In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

Is not cheating, I sexually identify as poly-amorus, and come home to my wife every night, so it is not her business if I love others as well as her, she is tolerant and not bigoted of people of different sexualities.

It is only poly is you are honest with your wife about what you do. It doesn't mean you have to share details. But she has to know you are fucking other women. Otherwise it is just cheating, being unfaithful, lying and breaking your marriage vows.
Moot point, because whether you tell or not you are still doing the same physical act, which is inherently infidelitous regardless of what people "agree on or not".

You seem to think that "consent, but that is not true - under Common Law the state can legislate the morality of behavior whether or not people "consent" or otherwise, and would not recognize your behavior on the basis of some non-legally binding "private agreement" between two parties

That would be like saying that beating your wife with baseball bat is not "abuse" so long as you tell her about it first, what sillyness

If two married people have sex, and two people who are married to other people have sex, it is the same act. Sex before marriage and sex after marriage is the same act. The difference is the vows and the promises. Those vows and promises matter. Honesty matters.
Nay, under state law, not all individuals, whether they are legally "adult" or not know what is good for themselves, and therefore the state would overrule your private agreement or "honesty".

According to state, people whether they are "adults" are not cannot agree to such and such a behavior and have it recognized in court - your own private "contract" is not legally binding.

This be proof of why people in New Rome may need strong state to guide them in correct direction, since they under understand their law, and ignorantly believe themselves as capable of sound moral judgment without guidance of better educated rulers.

In 29 states adultery is not illegal. It might be grounds for divorce, but it is not against the law. And in the states which have laws against it, it is prosecuted so rarely that it does not matter.

Your claims of "common law" are nonsense. We have federal, state and local laws. If it is not an actual law on the books, it is not illegal.
Grounds for divorce means it is "unlawful" under Common Law, even if not punished by jail time.

So no, it is an unlawful act - people engaging in it are out of boundaries with law.

Given that polyamorous behavior leads to increased risk of moral and health diseases such as STDs, abortion, or paternity confusion in the event of pregnancy - it is in state's vested interest to legislate against it for the good of the common.
It is only poly is you are honest with your wife about what you do. It doesn't mean you have to share details. But she has to know you are fucking other women. Otherwise it is just cheating, being unfaithful, lying and breaking your marriage vows.
Moot point, because whether you tell or not you are still doing the same physical act, which is inherently infidelitous regardless of what people "agree on or not".

You seem to think that "consent, but that is not true - under Common Law the state can legislate the morality of behavior whether or not people "consent" or otherwise, and would not recognize your behavior on the basis of some non-legally binding "private agreement" between two parties

That would be like saying that beating your wife with baseball bat is not "abuse" so long as you tell her about it first, what sillyness

If two married people have sex, and two people who are married to other people have sex, it is the same act. Sex before marriage and sex after marriage is the same act. The difference is the vows and the promises. Those vows and promises matter. Honesty matters.
Nay, under state law, not all individuals, whether they are legally "adult" or not know what is good for themselves, and therefore the state would overrule your private agreement or "honesty".

According to state, people whether they are "adults" are not cannot agree to such and such a behavior and have it recognized in court - your own private "contract" is not legally binding.

This be proof of why people in New Rome may need strong state to guide them in correct direction, since they under understand their law, and ignorantly believe themselves as capable of sound moral judgment without guidance of better educated rulers.

In 29 states adultery is not illegal. It might be grounds for divorce, but it is not against the law. And in the states which have laws against it, it is prosecuted so rarely that it does not matter.

Your claims of "common law" are nonsense. We have federal, state and local laws. If it is not an actual law on the books, it is not illegal.
Grounds for divorce means it is "unlawful" under Common Law, even if not punished by jail time.

So no, it is an unlawful act - people engaging in it are out of boundaries with law.

Given that polyamorous behavior leads to increased risk of moral and health diseases such as STDs, abortion, or paternity confusion in the event of pregnancy - it is in state's vested interest to legislate against it for the good of the common.

These imaginary laws are baseless. Unless it is an actual law, on the books, the acts are not illegal.

YOu might want to do some research on polyamory. The use of barriers against pregnancy and disease is the rule, rather than the exception. Abortions within a poly relationship is the same as in a monogamous relationship, except it is far more rare.

The US law is built on the concept of individual freedom, not the "common good". While the common good may be the basis for some things, interpersonal relationships is not one of them.

I would very much like to watch you TRY to set up a gov't like you want here. Even the people who agree with the idea that society is degenerate and immoral will not be bullied and told what to do from cradle to grave.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Have you tried asking them to make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, for fun and practice?

Have you ever had a woman actually make an appt?
Yes; i prefer appointments to playing Her games.

So you have had a woman fall for that?
Every time I have money.
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Have you tried asking them to make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, for fun and practice?

