Zone1 In Isaiah God admits He "does evil" as some versions of the Bible put it


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
I read the Douay-Rheims Bible, best version around in my POV, which says

But he that is the wise one hath brought evil, and hath not removed his words: and he will rise up against the house of the wicked, and against the aid of them that work iniquity.

It is different in other version but the DR is the most reliable one

I think what is meant is that God does things or allows things to happen that humans do NOT like, that we call EVIL when humans do those things.. and maybe we are correct to see those things as evil...

and maybe we are just a bunch of whiney, spoiled brats vis a vis God's way of doing things... but anyhow...

God's perfect justice requires ... doing certain things.... We can't understand Him
I read the Douay-Rheims Bible, best version around in my POV, which says

But he that is the wise one hath brought evil, and hath not removed his words: and he will rise up against the house of the wicked, and against the aid of them that work iniquity.

It is different in other version but the DR is the most reliable one

I think what is meant is that God does things or allows things to happen that humans do NOT like, that we call EVIL when humans do those things.. and maybe we are correct to see those things as evil...

and maybe we are just a bunch of whiney, spoiled brats vis a vis God's way of doing things... but anyhow...

God's perfect justice requires ... doing certain things.... We can't understand Him
Many times in the Old Testament God enables the enemies of Israel to conquer them and do evil things to them, in order to cleanse them. Somewhat like a Great Flood but using other tribes to do it.
Isaiah was referring to those looking to Egypt for help instead of God. In some Bibles it says:

Isaiah 31:2 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who rely on horses, who trust in their abundance of chariots and in their multitude of horsemen. They do not look to the Holy One of Israel; they do not seek the LORD. Yet He too is wise and brings disaster; He does not call back His words. He will rise up against the house of the wicked and against the allies of evildoers

It's best to rely on God, rather than humans, even if we don't understand his ways.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

My friend who dated her husband in high school and has loved him dearly ever since, was worried when he had to have emergency surgery. It went well, but during surgery they spotted a small cancerous tumor elsewhere on him and removed it. His initial surgery was actually a blessing. Kenny is cancer free and didn't even know that he wasn't. And good little Catholic girl that Dani is, the first thing she did was thank God. All the glory to God.
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Many times in the Old Testament God enables the enemies of Israel to conquer them and do evil things to them, in order to cleanse them. Somewhat like a Great Flood but using other tribes to do it.
I know. But those here who have not read the Old T or have only read snippets of it

are always judging God.. saying He shouldn't do evil, and then turn around & expect us not to do it.

I have been there, I have to confess (w/ that thought/feeling). I have seen and experienced much evil in my life and I often wonder why God allowed it... I know there is free will.. has to be free will... but *&^%$ if you only knew the things I've endured..

Of course then there is what Jesus, who is God, endured.. you know, that un-real person who didn't exist, as some here say..

If I recall, you are Catholic?

Well, if so, you have likely spent time in the Real Presence? And there is nothing more REAL on Earth... absolutely nothing.. We feel that Presence at Mass, and then when there is Adoration.. :)
My friend who dated her husband in high school and has loved him dearly ever since, was worried when he had to have emergency surgery. It went well, but during surgery they spotted a small cancerous tumor elsewhere on him and removed it. His initial surgery was actually a blessing. Kenny is cancer free and didn't even know that he wasn't. And good little Catholic girl that Dani is, the first thing she did was thank God. All the glory to God.
I've seen it happen that some "bad" thing will happen and then down the road, I am thankful for that bad thing because of what came from it..
Raised Methodist.

Left that for obvious reasons. They’ve gone woke and are pro-homo. Even in the old days it was hard to find a church with a decent Pastor worth listening too, so many of them are women who in my experience were all terrible.
Women are not to have authority over a man, says the Word, but so many are cafeteria like when it comes to the Word.. pick and choose what they will believe..

that doesn't mean women should be treated like they are sub human. I'm reading a book about a Baptist cult that basically seemed to think women were good for 2 or 3 things and had no right to express themselves, their feelings, their thoughts or anything.. it's awful. This one psychopath got into tht religion and beat his children until they bled, over the stupidest things. Then they found out later he molested his daughters. One of them, at this point in the book, is planning to seek justice on that..

But yeh, about being Methodist. I always thought the Methodists were the ones closest to Catholic teaching. But as you say, they've gone "woke"... or bananas... :)
Many times in the Old Testament God enables the enemies of Israel to conquer them and do evil things to them, in order to cleanse them. Somewhat like a Great Flood but using other tribes to do it.
He turns from his people because of their evil allowing those who hate his people to conquer them and put them in bondage. He's doing that to America right now. Jesus said "Love the Lord thy God" first. The belief in Christ is dwindling and that means we are not honoring His Father. So, what is America honoring? We have become prideful and we honor the things of man. We worship the things of man instead of the Father in the name of the Son. Wokism is what happens when we turn from God. We start calling men women and women, men and accept that. We even see many help that cause by surgical work. Many can see the wrong doing this with children under 18. But, it's as wicked for this to happen over 18 too. And, that's just one thing happening.
He turns from his people because of their evil allowing those who hate his people to conquer them and put them in bondage. He's doing that to America right now. Jesus said "Love the Lord thy God" first. The belief in Christ is dwindling and that means we are not honoring His Father. So, what is America honoring? We have become prideful and we honor the things of man. We worship the things of man instead of the Father in the name of the Son. Wokism is what happens when we turn from God. We start calling men women and women, men and accept that. We even see many help that cause by surgical work. Many can see the wrong doing this with children under 18. But, it's as wicked for this to happen over 18 too. And, that's just one thing happening.
^^ Bingo. This has been on my thoughts for the past year or so.

