In Jerusalem, Israel now.

The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
they always win the battles but lose the war against God for he sees their evil and always punishes them for it. especially when done in his name for some holy land b.s.

Like when he drops an Earthquake on the muslims, or a tidal wave. How about a volcano, a deluge, a pandemic etc.
Seems he has more problems with muslims as he kills a hell of a lot of them in various ways, but does not kill very many Jews or Christians.

I wonder will the muslims ever realise that they are even losing the support of their gods
Silly Post.....concentrate on your Election for a few days,and give me a rest.Thanking YOU in advance for your co-operation in this matter Phoenall,steve
There was no David and according to the OT, he was a first degree murderer and adulterer, and possibly a homosexual. Their hero was short lived and nothing to be proud of .

On one hand you claim there was no David and on the other you claim there was. David existed, it has been proven.

And David did the same as any other politician except he also publicly admitted his faults (sins). And that is why he was a man after God's own heart. should never use the words GOD and david in the same sentence...........steve..........even the Jews at the time thought david a bad bastard,that's why they wouldn't allow him to consecrate the Temple in J'salem
What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers

The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
YES..Most Jews are ANTI SEMITIC.......I Have been telling the Jewish Lobby on here for sometime.....but they are bloody THICK

Not as thick as you who sees the islamomoron definition of Semitic as the real one. No doubt you also see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as the real one even though the real one does not say that Israel has to relinquish all territories occupied yesterday.
More Crap or in your case....CRAP MORE
No Teddy he was Murdered by David(you are reading the Sanitized Songsheet

OK, if you insist on this, give me a link. Prove it. Mine is not the sanitized song sheet, it is here:

1Samuel 34:4 . . . . So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.

And I just got reminded that I visited the town where they put up his body on the walls in 2011. Thanks for that.
I will find it for you Teddy.....whilst I'm looking,something for you to peruse ....HOW ISLAM SAVED THE JEWS -David Wasserstein The Book of Doctrines and Opinions

I'd be interested by your comments and thoughts Teddy..Regards steve

I see that the report contradicts itself many times in claiming that Judaism would have died out if not for the advent of Islam. The Jews in the west were spreading and increasing while those in the East were declining. The author produces no evidence to show that Judaism was in decline and was no longer able to carry on.
What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers

The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
YES..Most Jews are ANTI SEMITIC.......I Have been telling the Jewish Lobby on here for sometime.....but they are bloody THICK

Not as thick as you who sees the islamomoron definition of Semitic as the real one. No doubt you also see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as the real one even though the real one does not say that Israel has to relinquish all territories occupied yesterday.
More Crap or in your case....CRAP MORE

Do you see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as being the only real one ?

Or do you see the authors views as being correct and that the Jews dont have to give up all the land occupied
The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve

Whats wrong do the links destroy your long held beliefs and show that you follow the wrong path
they always win the battles but lose the war against God for he sees their evil and always punishes them for it. especially when done in his name for some holy land b.s.

Like when he drops an Earthquake on the muslims, or a tidal wave. How about a volcano, a deluge, a pandemic etc.
Seems he has more problems with muslims as he kills a hell of a lot of them in various ways, but does not kill very many Jews or Christians.

I wonder will the muslims ever realise that they are even losing the support of their gods
Silly Post.....concentrate on your Election for a few days,and give me a rest.Thanking YOU in advance for your co-operation in this matter Phoenall,steve

Don't like the truth do you when it shows that countries that had no natural disasters before being overran by muslims now face major natural disasters. All Gods work you know as punishment to the muslim hordes spoiling hos greatest creation.
What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers

The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
YES..Most Jews are ANTI SEMITIC.......I Have been telling the Jewish Lobby on here for sometime.....but they are bloody THICK

Not as thick as you who sees the islamomoron definition of Semitic as the real one. No doubt you also see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as the real one even though the real one does not say that Israel has to relinquish all territories occupied yesterday.
More Crap or in your case....CRAP MORE

Do you see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as being the only real one ?

Or do you see the authors views as being correct and that the Jews dont have to give up all the land occupied
I don't think you can comprehend the written word properly,if at all.......I know you are a bit report "Please concentrate and try Harder".......that is the trouble with you POMS,you think you are a bit special but you really have become the Dregs
they always win the battles but lose the war against God for he sees their evil and always punishes them for it. especially when done in his name for some holy land b.s.

Like when he drops an Earthquake on the muslims, or a tidal wave. How about a volcano, a deluge, a pandemic etc.
Seems he has more problems with muslims as he kills a hell of a lot of them in various ways, but does not kill very many Jews or Christians.