Have you ever had a woman actually make an appt?
Yes; i prefer appointments to playing Her games.

So you have had a woman fall for that?
Every time I have money.

So work on getting money.
Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.

Contradictions in your posts reveal what a sexually submissive cuck you are! You say most women you know engage in sex for pleasure then you go on to write women who have sex are called sluts, and just that calling ruins a woman's life. Which is pure bullshit, and nothing but agenda perpetuated by shameless feminists, which you are parroting because they throw sex at you like left over bread crumbs and you are sexually submissive cuck so you are satisfied with it.

Entire society runs on sexual jealousy, all those expectations of one sexual partner for women, demanding they were virgin, etc was because of unequal situation in society, women can have sex easily, whereas men have to put in a lot of effort, that's why it was celebrated as studs.

They have pics and videos of them but is there similar thing for men? There is nothing wrong in comparing women to plastic Barbi types, in fact they deserve it for the cruel and wicked situation they created for men's passive sexuality(as in my passive sexuality)

If I want to have sex, I want that to satisfy my passive sexuality also and such a thing has been made impossible by women's greed.
Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.

Contradictions in your posts reveal what a sexually submissive cuck you are! You say most women you know engage in sex for pleasure then you go on to write women who have sex are called sluts, and just that calling ruins a woman's life. Which is pure bullshit, and nothing but agenda perpetuated by shameless feminists, which you are parroting because they throw sex at you like left over bread crumbs and you are sexually submissive cuck so you are satisfied with it.

Entire society runs on sexual jealousy, all those expectations of one sexual partner for women, demanding they were virgin, etc was because of unequal situation in society, women can have sex easily, whereas men have to put in a lot of effort, that's why it was celebrated as studs.

They have pics and videos of them but is there similar thing for men? There is nothing wrong in comparing women to plastic Barbi types, in fact they deserve it for the cruel and wicked situation they created for men's passive sexuality(as in my passive sexuality)

If I want to have sex, I want that to satisfy my passive sexuality also and such a thing has been made impossible by women's greed.

Have you not known of any women who were called “sluts” and had that effect their life? If not, you need to get out more.

As for contradictions in my posts, you’ll have to point those out. I have been consistent Your assumption that I meant that every woman who has sex for pleasure has been called a slut is your own plan side, not mine. Yes, women do have sex for pleasure.

As for your repeatedly calling me a cuck, nothing I have posted suggests I am a cuck. I get that the word is the new “cool insult” for the incel social conservatives. But the definition of the word has not changed. But feel free to continue using it in an attempt to insult me.

And yes, there is a similar thing for men. Talk yo any woman using an online dating service and ask her how many dick pics she has received.

Maybe the fact that your sexuality is passive is the issue.
Have you not known of any women who were called “sluts” and had that effect their life? If not, you need to get out more.

As for contradictions in my posts, you’ll have to point those out. I have been consistent Your assumption that I meant that every woman who has sex for pleasure has been called a slut is your own plan side, not mine. Yes, women do have sex for pleasure.

As for your repeatedly calling me a cuck, nothing I have posted suggests I am a cuck. I get that the word is the new “cool insult” for the incel social conservatives. But the definition of the word has not changed. But feel free to continue using it in an attempt to insult me.

And yes, there is a similar thing for men. Talk yo any woman using an online dating service and ask her how many dick pics she has received.

Maybe the fact that your sexuality is passive is the issue.

I have not know any woman or girl who was called a slut and had their life ruined by it, not because I didn't know such instances, because women and girls who were called that, but those comments went over without making an effect like water over a duck's back. And the person who called that was either at the receiving end of violence or just was ignored. This is the first time I'm hearing something like that. If calling someone slut would have ruined their life, most would be really scared of being called a slut, they would have avoided many things, like going out, wearing what they would consider slutty clothes, like short skirts, etc but that is pretty common with almost all women and girls in from 50s. So you are just lying by parroting feminist bullshit. And for that you are shameless sexually submissive cuck! I don't expect a cuck to be ashamed of by being called that.

In my 10 odd years on Internet, I never heard this word "incel", this is something invented by shitty CIA to shame and mangle boys and men who are speaking up about the wicked and unequal situation for their passive sexuality. They thought boys and men are blunt headed fools, and they'd go on rampage like Elliot Rogers or something, when I'm bringing out the cruelty of womankind, to suppress it, they are inventing shitty things like "incel", it's an oxymoron! CIA stuff their anuses with explosives for this.

And sending or receiving dick pics are not same or similar. The pics and clips of women and girls are created by boys and men, while they are in awe of sexual attraction of the girls and women they are taking pics and clips of. Whereas women who receive dick pics treat them as ugly, disgusting, annoying and some form of sexual abuse.

