In Obamacare's Defense


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
We are going to see this through! He says. No not really. Obama just got finished defending his failed healthcare law on TV in Boston a few minutes ago. He accuses of Republicans passing Medicaid as if it were a bad thing, but now, all these years later, it turns out that Medicaid may be the death of Obamacare. How ironic. In a slew of states Medicaid enrollment is outpacing any enrollment into the exchanges. I'm sorry folks, if you thought there was such a thing as 'free' healthcare, you've been lied to.

So, Obama says he wants to see this through, he speaks of a man "giving up his healthcare to save his wife's life" but millions are losing their healthcare whether they like it or not. So much for choice, right?
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