billy Boy had been around at that time, he would have blamed the Jews for Mr. Pyle's death. Meanwhile, it looks like it was too difficult for Billy Boy to give praise to the brave journalists whose lives were lost while following conflicts around the world these days. Perhaps Billy Boy can get off his bar stool and apply for a job as a journalist in someplace like Iraq these days. Hope the knife is honed real good just in case they capture him.

Ernie Pyle Is Killed on Ie Island Foe Fired When All Seemed Safe[/QUOTE

]Are you mourning the 16 reporters who lost their lives in the OPT?

I swear, you can see why this guy was such a loser in life. The article is about reporters who sadly have lost their lives, and he actually wants to make this all about Israel, like the anti-Semites usually do. Does anyone actually think he cares about the Arabs? Has this human insect ever crawled over here to report on what is happening to innocent Arabs in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, etc. No -- he only crawls over here when he feels he can say something derogatory about the Israelis.

Coyote is right. The people who are also working in the countries where they stand a chance of contacting Ebola and even those working in the hospitals here and in Europe that have taken in Ebola patients are also very brave. I give these people so much credit, along with the reporters and aid workers in the various countries who are constantly in danger. Evidently Billy Boy cares nothing about these people unless he can find some way to drag in Israel.
I swear, you can see why this guy was such a loser in life. The article is about reporters who sadly have lost their lives, and he actually wants to make this all about Israel, like the anti-Semites usually do. Does anyone actually think he cares about the Arabs? Has this human insect ever crawled over here to report on what is happening to innocent Arabs in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, etc. No -- he only crawls over here when he feels he can say something derogatory about the Israelis.

Coyote is right. The people who are also working in the countries where they stand a chance of contacting Ebola and even those working in the hospitals here and in Europe that have taken in Ebola patients are also very brave. I give these people so much credit, along with the reporters and aid workers in the various countries who are constantly in danger. Evidently Billy Boy cares nothing about these people unless he can find some way to drag in Israel
I asked you a question, are you going to answer it?
I swear, you can see why this guy was such a loser in life. The article is about reporters who sadly have lost their lives, and he actually wants to make this all about Israel, like the anti-Semites usually do. Does anyone actually think he cares about the Arabs? Has this human insect ever crawled over here to report on what is happening to innocent Arabs in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, etc. No -- he only crawls over here when he feels he can say something derogatory about the Israelis.

Coyote is right. The people who are also working in the countries where they stand a chance of contacting Ebola and even those working in the hospitals here and in Europe that have taken in Ebola patients are also very brave. I give these people so much credit, along with the reporters and aid workers in the various countries who are constantly in danger. Evidently Billy Boy cares nothing about these people unless he can find some way to drag in Israel

I asked you a question, are you going to answer it?

I care for all those reporters, aid workers, etc. who are working in dangerous places in the world and who are willing to put their lives on the line, and I doubt that you or I would be brave enough to do what any of them do. As you all can see, Billy Boy is really not interested in those in the rest of the world who have given their lives to report the news. His main purpose is to drag in Israel like the big anti-Semite he is. Meanwhile, this wuss will continue sitting on his bar stool wondering what else he can say is derogatory against Israel and never anything about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East, which is the purpose of this forum. So tell us, Billy, the next time you crawl over here, would it be that difficult for you to tell us something that is going on in any Middle East country (whether the news is good or bad) and forego mentioning Israel in your post. After all, you have a whole other forum where you can vomit out your anti-Semitism.
I care for all those reporters, aid workers, etc. who are working in dangerous places in the world and who are willing to put their lives on the line, and I doubt that you or I would be brave enough to do what any of them do. .
Do you condemn Israel for murdering those 16 reporters in the OPT?

As you all can see, Billy Boy is really not interested in those in the rest of the world who have given their lives to report the news. His main purpose is to drag in Israel like the big anti-Semite he is. Meanwhile, this wuss will continue sitting on his bar stool wondering what else he can say is derogatory against Israel and never anything about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East, which is the purpose of this forum. So tell us, Billy, the next time you crawl over here, would it be that difficult for you to tell us something that is going on in any Middle East country (whether the news is good or bad) and forego mentioning Israel in your post. After all, you have a whole other forum where you can vomit out your anti-Semitism.
Why would I hate Jews?
I care for all those reporters, aid workers, etc. who are working in dangerous places in the world and who are willing to put their lives on the line, and I doubt that you or I would be brave enough to do what any of them do. .
Do you condemn Israel for murdering those 16 reporters in the OPT?

As you all can see, Billy Boy is really not interested in those in the rest of the world who have given their lives to report the news. His main purpose is to drag in Israel like the big anti-Semite he is. Meanwhile, this wuss will continue sitting on his bar stool wondering what else he can say is derogatory against Israel and never anything about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East, which is the purpose of this forum. So tell us, Billy, the next time you crawl over here, would it be that difficult for you to tell us something that is going on in any Middle East country (whether the news is good or bad) and forego mentioning Israel in your post. After all, you have a whole other forum where you can vomit out your anti-Semitism.[/QUOTE

]Why would I hate Jews?

Every time Billy the Bum asks this question, many people have a good chuckle. Maybe he is dim enough that he doesn't realize that people have picked up on him a long time ago. Let us hope that the next time Billy the Bum crawls over to this forum that he actually has something to say about some place in the Middle East, any place at all, without dragging in Israel, even if he is just telling us where the planes from the Emirate fly to.
Every time Billy the Bum asks this question, many people have a good chuckle. Maybe he is dim enough that he doesn't realize that people have picked up on him a long time ago. Let us hope that the next time Billy the Bum crawls over to this forum that he actually has something to say about some place in the Middle East, any place at all, without dragging in Israel, even if he is just telling us where the planes from the Emirate fly to.
Every time I ask a question, I expect the person to have the common courtesy to answer it. The only ones who don't answer direct questions, are trolls.
Every time Billy the Bum asks this question, many people have a good chuckle. Maybe he is dim enough that he doesn't realize that people have picked up on him a long time ago. Let us hope that the next time Billy the Bum crawls over to this forum that he actually has something to say about some place in the Middle East, any place at all, without dragging in Israel, even if he is just telling us where the planes from the Emirate fly to.
Every time I ask a question, I expect the person to have the common courtesy to answer it. The only ones who don't answer direct questions, are trolls.

Maybe that's your definition, but the viewers are smart enough to recognize a true troll who only drags himself over to a forum because of one thing. Billy the Bum must think the viewers are rather stupid if they don't recognize him for what he is.

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