in interview to be aired Wednesday, Trump hangs up on NPR reporter Steve Inskeep who has been begging him for interview for 6 years

A year later with Democrats holding the White House and the Hill and Democrats are still obsessed with Donald Trump. Pathetic.
I keep waiting on leftists to come in a thread like this and say "but, but BIDEN"

I guess its gonna be a while!
That's what scares them. You won't see Biden being grilled on details like that much less actually giving direct, detailed, impromptu answers right off the cuff! Much less so disrespectfully and accusatorily. He has nothing to hide. He's taken more heat than the last 10 presidents combined.

But then, we are used to the leftwing shitshow, it is all they got. It started back in 2015 and they are still firing blanks. Trump has taken it all, none of it sticks, they had to fracture a nation with a cheat election and some sham embarrassment of a fraud puppet replacement just to protect their asses.

But Trump sounds and looks if anything, more live and animated than ever.

BTW, note that the title of this thread has been changed long after it began to cover up the fact that it was a tissue of lies reflected from the NPR leftwing hit-piece.
You probably are Trump's biggest supporter on this forum. You're the kind of guy Dear Leader loves the most.
I agree, the Russian hoax, investigation, was just that. They searched for a crime that did not exist and found that Trump did not lie.

They did find that hilarry and Obama were behind all of the fraud and criminal activity
obviously you havent seen the republican senate intelligence report that showed all the russia shit happened.
And if obama / hillary were doing anything criminal, then why didnt the republican congress do anything about it new the first two trump years?
You leap onto the side of some no name reporter from NPR and call me an asshat? Who is putting this loser on a hit list? You Liberals are so dramatic, but that's all you have. Insults and hyperbole.
It won't be long before Trump's mob starts targeting that show host & you know it because that's how you Trump asslickers operate.
You probably are Trump's biggest supporter on this forum. You're the kind of guy Dear Leader loves the most.

Really? Thank you, I appreciate the compliment but if true then Donald is in really big trouble because I never actually voted for him! :21:

Or maybe your perceptions are just that far off.
^ What Republicans will be saying to Biden supporters as soon as Rapin' Joe's removed from office via impeachment or other means.

Not gonna happen. No matter who wins control of both houses in November.
obviously you havent seen the republican senate intelligence report that showed all the russia shit happened.
And if obama / hillary were doing anything criminal, then why didnt the republican congress do anything about it new the first two trump years?
Can I quote the report. I think I will.

“after more than three years of investigation by this Committee, we can now say with no doubt, there was no collusion.”

Clinton. You don't belive smashing government cell phones with hammers and doing the same to computer hard drives was illegal? To begin with.
Can I quote the report. I think I will.

Clinton. You don't belive smashing government cell phones with hammers and doing the same to computer hard drives was illegal? To begin with.
thats not the report your quoting, youre quoting the views of a few senators.

the word collusion is meaningless from a legal perspective.
Trump being interviewed on NPR is like Hulk Hogan narrating an Animal Planet nature show

other people Trump hung up on...

"hello Trump, we can't deliver the pizza, but we can get you a salad if you want"

*Trump hangs up*

"hi Dad, it's me Tiffany"

*Trump hangs up*
thats not the report your quoting, youre quoting the views of a few senators.

the word collusion is meaningless from a legal perspective.
I quoted your link and now you disagree with your link?

Well, tell me which parts of the opinion piece you linked to can or can not believe?????

Your link says the Russian investigation found Trump innocent.

And now you disagree with your link?
I quoted your link and now you disagree with your link?

Well, tell me which parts of the opinion piece you linked to can or can not believe?????

Your link says the Russian investigation found Trump innocent.

And now you disagree with your link?
the quote youre referring to “after more than three years of investigation by this Committee, we can now say with no doubt, there was no collusion.” is an opinion of a few senators. Its not from the senate intel report.

Also, there is no assertion that Trump is innocent. The report details how Trump's campaign worked with Russia.

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