I wonder will the muslims ever realise that they are even losing the support of their gods
Silly Post.....concentrate on your Election for a few days,and give me a rest.Thanking YOU in advance for your co-operation in this matter Phoenall,steve

Don't like the truth do you when it shows that countries that had no natural disasters before being overran by muslims now face major natural disasters. All Gods work you know as punishment to the muslim hordes spoiling hos greatest creation.
You are Utterly MAD...........give me the names of these countries............if you are careful what you say regarding this as You are Riding for a Fall and will merely show what a complete Idiot you are.....Soon Forward with your Info.,Phoney.....Soon Forward
Last edited:
No Teddy he was Murdered by David(you are reading the Sanitized Songsheet

OK, if you insist on this, give me a link. Prove it. Mine is not the sanitized song sheet, it is here:

1Samuel 34:4 . . . . So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.

And I just got reminded that I visited the town where they put up his body on the walls in 2011. Thanks for that.
I will find it for you Teddy.....whilst I'm looking,something for you to peruse ....HOW ISLAM SAVED THE JEWS -David Wasserstein The Book of Doctrines and Opinions

I'd be interested by your comments and thoughts Teddy..Regards steve
No Teddy he was Murdered by David(you are reading the Sanitized Songsheet

OK, if you insist on this, give me a link. Prove it. Mine is not the sanitized song sheet, it is here:

1Samuel 34:4 . . . . So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.

And I just got reminded that I visited the town where they put up his body on the walls in 2011. Thanks for that.
I will find it for you Teddy.....whilst I'm looking,something for you to peruse ....HOW ISLAM SAVED THE JEWS -David Wasserstein The Book of Doctrines and Opinions

I'd be interested by your comments and thoughts Teddy..Regards steve

Thank you for the very interesting site and article.
The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
YES..Most Jews are ANTI SEMITIC.......I Have been telling the Jewish Lobby on here for sometime.....but they are bloody THICK

Not as thick as you who sees the islamomoron definition of Semitic as the real one. No doubt you also see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as the real one even though the real one does not say that Israel has to relinquish all territories occupied yesterday.
More Crap or in your case....CRAP MORE

Do you see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as being the only real one ?

Or do you see the authors views as being correct and that the Jews dont have to give up all the land occupied
I don't think you can comprehend the written word properly,if at all.......I know you are a bit report "Please concentrate and try Harder".......that is the trouble with you POMS,you think you are a bit special but you really have become the Dregs

Us poms got rid of you criminals by sending you to Australia, hoping the salties would eat you all.
The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641
The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641

Ashkenazim are Chazars, check the Jewish encly out. They are not from the Levant.
The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
The Khazar myth has been disproven over and over. get with the program

The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

These numbers have raised some questions before: at least one historian called the increase in Jewish population a “demographic miracle.”28 Jits van Straten, a microbiologist by training and genealogist by avocation, recently reconsidered the demographic statistics for Jewish and non-Jewish populations in 19th-century Europe and the explanations given for the “miracle,” and finds them grossly inadequate: it would have required not a metaphorical but a literal miracle defying the laws of nature for the Ashkenazi Jewish population to increase that fast. 29

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books

A major difficulty with the Rhineland Hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multi-migration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten 2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from 50 thousand (15th century) to 8 million (20th century). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural population expansion (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Sand 2009). Such an unnatural growth rate (1.7-2% annually) over half a millennia, affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe is commonly explained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem - it is not science. Our findings reject the Rhineland Hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo-Khazars in origin.
Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite-Palestinian Jewish emigrates who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of converts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano-Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was re-lexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with genetic, archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies and reconcile contradicting genetic findings regarding European Jewish ancestry (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009). Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazar’s conversion to Judaism and the JudeoKhazarian ancestry of European Jews (e.g., “Sefer ha-Ittim” by Rabbi Jehudah ben Barzillai [1100] , “Sefer ha-Kabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641

Ashkenazim are Chazars, check the Jewish encly out. They are not from the Levant.
Now Penelope is going to tell us which hate site she first found out about the Khazars. From 200 to choose from, it must have been quite a job. Did you see the latest bit about the DNA studies which of course little NeoNazis like you would never accept because the Khazar shtick fits in more with your agenda. Penelope's DNA probably matches up with the Nazis. Goebbels or even Hitler a distant relative, Penelope?
The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
The real history of the East-European Jews, who stem from Khazars, Slavs and other non-Semitic tribes, was generally accepted by all Jewish historians before the creation of Israel, and it has been re-proven over and over again.

