in new interview, AOC lays the blame at GOP's feet for Speaker chaos: "the party of personal responsibility should pull itself by it's own bootstraps"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
she also says America should fund Ukraine because we need to defend democracy.

she's wrong. Ukraine is not a democracy!

she also says America should fund Ukraine because we need to defend democracy.

she's wrong. Ukraine is not a democracy!

This is the same person that believes people lifting Apple TVs and Louis Vittons because they want to feed their families.
LOL she‘s complaining about no Speaker when she and her whole party voted him out.

IN the interview, she just echos the Sentiments of Pelosi and Jeffries, and doesn't have an original thought of her own, other than calling all the really conservative Republicans racists, and telling the interviewer, that the evidence in the Biden impeachment inquiry is. . . "fabricated?" 🤔

This was her take on the removal of the speaker.. . . IOW, the GOP conference only did it to themselves, and they need to learn to grow up and govern.

Why House Democrats Refused to Save McCarthy​

“. . . It is now the responsibility of the GOP members to end the House Republican Civil War,” Jeffries wrote. “Given their unwillingness to break from MAGA extremism in an authentic and comprehensive manner, House Democratic leadership will vote yes on the pending Republican Motion to Vacate the Chair.”

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was out of town and missed the vote, also laid the chaos at the feet of the GOP, and said Democrats had no reason to help McCarthy.

“The Speaker of the House is chosen by the Majority Party,” Pelosi wrote on X, the site formerly known as Twitter. “In this Congress, it is the responsibility of House Republicans to choose a nominee & elect the Speaker on the Floor. At this time there is no justification for a departure from this tradition. The House will be in order.”
LOL she‘s complaining about no Speaker when she and her whole party voted him out.

The opposing party has never voted for the other sides proposed speaker. In reality, it wasn't just the 8 Reps that voted against him, it was the majority of the Reps that set this into motion with completely dangerous rulings. The Reps have brought this on themselves and now have to dig their way back out.

she also says America should fund Ukraine because we need to defend democracy.

she's wrong. Ukraine is not a democracy!
She's right, and Ukraine IS a democracy.

Ukraine is a democracy. It operates under a semi-presidential republic and a multi-party system. The government is composed of three branches:

A unicameral legislature known as the Verkhovna Rada.

An executive branch led by a directly elected president who is the head of state and commander in chief, and a prime minister who is chosen through a legislative majority and leads the Cabinet of Ministers.

A judiciary

The president is chosen by popular election, and the prime minister is appointed by the president and confirmed by the legislature. The Supreme Court justices are appointed by the president. So, the citizens of Ukraine have a say in their government, which is a key characteristic of a democracy.

The problem with Republicans is they think 'democracy' is defined by Madison, but even his contemporaries disagreed with his use of the term. There is enough voting going on in Ukraine to call it a Democratic Republic, just as there is to call America a Democratic/Constitutional Republic, but you'll find few Republicans calling America a democracy these days, hell, they hate democracy and I suppose democracy hates them, no wonder they love Putin and don't want to support Ukraine.

She's right, and Ukraine IS a democracy.

Ukraine is a democracy. It operates under a semi-presidential republic and a multi-party system. The government is composed of three branches:

A unicameral legislature known as the Verkhovna Rada.

An executive branch led by a directly elected president who is the head of state and commander in chief, and a prime minister who is chosen through a legislative majority and leads the Cabinet of Ministers.

A judiciary

The president is chosen by popular election, and the prime minister is appointed by the president and confirmed by the legislature. The Supreme Court justices are appointed by the president. So, the citizens of Ukraine have a say in their government, which is a key characteristic of a democracy.

The problem with Republicans is they think 'democracy' is defined by Madison, but even his contemporaries disagreed with his use of the term. There is enough voting going on in Ukraine to call it a Democratic Republic, just as there is to call America a Democratic/Constitutional Republic, but you'll find few Republicans calling America a democracy these days, hell, they hate democracy and I suppose democracy hates them, no wonder they love Putin and don't want to support Ukraine.

She's right, and Ukraine IS a democracy.

Did Zelenskyy Say There Would Be No Elections in Ukraine Until War Ends?​


Did Zelenskyy Say There Would Be No Elections in Ukraine Until War Ends?​

Actually, it makes sense. Can you imagine if, during WWII we voted FDR out of office and got some limp dicked person that would recall every US Troop around the world? Ukraine is fighting it's own version WWII and it would be stupid to change horses at this time.
She's right, and Ukraine IS a democracy.

Ukraine is a democracy. It operates under a semi-presidential republic and a multi-party system. The government is composed of three branches:

A unicameral legislature known as the Verkhovna Rada.

An executive branch led by a directly elected president who is the head of state and commander in chief, and a prime minister who is chosen through a legislative majority and leads the Cabinet of Ministers.

A judiciary

The president is chosen by popular election, and the prime minister is appointed by the president and confirmed by the legislature. The Supreme Court justices are appointed by the president. So, the citizens of Ukraine have a say in their government, which is a key characteristic of a democracy.

The problem with Republicans is they think 'democracy' is defined by Madison, but even his contemporaries disagreed with his use of the term. There is enough voting going on in Ukraine to call it a Democratic Republic, just as there is to call America a Democratic/Constitutional Republic, but you'll find few Republicans calling America a democracy these days, hell, they hate democracy and I suppose democracy hates them, no wonder they love Putin and don't want to support Ukraine.

Is that why they ousted their democratically elected President via a coup in 2014? Because they are a “democracy”?
Is that why they ousted their democratically elected President via a coup in 2014? Because they are a “democracy”?

Because the elections were faked. Just because you voted doesn't mean that a tyrant will pay any attention to it. Dictators dictate. And, sooner or later, most countries have sent their dictators running. Pretty much, the rest of the West knew this. Of course, Russia will refuse it since they controlled the tyrant by their own tyrant.
Actually, it makes sense. Can you imagine if, during WWII we voted FDR out of office and got some limp dicked person that would recall every US Troop around the world? Ukraine is fighting it's own version WWII and it would be stupid to change horses at this time.
We were still given the choice.

If folks wanted to sue for peace and end a war? That is how democracies actually work you authoritarian piece of shit.

America has never delayed a presidential election, even during war​

“The election, along with its incidental, and undesirable strife, has done good too,” Lincoln said days after winning it. “It has demonstrated that a people’s government can sustain a national election, in the midst of a great civil war.”

". . .But then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice sought to shut down speculation, citing the country’s precedent.

“We’ve had elections in this country when we were at war, even when we were in civil war, and we should have the elections on time,” she said at the time. “No one is thinking of postponing the elections.”

You can't call yourself a democracy, if you are censoring and shutting down the opposition press, and cancelling elections, which they are doing in Ukraine. Stop buying this lie already. IT isn't a liberal democracy, and the US is slowly drifting in that direction.

Ukraine: President bans opposition media and sanctions editor-in-chief​

Zelensky nationalizes TV news and restricts opposition parties​

That? Is an authoritarian dictatorship, not a liberal democracy. They control which parties you get to vote for, and everything you get to see or read. Get the fuck out of here.
Actually, it makes sense. Can you imagine if, during WWII we voted FDR out of office and got some limp dicked person that would recall every US Troop around the world? Ukraine is fighting it's own version WWII and it would be stupid to change horses at this time.
You are saying after Pearl Harbor? FDR may have wanted that to happen.

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