In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

Neither of us cheat. We are polyamorous. But we are open and honest about things. Its not cheating.
Well you are open about your cheating. Does a woman who cares about her boyfriend or husband service other men? Do men who care about their partner do likewise?

I am not cutting my own throat. I raised 5 children.
How many were your biological children? And I was talking about societies not you.

As for the "you people", you will have to find someone else to point at with that nonsense.
You’re running from my questions.

we are not cheating. And yes, we care very much about and for each other. But loving someone does not mean you cannot love someone else. (and I am referring to the emotion, not just the physical act)
You pose as a feminist yet you treat your girlfriend with contempt, openly cheating on her.

Many women are outraged by liberal men like Weinstein, Lauer, Louis C.K., etc. who treat women with contempt - often using women and discarding them.

Treating her with contempt?
At least she can humiliate you by sleeping with younger and more handsome men.

I’m not humiliated at all. And she prefers men over 40. Nothing in common with younger ones.
At least she can humiliate you by sleeping with younger and more handsome men.

such is humiliation for an imbecile ...
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry, it is polyamory. I am her primary relationship. And she is my primary relationship. But we date other people as well. Notice I use the word “date”. That does not mean there is always sex. But whether there is or not, neither of us are humiliated.
In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

I'm talking about the time from the 50s, is there? Normal women, the ones who you see and interact with in your normal day-to-day activities, have brought down men to a state, where men are respectful of women's sexual liberty, etc. Normal women have more than one sexual partner, whether you like it or not, they engage in these sexual relations for something in return, how is that different than prostitution? They also have their clips and pics taken in nude and while performing sexual activities with their previous sexual partners(which no doubt would be many), and these circulate among a group of people, or eventually find their way onto the Internet, so how does this make them any different than pornstars?

All this situation panders to only women's passive sexuality. Things were worse for men from the beginning, men never had any upper hand, from that time, if a woman were to want to have sex, all they had to do was put it out, and hundreds of men would line up to have sex with her, but similar situation didn't and doesn't exist for men, if a man were to want to have sex, he has to buy it or jump through hundreds of hoops.

Isn't this a very wicked, evil and cruel situation?
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

you would be an imbecile to be humiliated by the better looks and younger age of your mates choice of their swinging partner ... as opposed to their choice of a dead corps.

Good point, but let me reiterate, it is not swinging or even always sex. It is dating others and even developing long term relationships that are in addition to ours.
Well you are open about your cheating. Does a woman who cares about her boyfriend or husband service other men? Do men who care about their partner do likewise?

How many were your biological children? And I was talking about societies not you.

You’re running from my questions.

we are not cheating. And yes, we care very much about and for each other. But loving someone does not mean you cannot love someone else. (and I am referring to the emotion, not just the physical act)
You pose as a feminist yet you treat your girlfriend with contempt, openly cheating on her.

Many women are outraged by liberal men like Weinstein, Lauer, Louis C.K., etc. who treat women with contempt - often using women and discarding them.

Treating her with contempt?
At least she can humiliate you by sleeping with younger and more handsome men.

I’m not humiliated at all.
Keep telling yourself that.
And she prefers men over 40.
I'm sure she's only interested in sagging balding old guys.
If Only, there were nice girls who are willing to be friends.

There are. But they are likely repelled by your creepy insistence on naked massage.
simple, lousy client relations for free, is all the proof I need, under Any form of Christianity.

Again with deflection. Christianity?
social morals for free, not capital morals for a price.

Tuesday mornings are best for strong coffee.
You pose as a feminist yet you treat your girlfriend with contempt, openly cheating on her.

Many women are outraged by liberal men like Weinstein, Lauer, Louis C.K., etc. who treat women with contempt - often using women and discarding them.

Treating her with contempt?
At least she can humiliate you by sleeping with younger and more handsome men.

I’m not humiliated at all.
Keep telling yourself that.
And she prefers men over 40.
I'm sure she's only interested in sagging balding old guys.

I don't need to tell myself that. I am telling you that. I know what I feel or don't feel.

She is interested in a date with someone who can hold a conversation.
At least she can humiliate you by sleeping with younger and more handsome men.

such is humiliation for an imbecile ...
Yea you’d have to be an imbecile to celebrate this sort of humiliation on a public forum.

There is no humiliation. This is not cuckholdry,
Keep telling yourself that.

Why would I be humiliated? She goes on a date. Sometimes there is sex and sometimes there is not. But she comes home to me at the end of the night. Your insistence that you know what I feel is laughable.

I said nothing negative about negative about battle-hardened skanks.
Maybe you could search one out for your next girlfriend.