There is new evidence from the field of linguistics, archaeology, demography and even genetics.

The invented history of European Jews is based on "miracles", but any educated person can understand that science is incompatible with miracles:

The Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo Sand Yael Lotan 9781844676231 Books
The Thirteenth Tribe The Kazar Empire and Its Heritage Arthur Koestler 9780445042421 Books
The Ashkenazic Jews A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity Paul Wexler 9780893572419 Books
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641

Ashkenazim are Chazars, check the Jewish encly out. They are not from the Levant.
Now Penelope is going to tell us which hate site she first found out about the Khazars. From 200 to choose from, it must have been quite a job. Did you see the latest bit about the DNA studies which of course little NeoNazis like you would never accept because the Khazar shtick fits in more with your agenda. Penelope's DNA probably matches up with the Nazis. Goebbels or even Hitler a distant relative, Penelope?

You can read about them in the Jewish encyl. There are no DNA studies specific for Jews and Ashkenazim are from Europe not the Levant. There is no special Jewish blood or DNA. Judeans were said to be jews, not all Israelites by the way. Is-Ra-El would be the only reason for Jacob to mediate on changing his name.
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641

Ashkenazim are Chazars, check the Jewish encly out. They are not from the Levant.
Now Penelope is going to tell us which hate site she first found out about the Khazars. From 200 to choose from, it must have been quite a job. Did you see the latest bit about the DNA studies which of course little NeoNazis like you would never accept because the Khazar shtick fits in more with your agenda. Penelope's DNA probably matches up with the Nazis. Goebbels or even Hitler a distant relative, Penelope?

You can read about them in the Jewish encyl. There are no DNA studies specific for Jews and Ashkenazim are from Europe not the Levant. There is no special Jewish blood or DNA. Judeans were said to be jews, not all Israelites by the way. Is-Ra-El would be the only reason for Jacob to mediate on changing his name.
Damn, you're smart!
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I still wonder what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site Art first picked up about these "khazars." I don't believe any of us had ever heard about this khazar shtick before until it was dragged up from hate sites by anti-Semites, and consequently these "khazars" have been dragged up for years and years on these forums time and time again, as they were just now by Art.. Tell us, Art, since living in Germany you have to see many Muslim immigrants living around you now, such as the Turks. They came for jobs, didn't they? Do you think the earlier Arabs would have come to Israel from their poor countries if the Jews didn't have jobs for them?

Palestinians The Invented People

The latest seems to knock down the "khazar" theory.

New genetic study More evidence for modern Ashkenazi Jews ancient Hebrew patrimony Scope Blog

Perhaps Art and the others into this khazar shtick should read this too.

Articles Who are the Jews
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641

Ashkenazim are Chazars, check the Jewish encly out. They are not from the Levant.
Now Penelope is going to tell us which hate site she first found out about the Khazars. From 200 to choose from, it must have been quite a job. Did you see the latest bit about the DNA studies which of course little NeoNazis like you would never accept because the Khazar shtick fits in more with your agenda. Penelope's DNA probably matches up with the Nazis. Goebbels or even Hitler a distant relative, Penelope?

You can read about them in the Jewish encyl. There are no DNA studies specific for Jews and Ashkenazim are from Europe not the Levant. There is no special Jewish blood or DNA. Judeans were said to be jews, not all Israelites by the way. Is-Ra-El would be the only reason for Jacob to mediate on changing his name.
Why not do some research on the latest findings of the DNA studies, Penelope? I think many of us realize by now that you are an anti-Semite and can't find enough derogatory things to say about the Jews. Do you think that you can break down and tell us what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site you first learned about these "Khazars?" That was the only way you would have initially even heard the word "Khazar." It would be interesting to know how many of the anti-Semites here use the same hate site. Meanwhile, many Germans settled in the area of America Penelope claims she lives in, and I would be willing to bet that she has the same DNA as the Nazis who hated the Jews as she does.
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
Inaccurate Post..should be REMOVED...Come on Hossy,this is some of your worst prose my friend.......I have told you before STOP drinking that cheap Whiskey...steve
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641

Ashkenazim are Chazars, check the Jewish encly out. They are not from the Levant.
Now Penelope is going to tell us which hate site she first found out about the Khazars. From 200 to choose from, it must have been quite a job. Did you see the latest bit about the DNA studies which of course little NeoNazis like you would never accept because the Khazar shtick fits in more with your agenda. Penelope's DNA probably matches up with the Nazis. Goebbels or even Hitler a distant relative, Penelope?

