In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

We all get that you can't get laid without paying her. I doubt anyone is surprised.

But you made the claim that women are fickle. In what way are they fickle, in your opinion?
you don't seem to understand the concepts; you sound like a crony for poon.

I understand fine. Apparently you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about when you say women are fickle.
women claiming they have social morals for free under any form of capitalism, is fickle.

How do? How are they socially immoral? By having sex outside of marriage?
Lousy relationship skills for free, is a giveaway.

Lousy relationship skills? How so?
you don't seem to understand the concepts; you sound like a crony for poon.

I understand fine. Apparently you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about when you say women are fickle.
women claiming they have social morals for free under any form of capitalism, is fickle.

How do? How are they socially immoral? By having sex outside of marriage?
Lousy relationship skills for free, is a giveaway.

Lousy relationship skills? How so?
simply being "a bitch" for free when the guy doesn't have any money, is immoral.
I understand fine. Apparently you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about when you say women are fickle.
women claiming they have social morals for free under any form of capitalism, is fickle.

How do? How are they socially immoral? By having sex outside of marriage?
Lousy relationship skills for free, is a giveaway.

Lousy relationship skills? How so?
simply being "a bitch" for free when the guy doesn't have any money, is immoral.

Being a bitch? How is she a bitch?
women claiming they have social morals for free under any form of capitalism, is fickle.

How do? How are they socially immoral? By having sex outside of marriage?
Lousy relationship skills for free, is a giveaway.

Lousy relationship skills? How so?
simply being "a bitch" for free when the guy doesn't have any money, is immoral.

Being a bitch? How is she a bitch?
who gets the better customer service under Any form of Christianity, the rich guy or the poor guy?
How do? How are they socially immoral? By having sex outside of marriage?
Lousy relationship skills for free, is a giveaway.

Lousy relationship skills? How so?
simply being "a bitch" for free when the guy doesn't have any money, is immoral.

Being a bitch? How is she a bitch?
who gets the better customer service under Any form of Christianity, the rich guy or the poor guy?

Christianity has nothing to do with it.

How do you know she isn’t just being a bitch because she doesn’t like you and you keep pursuing her?
Lousy relationship skills for free, is a giveaway.

Lousy relationship skills? How so?
simply being "a bitch" for free when the guy doesn't have any money, is immoral.

Being a bitch? How is she a bitch?
who gets the better customer service under Any form of Christianity, the rich guy or the poor guy?

Christianity has nothing to do with it.

How do you know she isn’t just being a bitch because she doesn’t like you and you keep pursuing her?
Yes, it does. False witness bearing is a moral turpitude.
Lousy relationship skills? How so?
simply being "a bitch" for free when the guy doesn't have any money, is immoral.

Being a bitch? How is she a bitch?
who gets the better customer service under Any form of Christianity, the rich guy or the poor guy?

Christianity has nothing to do with it.

How do you know she isn’t just being a bitch because she doesn’t like you and you keep pursuing her?
Yes, it does. False witness bearing is a moral turpitude.

Being a Christian is a choice. Are you sure they are Christians?

And doesn’t Christianity condemn sex outside of marriage?
simply being "a bitch" for free when the guy doesn't have any money, is immoral.

Being a bitch? How is she a bitch?
who gets the better customer service under Any form of Christianity, the rich guy or the poor guy?

Christianity has nothing to do with it.

How do you know she isn’t just being a bitch because she doesn’t like you and you keep pursuing her?
Yes, it does. False witness bearing is a moral turpitude.

Being a Christian is a choice. Are you sure they are Christians?

And doesn’t Christianity condemn sex outside of marriage?
the right wing claims to be for Christianity and morals.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?

Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife (or sister or mom) is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

MeToo: Women Rebel against the Sexual Revolution | National Review

The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.
Christianity doesn't worship the penis --- Abortionists do.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?
This is exaggeration.

While there are some women of whorish persuasion who engage in such behaviors online, this is not the norm but a fringe aspect.

One would have to argue that it is primarily in the economic interest of debased males to enable the porn industry, moreso than women in general.

Solution would be to just ban pornography in Western nations and solve the problem, much as while slavery was permitted due to being economically beneficial at its time, porn as an industry likewise is, but it can be shut down in the name of civil right and purity.

Porn is like "affirmative action" for sexually-repressed males, if they were not limp-dicked and healthy enough to attract a fair mate, they would not need it - so I see not why society should cater to its weaker elements and encourage such aspects.
So we need to go back to the days when they were barefoot and pregnant?

My intention in creating this thread was to highlight what I thought is an unequal situation men are suffering in passive sexuality.
Problem is men are not "equal" by natural design. Men are designed by nature to prove themselves worthy of mate via cultivating virtues, as opposed to being desperate and porn addicted.