Women were expected to be virgins when they married. After the revolution, women took their sexuality under their own control.
Actually people like Weinstein and Hefner were in control.

Societies that celebrate the sexual revolution and disrespect women suffer from a low birth rate. These societies are rapidly going extinct.

I doubt I will search out a "next girlfriend". This relationship is going great!
She's watching you type isn't she?

The low birthrate comes partly from not treating women like brood mares.
You respect women by comparing them to animals??

As for our society going extinct, nothing like that is happening.
You are really out of touch! See: How Europe is slowly dying despite an increasing world population

Our population growth is rapidly becoming a problem. The increased resources required to handle the increases in population are straining what we can produce and sustain.
If certain groups (upper class white environmentalists for example) go extinct that will not solve any alleged population problem. They will just be replaced by other groups who don't kill their children en masse.

No, she is not watching me type. I behave the same way whether she is here or not.
So you are honest with your girlfriend? She knows you are cheating on her? (See post#123) Does she cheat on you too?

I did not compare them to animals. I pointed out that they were treated like animals, by being expected to just pump out babies to prevent some apocalyptic extinction of the "right people".
The pro-abortion fanatics want to kill off the "wrong people".

You know the Nazis promoted abortion in the occupied territories.

And check this out: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Really Wants Poor People To Stop Having Babies

The lily-white, liberal, pro-abortion set are rapidly going extinct. Do you agree or not? Can an anti-natalist belief system like yours survive in the long run? What worth is a philosophy that cuts its own throat?

Not only are you people committing suicide but you are doing so in the name of the worst principle imaginable: celebrating the mass murder of children.

pro abortion fanatics?

you clearly hate women.

you clearly have no respect for women.

and I find your comments about "liberals" like weinstein amusing when your boys at faux news are falling like flies because of their sexual mistreatment of women.

Maybe you could search one out for your next girlfriend.

Actually people like Weinstein and Hefner were in control.

Societies that celebrate the sexual revolution and disrespect women suffer from a low birth rate. These societies are rapidly going extinct.

I doubt I will search out a "next girlfriend". This relationship is going great!
She's watching you type isn't she?

The low birthrate comes partly from not treating women like brood mares.
You respect women by comparing them to animals??

As for our society going extinct, nothing like that is happening.
You are really out of touch! See: How Europe is slowly dying despite an increasing world population

Our population growth is rapidly becoming a problem. The increased resources required to handle the increases in population are straining what we can produce and sustain.
If certain groups (upper class white environmentalists for example) go extinct that will not solve any alleged population problem. They will just be replaced by other groups who don't kill their children en masse.

No, she is not watching me type. I behave the same way whether she is here or not.
So you are honest with your girlfriend? She knows you are cheating on her? (See post#123) Does she cheat on you too?

I did not compare them to animals. I pointed out that they were treated like animals, by being expected to just pump out babies to prevent some apocalyptic extinction of the "right people".
The pro-abortion fanatics want to kill off the "wrong people".

You know the Nazis promoted abortion in the occupied territories.

And check this out: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Really Wants Poor People To Stop Having Babies

The lily-white, liberal, pro-abortion set are rapidly going extinct. Do you agree or not? Can an anti-natalist belief system like yours survive in the long run? What worth is a philosophy that cuts its own throat?

Not only are you people committing suicide but you are doing so in the name of the worst principle imaginable: celebrating the mass murder of children.

pro abortion fanatics?

you clearly hate women.

you clearly have no respect for women.
You pro-abortion nuts hate women. The abortion industry has killed tens of millions of young women for the “crime” of being female!

Sex-Selective Abortions: 160 Million and Counting - Why Pro-Life?
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Prostitution is a memorial to the fragility and vulnerability of the men. Most "porn" (whatever that may be) is as well. Because hormones and other bits of nature push males to have sex quickly and often, their 'needs' exceed those of the female of the human species. Women exploiting that merely use what is offered to them by their surroundings.
Men still have so much to learn!

Women are just better at self-control, is all; the consequences of sex are much greater for them than it is for horny boys and men. They are just as 'horny', if not more so, and even more avid for human contact than males, who would be just as satisfied with 'hit and run' than hanging around afterwards. Most men are stupid and untrustworthy re relationships, and women learn that early, at least most do.

FYI, Amazon's biggest online sale category is sex toys, as in dildos and other fun things for women; apparently those are over half its revenues.

I hate to break it to you, but most women are NOT "just as horny" as men, and not in the same way. However many times we are all told that women are just like men when it comes to sex, it isn't true and never will be.

All people have some differences; but unfortunately for you lots of studies back up what I say, and so does my personal experience and most women I've talked about this before.

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