In one week, Mitt "flip-flops" on gay adoption, China and Bill Clinton

These people aren't voting for Romney because he'd make a good president. They don't even like him.

They're voting for him because he isn't Obama.

It doesn't matter what Romney is .. it's what he isn't.

And that seldom transfers well. The Democrats nominated a guy that wasn't Bush, but because people weren't voting FOR him, but AGAINST Bush, it didn't work out very well. People much prefer to vote for something than against something.

I'm voting FOR President Obama just like I did the first time.
In two days, Romney flip flops on gay adoption and now Bill Clinton. Last week, it was China. This is what Mitt said before the flip flop:

It's pretty impressive over there how quickly they can build things, how productive they are as a society. You should see their airport compared to our airports, their highways, their train systems. They're moving quickly in part because the regulators see their job as encouraging private people. It's amazing. The head of Coca-Cola said the business environment is friendlier in China than in America. And that's because of the regulators. That's because of government.

He even panders to tier four Liberty University which teaches Mitt's religion is a "cult" as well as magical creation as part of their "science" curriculum. Besides money at any cost, does he stand for anything?

Romney Praises Bill Clinton As New Democrat

Remember, in 1992 Mitt voted in the Democratic primaries because he felt Clinton was the "worst" choice for president.

How many "flip-flops" does Mitt have?

14 Bald-Faced Mitt Romney Flip-Flops That Were Dug Up By John McCain - Business Insider

Mitt Romney Flip-Flops

These people aren't voting for Romney because he'd make a good president. They don't even like him.

They're voting for him because he isn't Obama.

It doesn't matter what Romney is .. it's what he isn't.

That says a whole lot more about obama than I think you intended to say.. but, whatever. :eusa_hand:

:0) It doesn't say anything about him other than some people don't like him and would vote for a cucumber instead.

It says more about people who'd vote for a cucumber.
These people aren't voting for Romney because he'd make a good president. They don't even like him.

They're voting for him because he isn't Obama.

It doesn't matter what Romney is .. it's what he isn't.

And that seldom transfers well. The Democrats nominated a guy that wasn't Bush, but because people weren't voting FOR him, but AGAINST Bush, it didn't work out very well. People much prefer to vote for something than against something.

I'm voting FOR President Obama just like I did the first time.

I appreciate your perspective, but it doesn't matter why one votes for either corporate-owned candidate, the results are the same. Corporations win and prove that Americans easy.

Perhaps you favor needless wars. Because that's what you're voting FOR.
These people aren't voting for Romney because he'd make a good president. They don't even like him.

They're voting for him because he isn't Obama.

It doesn't matter what Romney is .. it's what he isn't.

That says a whole lot more about obama than I think you intended to say.. but, whatever. :eusa_hand:

:0) It doesn't say anything about him other than some people don't like him and would vote for a cucumber instead.

It says more about people who'd vote for a cucumber.

It's gotta be real bad for your guy when people would rather vote for a cucumber.. it's says a lot about obama.
Really.. After Obama's being for it before he was against it before he was for it, Flip flops are the new taboo topic for Obama supporters. Kind of like dogs.

'Bout time you Swift-Boaters showed-up.

Try to stand (more) behind The Mitt. We'd like to end this whole thing with....


" shot."
Obama won with "anybody but Bush". I think we have come full circle. :)
Yeah....sure.....that's who Obama was running-against.


* * *

There were also issues, meltdowns.

"When a campaign aide gingerly asked Todd whether Sarah should consider taking psychiatric medication to control her moods, Todd responded that she “just needed to run and work out more.” Her anger kept boiling over, however, and eventually the fits of rage came every day. Then, just as suddenly, her temper would be gone. Palin would apologize and promise to be nicer. Within hours, she would be screaming again. At the end of one long day, when Palin was mid-tirade, a campaign aide remembers thinking, “You were an angel all night. Now you’re a devil. Where did this come from?”

I'm curious...the people that ARE voting for Barry again? Do you expect him to somehow magically become better as a President? He's really not good at the job, folks. Whether you loved or hated Reagan or had to admit that each had a knack for BEING President, albeit in vastly different ways. Barack Obama just doesn't have that knack. He's an unfortunate combination of naive ideologue and opportunistic politician. Another four years with him is going to be another four years lost and there are millions of Americans out there that can't survive that.
lol. Paylin (R) & Robmoney (R). What has happened to the Repub party :(
That says a whole lot more about obama than I think you intended to say.. but, whatever. :eusa_hand:

:0) It doesn't say anything about him other than some people don't like him and would vote for a cucumber instead.

It says more about people who'd vote for a cucumber.

It's gotta be real bad for your guy when people would rather vote for a cucumber.. it's says a lot about obama.

It says everything about people who vote for cucumbers.

A truth you keep missing.

Correction: Obama is not "my guy." I did not vote for him nor would I .. nor would I vote for a cucumber.

Romney is not popular by any stretch of the imagination among republicans.

