in interview to be aired Wednesday, Trump hangs up on NPR reporter Steve Inskeep who has been begging him for interview for 6 years

When Pressed On His Bevy of Election-Fraud Whoppers By an Actual News Organization, the Disgraced Ex-President trump Couldn't Handle the Heat

The softball questions trump is asked by his lackeys at FOX Noise set the stage for his lies as the responses.

However, when confronted by a true journalist, NPR’s Steve Inskeep, the questions asked demanded truth in response. Unable to employ his standard lies, trump bailed after nine minutes of a scheduled fifteen-minute interview.

Given the example of his NPR interview, the liar trump is toast if he is ever forced to testify under oath in any form of legal hearing.

I'll have to listen later...but it would be no surprise that he bailed. I'm more surprised he agreed to the interview in he first place. Trump's cowardice is legendary.
When Pressed On His Bevy of Election-Fraud Whoppers By an Actual News Organization, the Disgraced Ex-President trump Couldn't Handle the Heat

The softball questions trump is asked by his lackeys at FOX Noise set the stage for his lies as the responses.

However, when confronted by a true journalist, NPR’s Steve Inskeep, the questions asked demanded truth in response. Unable to employ his standard lies, trump bailed after nine minutes of a scheduled fifteen-minute interview.

Given the example of his NPR interview, the liar trump is toast if he is ever forced to testify under oath in any form of legal hearing.

NPR is not 'an actual news organization' and Steve Inskeep is a no-name lefty.
When Pressed On His Bevy of Election-Fraud Whoppers By an Actual News Organization, the Disgraced Ex-President trump Couldn't Handle the Heat

The softball questions trump is asked by his lackeys at FOX Noise set the stage for his lies as the responses.

However, when confronted by a true journalist, NPR’s Steve Inskeep, the questions asked demanded truth in response. Unable to employ his standard lies, trump bailed after nine minutes of a scheduled fifteen-minute interview.

Given the example of his NPR interview, the liar trump is toast if he is ever forced to testify under oath in any form of legal hearing.

We've never had any in our house, but do cockroaches really scurry for the darkness when you turn on the lights?
When Pressed On His Bevy of Election-Fraud Whoppers By an Actual News Organization, the Disgraced Ex-President trump Couldn't Handle the Heat

Hey idiot, what, you think we didn't watch the video? This thread is a LIE. YOU are a lie. I've seen many a thread thrown in the dungeon or Conspiracy Theories for less than this!

Unlike Biden, if you actually WATCH the video as you obviously didn't do, Trump had an immediate, detailed answer for every question asked, not the kind of evasive mumbling that Biddum and Giggles gives---- they could never and HAVE never took on so many direct personal questions and stood toe to toe giving clear answers!

Hell, Biden has his interviews, questions hand-picked in advance, and is GIVEN his answers on a tablet of notes! That is if you can even GET to Joe at all and not just get Jen instead who then tells you she will have to "circle back to that."

Not only could Trump handle the "heat," but he OWNED the other guy, he didn't let the other guy get a word in edgewise, he gave the guy the riot act, told the guy off, made sure he used the opportunity and said everything he had to say, then once finished, said goodbye and hung up. Too bad for the NPR schmuck that thought HE could control the situation and keep badgering the President with yet more questions which the Stuttering Fool we have in the WH now could NEVER take and they would never allow it.

The REAL reason for this thread and an idiot like you is to keep trying to throw up this wall of misinformation in order to divert people's attention away from the fact that the people actually in control right now who SHOULD be answering a lot of questions about everything are answering NOBODY'S questions, as if they answer to no one.
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NPR is not 'an actual news organization' and Steve Inskeep is a no-name lefty.
Never even heard of the guy, but NPR is another government-financed news outlet like PBS---- who takes them seriously? Maybe 40-50 years ago. Either way, this entire thread is just another leftwing fraud full of lies still trying to smear DJT.
Trump is only interviewed by fluffers like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. He has to know you'll be on your knees for the interview.
Trump took live, unscripted questions almost every time he boarded the presidential helicopter.
Biden is afraid of unscripted questions because his mind is fried.
Not that NPR garbage again. Trump should have known what NPR was about and not bothered.

That's what scares them. You won't see Biden being grilled on details like that much less actually giving direct, detailed, impromptu answers right off the cuff! Much less so disrespectfully and accusatorily. He has nothing to hide. He's taken more heat than the last 10 presidents combined.

But then, we are used to the leftwing shitshow, it is all they got. It started back in 2015 and they are still firing blanks. Trump has taken it all, none of it sticks, they had to fracture a nation with a cheat election and some sham embarrassment of a fraud puppet replacement just to protect their asses.

But Trump sounds and looks if anything, more live and animated than ever.

BTW, note that the title of this thread has been changed long after it began to cover up the fact that it was a tissue of lies reflected from the NPR leftwing hit-piece.
Sleazy Democrat trolls Trump, Trump hangs up.

Sounds about right.

Sleazy Trump tries to tell the Big Lie on NPR and the reporter refuses to let him continue the lie.

Trump knows he lost. He's not THAT stupid. But apparently you are because you're stupid enough to believe Trump.
Trump took live, unscripted questions almost every time he boarded the presidential helicopter.
Biden is afraid of unscripted questions because his mind is fried.
And always THREW UP over his shoes!! :)..because he was an incompetent boob!!
Biden, doesn't deal with alt-right "questions".

You go Joe!!. Kicking ass and taking (cuck) alt-right names!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump still remains impeached, he was acquitted by the senate.
WRONG, mudruck! That is not how it actually WORKS. The impeachment is an ACCUSATION, a charge. It is then up to the Senate to weigh the charges prosecutorily and decide whether they make their case and they DIDN'T.
And always THREW UP over his shoes!!
Who, Joe? Did he do that while shitting his pants while farting in that woman's face?

Biden, doesn't deal with alt-right "questions".
Don't dictators do that too? I can't wait to see what you say when the next GOP president is in office and refuses to answer to the public! :lmao:
Sleazy Trump tries to tell the Big Lie on NPR and the reporter refuses to let him continue the lie.
Trump knows he lost.
He knows he was cheated by Democrat psychopaths; every rational person knows this.
He's not THAT stupid.
He actually has an extremely high IQ.
But apparently you are
because you're stupid enough to believe Trump.
Trump still remains impeached, he was acquitted by the senate.
I doubt Trump needs to worry about the FBI at this point. Its the Georgia 11,780 votes thing, and the NY DA investigation into financial crimes, and the jan 6th committee.
Prosecuting a former president is no trivial matter, especially when there is no precedent for these crimes.
You are correct when you point out that never has prosecutors began investigations of a president when there has been no crime committed.

Good luck with those tax returns, those are filled out by another corporation that specializes in tax code, CPA's and their own in house lawyers.

Yes, we see your marxist Soviet style trials for what they are.

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