In many ways you could blame Jan. 6 violence on Mike Pence

They only wanted to stop the steal.
You do so legally, in the courts within the timeframe of election law,, with evidence and proof YOU bring forward. WE ARE A NATION OF LAWS.


Trump lost BIG TIME cuz we voted the son of a bitch out.

You cheating by trying to steal the election from whom we voted and chose is traitorous, and at this point, the people that created your stolen election lies and unconstitutional theft, need to be tried and jailed......forever and a day!
I never went to bed. There was no mystery. The count numbers of absentee and mail in ballots finally starting coming late in as predicted because the Republican led state legislatures in those few swing states did not heed the warning that they should follow the experienced states and start counting those ballots early. It's almost as if they planned for just such an excuse, probably because they knew the Dirty Don was going to lose Bigly.

The democrats introduced a bill in the legislature to change it and all Rs voted it down in those states.
Trump was winning the election when America went to bed. In the middle of the night, ballots for Biden mysteriously appeared.
When the states began counting mail in ballots and the larger population counties were counted, Biden got more votes than the blob.

There were audits. All confirmed Biden's victory.

Why would the alleged fraud result in the GOP gaining more seats in the House and a 50/50 Senate?

There was/is no mystery. Biden won. Your blob lost.
Democrats / snowflakes need to stop making excuses for Democrats, FBI, ATF, DHS, & federal / local / Capitol Police who FAILED to prevent J6 and FAILED to protect the Capitol despite having plenty of Intel and time to prepare.

Failed to protect the Capitol FROM PEOPLE LIKE You!
'.......FBI, ATF, DHS, & federal / local / Capitol Police who FAILED to prevent J6 and FAILED to protect the Capitol despite having plenty of Intel and time to prepare."

OK, for the sake of the game, let's try to respond to the above questionable assertions.
Did those agencies "fail"?

OK, let us assume they did, but......
....but if so, who was their boss?
Who did they report to?
Who had appointed their directors?
If they did, indeed, "fail" the poster 'easyt' suggests...well, where should that buck stop?

And, if they did fail....well, would that not be consistent with the leadership track-record of Don Trump? I mean by that.....multiple failed businesses, multiple bankruptcies, fines, criminal penalties for officers, fraudulent charities, multiple failed marriages, etc. etc.

If they did, indeed, fail......then the buck stops at the POTUS Resolute Desk.



They only wanted to stop the steal.
And to do that, some of society's losers...wearing MAGA-hats btw....chose to beat the crap out of uniformed police sworn to protect our representatives; chose to vandalize our 'People's House'; and chose to poop in the hallways and office floors of our Capitol.

Seems to me poster Lenny.....that those you defend and support in doing the above...were somewhat imprudent in their attempt to stop the Constitutional peaceful transfer of power. No?
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We all wanted this handled peacefully. Looks like Pence dropped the ball.

---Donald Trump further widened the breach with former Vice President Mike Pence by faulting him for the violence of Jan. 6---

Yes, it is Pence's fault he did not go along with Trump's coup.

Yeah. Okay. :rolleyes:
Which had been altered by fraudulent votes.
I hate to inform you, but the more you repeat a lie, it does not become true.

I know Trump taught you it does. But it doesn't.

It just makes you sound mentally ill.
If they did, indeed, "fail" the poster 'easyt' suggests...well, where should that buck stop?

And, if they did fail....well, would that not be consistent with the leadership track-record of Don Trump?

Holy Shit - you are desperate to blame Trump.

At the top of the 'security fuck-up food chain' was Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, and the Sergeants at Arms of House and Senate, NOT TRUMP.

Schumer and Raskin are on Administrative Committees that deal with the security of tbe Capitol. Testimony already pointed out that these 3 Amigos pretty much ran meetings on J6 Security Prep. Everything went through them.

Why wasn't security fencing used? The place to start asking that question is with them, as those committees held control of that asset...which was not used.

All of them - FBI, ATF, DHS, & Federal and local law enforcement - had adequate Intel, knew what they would be facing, and FAILED to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.

