in interview to be aired Wednesday, Trump hangs up on NPR reporter Steve Inskeep who has been begging him for interview for 6 years

I would think patronizing him would make a worst reporter.

I did not know democrats want and demand patronizing from their reporters.
here is soft ball interview with Trump, not challenging him on any of his lies

Yea yea, we know. Trump only likes interviews when the questions are asked by a right wing lapdog sitting there with his/her tounge hanging out.

When his media scam opens up you asseaters can all have your fun fighting for the attention of The Orange Blob.

Too bad more of you cultists weren't around for Jim Jones. We wouldn't have to deal with your sick twisted horseshit now.
Sounds like Biden, not Trump. You are projecting, and badly.
Somebody named Steve Inskeep (of NPR) claims that the former president hung up on him and the alleged incident rises to the level of a political discussion in the minds of desperate lefties. You almost gotta laugh.
Somebody named Steve Inskeep (of NPR) claims that the former president hung up on him and the alleged incident rises to the level of a political discussion in the minds of desperate lefties. You almost gotta laugh.
I heard that a whistleblower who knows a guy who overheard the phone call claims Trump hung up on him. IMPEACHMENT!!! Oh wait I guess they can't do that......or can they?
That's a lie, and why are you projecting?

Biden is your guy, accept it, don't pretend the other guy is the same
LOL. Inskeep did the nasty to poor Donnie by pointing out his bullshit about "election fraud".

Guess who is now on your mob's hit list.
All they have is deflection, mocking and dismissal for anyone who isn't in lock step with the New Woke Order.
Didn't take long for Trump's asseaters to put Inskeep on their hit list.

All good, right?

Don't dare question The Former King who is now a private golfer.
sure, trump is able to survive two impeachments, a three year long investigation by the FBI, prosecutors combing through his tax returns, and now the "insurrection" inquiry, yet you and all the democrats are smart enough to know he is a liar, just not smart enough to catch him
Trump still remains impeached, he was acquitted by the senate.
I doubt Trump needs to worry about the FBI at this point. Its the Georgia 11,780 votes thing, and the NY DA investigation into financial crimes, and the jan 6th committee.
Prosecuting a former president is no trivial matter, especially when there is no precedent for these crimes.
Didn't take long for Trump's asseaters to put Inskeep on their hit list.

All good, right?

Don't dare question The Former King who is now a private golfer.
You leap onto the side of some no name reporter from NPR and call me an asshat? Who is putting this loser on a hit list? You Liberals are so dramatic, but that's all you have. Insults and hyperbole.
When Pressed On His Bevy of Election-Fraud Whoppers By an Actual News Organization, the Disgraced Ex-President trump Couldn't Handle the Heat

The softball questions trump is asked by his lackeys at FOX Noise set the stage for his lies as the responses.

However, when confronted by a true journalist, NPR’s Steve Inskeep, the questions asked demanded truth in response. Unable to employ his standard lies, trump bailed after nine minutes of a scheduled fifteen-minute interview.

Given the example of his NPR interview, the liar trump is toast if he is ever forced to testify under oath in any form of legal hearing.

When Pressed On His Bevy of Election-Fraud Whoppers By an Actual News Organization, the Disgraced Ex-President trump Couldn't Handle the Heat

The softball questions trump is asked by his lackeys at FOX Noise set the stage for his lies as the responses.

However, when confronted by a true journalist, NPR’s Steve Inskeep, the questions asked demanded truth in response. Unable to employ his standard lies, trump bailed after nine minutes of a scheduled fifteen-minute interview.

Given the example of his NPR interview, the liar trump is toast if he is ever forced to testify under oath in any form of legal hearing.

How's Biden doing so far ? Gotta have a real high approval rating with 80 million voting for him , right? Do you think TDS is real or FAKE NEWS?
When Pressed On His Bevy of Election-Fraud Whoppers By an Actual News Organization, the Disgraced Ex-President trump Couldn't Handle the Heat

The softball questions trump is asked by his lackeys at FOX Noise set the stage for his lies as the responses.

However, when confronted by a true journalist, NPR’s Steve Inskeep, the questions asked demanded truth in response. Unable to employ his standard lies, trump bailed after nine minutes of a scheduled fifteen-minute interview.

Given the example of his NPR interview, the liar trump is toast if he is ever forced to testify under oath in any form of legal hearing.

Trump didn't lie about the rigged election. It was plainly stolen. Also, NPR is a far left Socialist broadcast.
Trump didn't lie about the rigged election. It was plainly stolen. Also, NPR is a far left Socialist broadcast.

But not necessarily by Democrats per se.
I do not believe people like Paul Ryan, john Boehnor, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, AOC actually win that many elections if any.
I believe most of them are supported and appointed by a "Deep State" as explained nicely by judge Nepolitano recently.
They used false flags to manipulate the inauguration of Biden because they knew full well he was not popular and no one would attend his inauguration since few voted for him.

The DS consists of many heads of big corporations, political powers and billionaires. Most of the major airlines CEO's, the head of ATT and most really big corporations are in on it. These people are using their massive financial resources to manipulate the American economy and political system to their favor.
As long as they become trillionaires, they don't give a flying shit what happens to America or the American people.

Communist sympathizers will laugh this off as conspiracy theory because they fully (if not ignorantly) embrace the DS because they do well under it through government support or high paying jobs etc.

The same way the Feral government DS is attempting to buy millions of new voters by shoveling tons of taxpayer cash and benefits (and voting rights) at illegal immigrants. it's all designed to undermine and erode American power so they can take over.

These are VERY dark times and will end in brutality and immense pain and suffering for many millions who are failing to act against it now.
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But not necessarily by Democrats per se.
I do not believe people like Paul Ryan, john Boehnor, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, AOC actually win that many elections if any.
I believe most of them are supported and appointed by a "Deep State" as explained nicely by judge Nepolitano recently.
They used false flags to manipulate the inauguration of Biden because they knew full well he was not popular and no one would attend his inauguration since few voted for him.

The DS consists of many heads of big corporations, political powers and billionaires. These people are using their massive financial resources to manipulate the American economy and political system to their favor.

Communist sympathizers will laugh this off as conspiracy theory because they fully (if not ignorantly) embrace the DS because they do well under it through government support or high paying jobs etc.

The same way the Feral government DS is not attempting to buy millions of new voters by shoveling tons of taxpayer case and benefits (and voting rights) at illegal immigrants. it's all designed to undermine and erode American power so they can take over.

I lay it all at the feet of the Cabal, of which the people you mention are part of. The Cabal has been active for at least 2000 years and is slowly being exposed and members being terminated. Gitmo is so full that the Army has prison barges anchored there. It will soon be publicized and will shock the nation.

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