In many ways you could blame Jan. 6 violence on Mike Pence


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
The FBI organized demonstration in Charlottesville Va. was a dry run for the fun to come. Va. Troopers were ordered to stand down while bus loads of outside demonstrators were shipped in. Likewise Capital Cops were ordered to stand down while FBI organizers goaded a bunch of mom and pop demonstrators into the building. It was another step in the ongoing treason inherent in the "justice dept".
Sorry bout that,

1. If Pence would of just said, "Hold on lets make sure the counts right!"
2. No the chicken shit is responsible for this mess we are in now.
3. Pence is a dumb bastard!

If Lincoln would have just gone along with slavery, the civil war wouldn't have happened. It's all his fault.
Lincoln could have saved the Country from the carnage of Civil War by making a deal or reaching out to hot headed Southern congressmen but he was to timid to confront these people in person. Instead he listened to bad advice from cabinet members who advised him the war would be over in a month. He wasn't just wrong, he was criminally wrong.
Sorry bout that,

1. If Pence would of just said, "Hold on lets make sure the counts right!"
2. No the chicken shit is responsible for this mess we are in now.
3. Pence is a dumb bastard!
It's humorous to watch you continually stump for the biggest POS con man ever elected to Office, <<<<< that would be trump.
If Lincoln would have just gone along with slavery, the civil war wouldn't have happened. It's all his fault.
Wow, you finally made a valid point. If only you could find a time machine to travel back and give that tip to Lincoln.
Likewise Capital Cops were ordered to stand down while FBI organizers goaded a bunch of mom and pop demonstrators into the building.

Prove it.

No poster wants to look like an empty suit, or the big hat/no cow cowboy.
Don't be the first.
Your hand has been called.
Or go.
How many ways does the Neo-GOP hate the US Constitution these day?

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”

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