He's a cucumber .. and you know it. :0)
I'm curious...the people that ARE voting for Barry again? Do you expect him to somehow magically become better as a President? He's really not good at the job, folks. Whether you loved or hated Reagan or had to admit that each had a knack for BEING President, albeit in vastly different ways. Barack Obama just doesn't have that knack. He's an unfortunate combination of naive ideologue and opportunistic politician. Another four years with him is going to be another four years lost and there are millions of Americans out there that can't survive that.

Where's the difference?

ROMNEY is the savior?

Even you don't know what Romney will be thinking tomorrow. He's the unfortunate result of the tea poarty taking over the Republican Party .. which has left you with someone nobody likes .. for all manner of really good reasons.

If the knack for being president is your benchmark .. surely the vison of a president Romney brings nothing but laughter to mind.

Regardless of who wins, America loses.
Nope losing would be allowing the corporate raider to have the highest seat in government.

Obama second term with Fewer Rs in congress may go much more to yout liking BAC
Nope losing would be allowing the corporate raider to have the highest seat in government.

Obama second term with Fewer Rs in congress may go much more to yout liking BAC

With nothing but the highest regard for you my friend .. I disgaree. Obama walked in the door with even fewer republicans in Congress and he did nothing with it .. but blame republicans.

The sad truth is that Obama is every bit the corporatist that Romney is. Look no further than where his money came from in 2008, where it's coming from now, and who was the biggest beneficiaries of his first term in office.

He's a corporatist in "progressive" clothing. They play democrats for fools.
:0) It doesn't say anything about him other than some people don't like him and would vote for a cucumber instead.

It says more about people who'd vote for a cucumber.

It's gotta be real bad for your guy when people would rather vote for a cucumber.. it's says a lot about obama.

It says everything about people who vote for cucumbers.

A truth you keep missing.

Correction: Obama is not "my guy." I did not vote for him nor would I .. nor would I vote for a cucumber.

Romney is not popular by any stretch of the imagination among republicans.

He's a cucumber .. and you know it. :0)

It's sad to admit that cucumbers are smarter than obama.. just sad.
You all have to understand the rules. When the left criticizes a republican President, it's called "speaking truth to power".

When a righty criticizes a democrat President, it's called a "hateful, bigoted, racist rant".
I'm curious...the people that ARE voting for Barry again? Do you expect him to somehow magically become better as a President?

You "conservatives" surely are the greedy lot!!!


"Automakers Volkswagen, Chrysler and Hyundai pulled away from rivals on Thursday, unveiling strong sales and profits driven by growth in the Americas and Asia.

Carmakers that rely heavily on European sales, by contrast, are struggling with cut-throat price competition in a dwindling market as government budget cuts, weak wages growth and rising unemployment depress consumers' spending power.

Robust sales in North America helped U.S. maker Chrysler Group LLC, managed by majority owner Fiat Spa (FIA.MI), to post its best quarterly profit since its 2009 bankruptcy.

Chrysler's auto sales rose 33 percent in the quarter, led by its home U.S. market, where it gained market share on a first-quarter sales jump of 36 percent. Quarterly profit jumped to $473 million from $116 million a year ago.

"Another positive quarter - built on sales gains that have surpassed the industry average - is affirmation that the Chrysler team is maintaining its focus," said Sergio Marchionne, chief executive of both Chrysler and Italy's Fiat."




April 24, 2012

China Off-Shoring To U.S.

"Chinese conglomerates, on a mission to expand their global footprint and avoid "anti-dumping" tariffs, are shifting more of their production to America.

In the United States, cash-strapped states desperate for revenue and jobs, are rolling out the welcome mat for foreign companies that can guarantee both.

The biggest investments are being made by Chinese firms with products that have been slapped with hefty anti-dumping tariffs, he said.

The United States imposes these financial penalties on imported products that it believes are being sold cheaper than the cost it takes to produce them. Dumping creates an unfair advantage in the marketplace, according to the Department of Commerce.

Daniel Rosen, a China expert and partner with Rhodium Group, said Chinese investments in the United States can create domestic jobs and spur economic growth.

"There is precedent for this," he said. "Japanese companies came here in the 1980s for the same reasons, including finding a way around anti-dumping duties."


STILL looking for something he CAN'T do.


* * *​


January 12, 2009

Digital Health Records

"President-elect wants to computerize the nation's health care records in five years. But the plan comes with a hefty price tag, and specialized labor is scarce.

Here's the audacious plan: Computerize all health records within five years. The quality of health care for all Americans gets a big boost, and costs decline.

Sounds good. But it won't be easy.

In fact, many hurdles stand in the way. Only about 8% of the nation's 5,000 hospitals and 17% of its 800,000 physicians currently use the kind of common computerized record-keeping systems that Obama envisions for the whole nation. And some experts say that serious concerns about patient privacy must be addressed first. Finally, the country suffers a dearth of skilled workers necessary to build and implement the necessary technology.