You can read about them in the Jewish encyl. There are no DNA studies specific for Jews and Ashkenazim are from Europe not the Levant. There is no special Jewish blood or DNA. Judeans were said to be jews, not all Israelites by the way. Is-Ra-El would be the only reason for Jacob to mediate on changing his name.
Why not do some research on the latest findings of the DNA studies, Penelope? I think many of us realize by now that you are an anti-Semite and can't find enough derogatory things to say about the Jews. Do you think that you can break down and tell us what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site you first learned about these "Khazars?" That was the only way you would have initially even heard the word "Khazar." It would be interesting to know how many of the anti-Semites here use the same hate site. Meanwhile, many Germans settled in the area of America Penelope claims she lives in, and I would be willing to bet that she has the same DNA as the Nazis who hated the Jews as she does.

The Nazis don't have DNA , Nazism is the German Socialist Workers Party. I have researched the DNA and there is no Jewish DNA, the most that can do is tell what part of the globe that person had more in common with, and the Ashkenazim have more in common with the eastern European area, not the Levant. Facts are facts. There are not many races, 4 or they say 5 at the most, and it goes by physical features of the head and face and skin color. Lets face it , even the Jewish Library says the diaspora begun in 500 bc and in 300 bc, the Jews from Babylon and Judea had intermarried , even the Priests. So unless that person practices Judaism, they are Judaic, but Jew is an old term used for those who lived in Judea. They turned into other people. Since so many were in the Kiev area, they must of been a different people with a different language.
I guess you, as an anti-Semite, want the post removed because it tells the truth. That cheap whiskey that you drink every day has fogged up your brain. Now I wonder where Steve, Art and the other anti-Semites on this forum have gotten their info about the "Khazars." As is stated in the following article, ". Some two hundred websites claim to describe a cabal known as the "Khazarian Zionist Bolsheviks" (KZV). Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial organizations and websites are particularly fond of the Khazar myth...Arab and Islamist propagandists have long bandied about the "Ashkenazim as Khazars" theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar story to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Khazar pseudo-Jewish imperialists.

Myths and Facts A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict Mitchell G. Bard 9780971294516 Books
day at 4:46 AM#641

Ashkenazim are Chazars, check the Jewish encly out. They are not from the Levant.
Now Penelope is going to tell us which hate site she first found out about the Khazars. From 200 to choose from, it must have been quite a job. Did you see the latest bit about the DNA studies which of course little NeoNazis like you would never accept because the Khazar shtick fits in more with your agenda. Penelope's DNA probably matches up with the Nazis. Goebbels or even Hitler a distant relative, Penelope?

You can read about them in the Jewish encyl. There are no DNA studies specific for Jews and Ashkenazim are from Europe not the Levant. There is no special Jewish blood or DNA. Judeans were said to be jews, not all Israelites by the way. Is-Ra-El would be the only reason for Jacob to mediate on changing his name.
Why not do some research on the latest findings of the DNA studies, Penelope? I think many of us realize by now that you are an anti-Semite and can't find enough derogatory things to say about the Jews. Do you think that you can break down and tell us what NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site you first learned about these "Khazars?" That was the only way you would have initially even heard the word "Khazar." It would be interesting to know how many of the anti-Semites here use the same hate site. Meanwhile, many Germans settled in the area of America Penelope claims she lives in, and I would be willing to bet that she has the same DNA as the Nazis who hated the Jews as she does.

The Nazis don't have DNA , Nazism is the German Socialist Workers Party. I have researched the DNA and there is no Jewish DNA, the most that can do is tell what part of the globe that person had more in common with, and the Ashkenazim have more in common with the eastern European area, not the Levant. Facts are facts. There are not many races, 4 or they say 5 at the most, and it goes by physical features of the head and face and skin color. Lets face it , even the Jewish Library says the diaspora begun in 500 bc and in 300 bc, the Jews from Babylon and Judea had intermarried , even the Priests. So unless that person practices Judaism, they are Judaic, but Jew is an old term used for those who lived in Judea. They turned into other people. Since so many were in the Kiev area, they must of been a different people with a different language.
You are trying so hard here Penelope, just like a Nazi would, but you are getting to sound so desperate in trying to prove that certain Jews are really not Jews. Sieg Heil. Those World War II Nazis would have been proud of you. Do your research on the latest findings about the Jews. Then do your research to find that we all have part of our DNA showing that we come out of Africa. Isn't that something? Africa is certainly a far cry from your home.

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