There is nothing wrong with my sexuality! DON'T MESS WITH IT YOU GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SON OF A BITCH! Active and passive sexuality are natural parts of every human but an adverse, wicked and cruel situation has been created by society and women for men's (read mine). This evil has to be annihilated.
your two statements seem to contradict one another - your normal woman would be different from the other two where those two will cater themselves to being available to men on demand where the former expect men to come to them per your terminology -

its subtle as the normal woman will also withdraw if they are not given what they want, they are the ones that resort to "lets just be friends" ...

porn star, prostitute - are religious terms referring to deviant behavior is also a facet to the condition you are portraying.

the first statement is correct and used by organized religion to ingratiate themselves at the expense of the less fortunate of both sexes and the origin for the term prostitute for who does break with their norms.

Those contradictions you are reading in my posts are a product of your inferences. There is a prevailing view in the society as to what a normal woman is supposed to be like, this is based on historical and sexually jealous reasons, which are fair and equitable to men.

I'm sure even if religion isn't involved, many men would have come up with those terms because they are expression of anger and pain. They are not understand in denotations, they are mostly used pejoratively to vilify unsuccessfully.

Don't put on this pretense of being fair because you not being fair. Such a wicked situation prevails for boys and men's passive sexuality and you don't even sympathize or speak out against it.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Are you upset at women for something? Did you get dumped or cheated on?
Are you upset at women for something? Did you get dumped or cheated on?

I'm suffering because of the adverse, wicked and cruel situation created for my passive sexuality by women and society.
In other words, you're pissed because you're not getting laid. Just go get a fat one, they'll fuck anybody. Even you.
In other words you can't get laid and it's a woman's fault.
Got it.

No, that's an oversimplification. Who the fuck are you? I as have human being I have a right to satisfy my innate human needs, and passive sexuality is one of them.

In other words, you're pissed because you're not getting laid. Just go get a fat one, they'll fuck anybody. Even you.

Read above and Fuck yourself!
Have you not known of any women who were called “sluts” and had that effect their life? If not, you need to get out more.

As for contradictions in my posts, you’ll have to point those out. I have been consistent Your assumption that I meant that every woman who has sex for pleasure has been called a slut is your own plan side, not mine. Yes, women do have sex for pleasure.

As for your repeatedly calling me a cuck, nothing I have posted suggests I am a cuck. I get that the word is the new “cool insult” for the incel social conservatives. But the definition of the word has not changed. But feel free to continue using it in an attempt to insult me.

And yes, there is a similar thing for men. Talk yo any woman using an online dating service and ask her how many dick pics she has received.

Maybe the fact that your sexuality is passive is the issue.

I have not know any woman or girl who was called a slut and had their life ruined by it, not because I didn't know such instances, because women and girls who were called that, but those comments went over without making an effect like water over a duck's back. And the person who called that was either at the receiving end of violence or just was ignored. This is the first time I'm hearing something like that. If calling someone slut would have ruined their life, most would be really scared of being called a slut, they would have avoided many things, like going out, wearing what they would consider slutty clothes, like short skirts, etc but that is pretty common with almost all women and girls in from 50s. So you are just lying by parroting feminist bullshit. And for that you are shameless sexually submissive cuck! I don't expect a cuck to be ashamed of by being called that.

In my 10 odd years on Internet, I never heard this word "incel", this is something invented by shitty CIA to shame and mangle boys and men who are speaking up about the wicked and unequal situation for their passive sexuality. They thought boys and men are blunt headed fools, and they'd go on rampage like Elliot Rogers or something, when I'm bringing out the cruelty of womankind, to suppress it, they are inventing shitty things like "incel", it's an oxymoron! CIA stuff their anuses with explosives for this.

And sending or receiving dick pics are not same or similar. The pics and clips of women and girls are created by boys and men, while they are in awe of sexual attraction of the girls and women they are taking pics and clips of. Whereas women who receive dick pics treat them as ugly, disgusting, annoying and some form of sexual abuse.

There is nothing wrong with my sexuality! DON'T MESS WITH IT YOU GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SON OF A BITCH! Active and passive sexuality are natural parts of every human but an adverse, wicked and cruel situation has been created by society and women for men's (read mine). This evil has to be annihilated.

All caps? Wow. You must REALLY mean it. And I don’t give a rats ass about your sexuality. But when you bring it up over and over, I will comment on it. Most women prefer a man who will pursue them. If you want to be passive, you usually lose (or pay cash).

I am curious about what it is you call “passive sexuality”. Since your definition of “cuck” is wrong.
All caps? Wow. You must REALLY mean it. And I don’t give a rats ass about your sexuality. But when you bring it up over and over, I will comment on it. Most women prefer a man who will pursue them. If you want to be passive, you usually lose (or pay cash).

I am curious about what it is you call “passive sexuality”. Since your definition of “cuck” is wrong.

Selective replying. That's a sign of a coward and sexually submissive cuck.

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