"The hard part of this is that we can't just drop a computer on every doctor's desk," said Dr. David Brailer, former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, who served as President Bush's health information czar from 2004 to 2006. "Getting electronic records up and running is a very technical task."


As USUAL.....America's "conservatives"/Luddites have no faith in American-ingenuity....and, they're the "pros" who are forecasting future-MARKET$??!!!



Mar 12, 2012

iPads Raise Efficiency

"When doctors-in-training at the University of Chicago were given iPad tablet computers to use on their rounds, they found that using the device helped them be more efficient at ordering tests and procedures for their patients.

The study from the university program, published Monday in the Archives of Internal Medicine, tracked 115 residents who received devices purchased by the hospital. There was no funding reported from Apple Inc, which makes the iPad.

Most residents who used the devices to access patient records and coordinate their care said they cut about an hour per day off their workload. Researchers also found that the internal medicine trainees tended to put in orders for patient procedures earlier than before they got an iPad.

The iPads allowed residents to see patients' electronic health records, to contact the hospital laboratory or other departments if they needed tests done and to show patients their own x-rays and other test results, as well as access medical journals."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:




May 14, 2012

iPad Gives Voice To Kids

"Sharia stood immobile in front of the television, transfixed by its images, unaware of the world around her. Her family called her name over and over again, but she did not respond. It was that moment when they knew something was wrong.

"Within five minutes of looking at Sharia, (the specialist) said that she has autism," said Sharia's father, Fawad Siddiqui. "A very clear case of it."

Then, in 2010, Apple's iPad was released.

Siddiqui, a Columbia, Maryland, resident who shared his daughter's story on iReport, said that before having the iPad, Sharia's only way of communicating was crying. She was non-verbal and had no way of expressing what she wanted or how she was feeling.

Apple's touchscreen gadget wasn't the first tablet computer and isn't the only one now. But it quickly emerged as the overwhelming market leader, introducing millions of people worldwide to the concept of a computer that dwells somewhere between a smartphone and a laptop and offers a large screen full of images and icons with which the user can interact with a single touch.

"What the iPad has done has given her a sense of control that she never had before," Siddiqui said. "She knows when you touch it, something is supposed to happen. She knows she doesn't need to cry, she needs to point."
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It's gotta be real bad for your guy when people would rather vote for a cucumber.. it's says a lot about obama.

It says everything about people who vote for cucumbers.

A truth you keep missing.

Correction: Obama is not "my guy." I did not vote for him nor would I .. nor would I vote for a cucumber.

Romney is not popular by any stretch of the imagination among republicans.

He's a cucumber .. and you know it. :0)

It's sad to admit that cucumbers are smarter than obama.. just sad.

May be. Robmoney (R) was at Harvard longer than the President ;)
Harvard-educated Bostonian Mitt Romney says President Obama ‘spent too much time at Harvard’ | TeaBaggers Of America
Mitt Romney spent four years earning two degrees from Harvard, sent three of his five sons there, has a dozen advisers who are on the Harvard faculty, and based his campaign headquarters in the university’s shadow, yet as TPM’s Benjy Sarlin notes : Speaking in Harrisburg, Pa., Romney told an audience that Obama may have spent “too much time at Harvard,”
The next thing you know, Mitt “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt While I Pay 15% On My Bain Loot” Romney will attack President Obama for closing factories and laying off workers.

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I'm curious...the people that ARE voting for Barry again? Do you expect him to somehow magically become better as a President? He's really not good at the job, folks. Whether you loved or hated Reagan or had to admit that each had a knack for BEING President, albeit in vastly different ways. Barack Obama just doesn't have that knack. He's an unfortunate combination of naive ideologue and opportunistic politician. Another four years with him is going to be another four years lost and there are millions of Americans out there that can't survive that.

Where's the difference?

ROMNEY is the savior?

Even you don't know what Romney will be thinking tomorrow. He's the unfortunate result of the tea poarty taking over the Republican Party .. which has left you with someone nobody likes .. for all manner of really good reasons.

If the knack for being president is your benchmark .. surely the vison of a president Romney brings nothing but laughter to mind.

Regardless of who wins, America loses.

You lost me with your contention that Romney is the result of the Tea Party taking over the Republican Party, Black. Romney was the most moderate candidate that was running on the GOP side. If, as so many here believe, the Tea Party now "runs" the Republican Party then why wasn't a more conservative candidate chosen?

I'm also curious on what you base your belief that a Romney Presidency would bring nothing but laughter? Say what you will about Mitt...he's always been successful in whatever he's done. That goes for when he was a businessman...for when he was running the Olympics...and for when he was Governor of Massachusetts. He understands economics. He has a history of successfully working across the aisle to accomplish legislation. My view is that the reason Romney is winning the GOP nomination is that he's perceived by a wide spectrum of both conservatives AND moderates as someone who's well suited to solving the problems we now face.

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