The Bible teaches that when man turns away from God, calamity happens. It’s the first lesson in the Bible (Adam and Eve), yet so many still make the same mistake.

America has turned from God. We celebrate two deadly sins for an entire month: Pride and Lust. We are no longer a God fearing nation. For that reason, we will be destroyed if we don’t go back to being a God fearing nation.

The transgenderism thing is really the ultimate example of their satanic ways. It’s denying the reality of biology. The first verses in the Bible about humans is the fact that God created man and woman. This is what they are attacking, this fact. So they fabricate this “unreality” as St. Augustine calls it, and spread their lies about it. But in the end, it’s just a lie and isn’t real. It isn’t a “trans woman”, it’s just a perverted man wearing a dress.
God's perfect justice requires ... doing certain things.... We can't understand Him

perfect is an invalid concept and has no religious association.

the desert religions of servitude and denial teach as 7 insinuates ... the opposite of liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus.
I've seen it happen that some "bad" thing will happen and then down the road, I am thankful for that bad thing because of what came from it..
My husband and I were on our way home for Christmas break and I was so excited. We made it 1/4 of the way and the car just stopped. The mechanic couldn't fix it till morning when he got a new water pump. I was so pissed. I just wanted to be home.
So I called my Daddy and asked him to wire the guy the money. My Dad never missed work, but that morning he had to wait for Western Union to open. He sent the money. We got back on the road, in a snow storm. On a New York radio station they announced that a building on an island in the Ohio River had exploded, many dead. We stopped about every 5 minutes for me to call home, but the circuits were all jammed. My Dad, my grandfather, my two uncles, their 3 children were all working on that building. But my Daddy wasn't there that morning. He was at Western Union. I still thank God for taking out the water pump.
My friend who dated her husband in high school and has loved him dearly ever since, was worried when he had to have emergency surgery. It went well, but during surgery they spotted a small cancerous tumor elsewhere on him and removed it. His initial surgery was actually a blessing. Kenny is cancer free and didn't even know that he wasn't. And good little Catholic girl that Dani is, the first thing she did was thank God. All the glory to God
This is exactly what happened to me.
My gallbladder acted up. I tried and tried to live with it for several months. I tried to control it through diet. But those 10 hour vomiting sessions wore me down. Finally I went to the ER, and they sent me to a University hospital where they removed my gallbladder -- and discovered a large tumor on my pancreas. After a few weeks recovering from the first surgery I was back in the hospital to have that tumor removed.

It left me with diabetes after they removed most of what's left of my pancreas, but it's a small price for my life.

This was ONE of many incidents that forced me to catch a glimpse of God. If not for that gallbladder surgery I would be in the grave 3 years ago. I'm in no hurry to leave.
Raised Methodist.

Left that for obvious reasons. They’ve gone woke and are pro-homo. Even in the old days it was hard to find a church with a decent Pastor worth listening too, so many of them are women who in my experience were all terrible.
I've never seen a church with a woman "pastor" that wasn't far left and has surrendered to the world. I agree with Paul on that matter
My husband and I were on our way home for Christmas break and I was so excited. We made it 1/4 of the way and the car just stopped. The mechanic couldn't fix it till morning when he got a new water pump. I was so pissed. I just wanted to be home.
So I called my Daddy and asked him to wire the guy the money. My Dad never missed work, but that morning he had to wait for Western Union to open. He sent the money. We got back on the road, in a snow storm. On a New York radio station they announced that a building on an island in the Ohio River had exploded, many dead. We stopped about every 5 minutes for me to call home, but the circuits were all jammed. My Dad, my grandfather, my two uncles, their 3 children were all working on that building. But my Daddy wasn't there that morning. He was at Western Union. I still thank God for taking out the water pump.
so all those other relatives died? Wow.. awful
so all those other relatives died? Wow.. awful
No. None of my family died. My friends weren't able to say that. Dads, brothers, husbands, friends. It was a very dismal, bleak Christmas that year. It was heartbreaking.
Everyone was in that building on a coffee break minutes before it blew, The ones that were lagging in back died. It was an industrial complex that was being built and gas had leaked out and collected under that building. When it blew, the concrete floor blew up to the ceiling and the men were crushed. We lived miles from the island, and when my Dad was getting ready to leave the house that morning, the explosion rattled the windows in our house, and he said to mom, "Something very bad just happened." He spent the rest of the day trying to put the body parts of his friends together for their family's sake.
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No. None of my family died. My friends weren't able to say that. Dads, brothers, husbands, friends. It was a very dismal, bleak Christmas that year. It was heartbreaking.
Everyone was in that building on a coffee break minutes before it blew, The ones that were lagging in back died. It was an industrial complex that was being built and gas had leaked out and collected under that building. When it blew, the concrete floor blew up to the ceiling and the men were crushed. We lived miles from the island, and when my Dad was getting ready to leave the house that morning, the explosion rattled the windows in our house, and he said to mom, "Something very bad just happened." He spent the rest of the day trying to put the body parts of his friends together for their family's sake.
That is so sad.

Yeh, sometimes u can't help but wonder

God... WHY all the misery and pain in the world?

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