So men desperate and porn addicted are evolutionarily selected against, porn upsets the natural balance by allowing inferior males access to voyeurism of women who they not be able to acquire naturally.
Ok, so you offer a really serious relationship. But you also have said, if she doesn’t put out, you won’t be her friend.

The equality is that both men and women get to decide who they get in a relationship with.
equality is, if they aren't going to fornicate me into it, they have to be a Virgin and supply their own chastity belt.

So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
Plenty of women are not for sale. There are plenty of lonely women.
only floozies can Talk but not make Appointments.

No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
At least she can humiliate you by sleeping with younger and more handsome men.

such is humiliation for an imbecile ...
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Last edited:
equality is, if they aren't going to fornicate me into it, they have to be a Virgin and supply their own chastity belt.

So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
only floozies can Talk but not make Appointments.

No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
such is humiliation for an imbecile ...
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.

So atheists are the ones without morals, but you go out and cheat on your wife and slap her when she gets mad?

Why should your wife complain? If she complains about you breaking your marriage vows, she has a point. For all your "holier than thou" claims, you are like so many other religious people. You push others to be religious and then show you have the morality of a stray dog.
equality is, if they aren't going to fornicate me into it, they have to be a Virgin and supply their own chastity belt.

So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
only floozies can Talk but not make Appointments.

No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
such is humiliation for an imbecile ...
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
equality is, if they aren't going to fornicate me into it, they have to be a Virgin and supply their own chastity belt.

So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
only floozies can Talk but not make Appointments.

No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
such is humiliation for an imbecile ...
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Have you tried asking them to make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, for fun and practice?
So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Have you tried asking them to make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, for fun and practice?

He probably has not.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?
If you're talking Democrat women there's no difference between a hooker, a Prostitute, and a Socialist running for office.
So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
So you want to set the requirements for them to refuse to fuck your? How is that equality? You demand that YOU get to decide whether or not they fuck you?

Surely you can find an ugly women or a fat women willing to fuck
No. Any woman can talk and not make an appointment. That they do not want you is their choice.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Have you tried asking them to make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, for fun and practice?

Have you ever had a woman actually make an appt?
Most women I know engage in sexual relations for pleasure. Just like men do. Yes, most normal women have had more than one sexual partner. The days of men going out and getting laid and then demanding their wives be virgins has died away. And good riddance. To expect that men be allowed to play around and "sow their wild oats" while women sat at home knitting was simply stupid.

So they have pics and such of them having fun. So what? Most guys I have known who sweat that are the ones who simply don't want to be compared to other men. But they will always compare their women to the plastic Barbi types they see on tv.

If you want to have sex you don't have to buy it. And the only hoop you have to jump through is getting to know a woman who enjoys sex.
What a tiresome oration.

Are you telling us your wife (or sister or mom) is a battle-hardened skank and you are proud of this fact?

The sexual revolution was just a technique to use women and discard them when they became inconvenient.

MeToo: Women Rebel against the Sexual Revolution | National Review

The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?
The so-called "sexual revolution was just a matter of women adopting the same lifestyle of men. Can we all have a serious sit-down as to what "sexual morality" means to all of us and as to what humans decide this?

The so-called "sexual revolution -

roe v wade, woman in control of their bodies, not the church made their liberation possible ... something they could enjoy the same as men with recourse available if necessary.


These people do not realize that we women need not be under the control of some "Church." If these penis-worship religions need to control their adherents, then let them gather their adherents in.
Christianity doesn't worship the penis --- Abortionists do.

Then why have some Christian groups require a penis to be a member of the clergy? A requirement of having a penis demonstrates penis worship. You cannot deny this, when their own words and actions condemn them.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
If they can Talk, they can make Appointments instead be bitches or express, lousy customer service for free.

What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Have you tried asking them to make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, for fun and practice?

Have you ever had a woman actually make an appt?
Yes; i prefer appointments to playing Her games.
What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
What if they don’t want an appointment? What they want never enters your mind.
dude; stick to stories.

Men are willing to Pay for sex. Women are willing to do What for really really serious relationships, "swim oceans and climb mountains"?
Arguments here are silly

Many women, especially young American women in consumerist society are easy prey - when I younger in America many "married" women or those with boyfriends attempt to sleep with men such as myself... money is not necessary unless you are ugly or just sugar daddy.

I find them amusing and not challenging at all, just rather non-vital - this is why I am more interested in spirituality than easy consumerist women, they no fun.
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.
I come home to wife at the end of night after seducing young American girls looking to piss off their daddy, or boyfriend... so why should she complain? He he he

I can't help it, I sexually identify as a Don Juan in an ordinary man's body - if my wife not tolerate my playboy life style, she just a bigot and deserve a nice slap on the cheek.
Have you tried asking them to make appointments for full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work, for fun and practice?

Have you ever had a woman actually make an appt?
Yes; i prefer appointments to playing Her games.

So you have had a woman fall for that?

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