A bipartisan committee that investigated security issues, with Capitol Police testimony, proved tbe Capitol Police were undermanned on J6 and that no supervisors were at the Capitol on J6 despite intel showing a large potentially violent crowd would be there. When things 'went south' the front line CP had no one to give them guidance / direction.
-- This possibly explains why the CP initiated the violence by firing tear gas, mortars, rubber bullets, etc... WITHOUT WARNING.

With MONTHS to.prevent J6 the FBI focused on recruiting, infiltrating, spying on, planning to have undercover agents in with the crowd, prepping, training, and executing their FAILED ops.

NONE of that was designed to PREVENT J6 or to protect the Capitol. Having embedded agents dressed as Trump Supporters means you have agents there in the crowd AS VIOLENCE BEGINS, NOT PREVENTING THE VIOLENCE TO BEGIN WITH.

Experts and reports have pointed out Democrat decision FAILS, FBI / ATF / DHS security FAILS, federal and local law enforcement FAILS.

Trump was not on the committees making plans to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.
- That was Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the DC Mayor, the Sgts-at-Arms, FNI, Capitol Police, etc...

Trump did not run the FBI, ATF, DHS, was not his job to tell them HOW to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol

It was not Trump's job to prevent J6 / protect the Capitol.

Snowflakes insist - correctly - the protestors have personal responsibility for their decisions and actions on J6.

That also applies to those responsible for preventing J6 and protecting the capitol, during the months they had to plan and on J6.

Just as the protestors can't blame anyone else for their participation in the violence, Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the FBI, ATF, DHS, federal and local law enforcement can not blame anyone else for THEIR failure to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol...

Especially when taking 48-72 hours to put up a security fence, proven to have been successful in the past, would have kept protestors away from.the Capitol and would have ptevented J6 and wpuld have protected the Capitol.

Your deranged hatred of and obsession with Trump has you insanely over-reaching to blame him for things he wasn't in charge of and had no control over.

JUST STOP....and seek professional help.
Eventually we'll get to the point to where the Trump supporters even disavow that Trump was in Washington that day.

It's gone from silly to sad with these folks.
We all wanted this handled peacefully. Looks like Pence dropped the ball.

---Donald Trump further widened the breach with former Vice President Mike Pence by faulting him for the violence of Jan. 6---

Yep, had he just ignored the Constitution and handed the election to Trump, Trump's minions would have had no reason to storm the building.
I love it :thup:
Thats your VP there bucko.
If Lincoln would have just gone along with slavery, the civil war wouldn't have happened. It's all his fault.
Breaking the Constitutional Law is NOT a simple task.
Pence held his Ground.

Pence has to wonder...."WTF was I thinking when I accepted the VP nomination."
It's clear now that, even now that they know their media has been lying to them, they are not going to wake up.

These are the Manson Girls. Nothing is going to get in.
All of them - FBI, ATF, DHS, & Federal and local law enforcement - had adequate Intel, knew what they would be facing, and FAILED to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.

All of those agencies ---and their directors --- report to the Executive branch of government. Not the legislative. The decision to do or not do....lies with the Executive.

Further, the proposed rally at the Eclipse was 2-miles away from the Capitol.
There was no 'March' permit requested by the Trump organizers. No 'March' permit issued by the city or the Parks officials.

In fact, there is testimony that Trump and his enablers strove to keep his planned 'spontaneous' orders to march at our legislators on the down keep it secret.
As a secret plan the City police, the Parks police, the Capitol police.....could not know that several thousand people would take over the busy traffic throughway, or the sidewalks and grounds. Thus, their 'staffing' was at normal day levels, and no extra-ordinary crowd or pedestrian control devices or barriers were erected, nor were police lined up along the throughway for controlling the crowd. Except........expect around the Eclipse where the planned, announced, and 'permit'-authorized rally was intended.

Don Trump and his enablers were responsible for the 'spontaneous' march of the intentionally incited and angered MAGA/QAnon/ProudBoy crowd to go directly at our elected representatives with the intention to intimidate them and halt the Constitutionally mandate count of the Electoral Ballots.

I hope I am clear on that.

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