In Seven Days Trump Showed Americans Exactly What Kind Of Human Being He Is

From your own link, Dumbfuck, that you're too retarded to understand...

The document also said some flights being used to deport illegal immigrants had over 25 percent of the passengers test positive before leaving, forcing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to remove the sick illegal immigrants and place them in quarantine.
Very few are tested , Dipstick.

You keep losing.
That "showed up late" story is bullshit. Trump showed up no later than 5pm, 4 hours before the debate began and with plenty of time to get tested. It wasn't tardiness which prevented him from being tested -- it was him refusing to be tested because he knew he would test positive, have to back out of the debate, and expose himself as the national disgrace he was catching covid after flaunting irresponsibility with covid; while at the same time, Biden, who was very proactive in protecting himself and others from covid, would emerge that night as the clear choice for president.
I remember he showed up late, being said last year though?

This is last year article....they had to rely on the HONOR SYSTEM.

I remember he showed up late, being said last year though?

This is last year article....they had to rely on the HONOR SYSTEM.


He showed up hours before but that was too late.
Very few are tested , Dipstick.

You keep losing.

By "losing," you mean beating the living shit out of you with your own link. :lmao:

Officials said illegal immigrants are not tested while in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested before leaving CBP custody.

You should know you're one of my favorite posters, Dumbfuck. No matter how much of a beating you take, you're such a glutton for punishment, you ALWAYS come back for more.

It’s not, but that’s not the end of it. Want to get a negative test? Easy. Just don’t swab very hard or very deep. Couldn’t be simpler.

Trump had a positive test and a negative test and decided the negative test was the correct one. Why? Because he wanted it to be.

A sane person would know that they should be cautious in the setting of something that equivocal.

But even worse, both tests were the far less reliable antigen tests. Any rational protocol would have had him doing a PCR test.

But st the end of the day, we KNOW the positive test was the right one because he was in the hospital a week later.
Thanks for that insertion of your uninformed and biased speculation stated as though you had any actual knowledge about what he knew or believed.

Your post is rated as: “horse shit.”
And the left's obsession with Trump continues. Why people let politicians live rent free inside their heads long after they are gone, is so amazing to me. I have no reason to talk about or think about Trump, he has been gone for months.
I remember he showed up late, being said last year though?

This is last year article....they had to rely on the HONOR SYSTEM.

I knew "late" was the excuse. I'm just calling bullshit.

“[The Trump family] didn’t arrive until Tuesday afternoon. So for them to get tested, there wouldn’t have been enough time to have the test and have the debate at 9:00 that night. They didn’t show up until 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 in the afternoon. There was an honor system when it came to the people that came into the hall from the two campaigns.”

The latest he showed up was 5pm, maybe earlier. The debate started at 9:00pm. At least 4 hours was plenty of time to get tested and get the results.

Trump wasn't tested that night because Trump didn't want the debate cancelled because he had covid.
And the left's obsession with Trump continues. Why people let politicians live rent free inside their heads long after they are gone, is so amazing to me. I have no reason to talk about or think about Trump, he has been gone for months.
Gone?? Where'd he go? He's still holding rallies like he's running for president again.

By "losing," you mean beating the living shit out of you with your own link. :lmao:

Officials said illegal immigrants are not tested while in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested before leaving CBP custody.

You should know you're one of my favorite posters, Dumbfuck. No matter how much of a beating you take, you're such a glutton for punishment, you ALWAYS come back for more.


Texas police learn COVID-positive illegal immigrants sent to local hotels, after Whataburger encounter​

Aside from no one in their right mind would take two tests and ignore the positive result, we know he knew he was positive by his refusal to be tested just before the debate began.
No; we know no such thing. The reason to take the 2d test is precisely because you doubt the validity of the first test.

also, if he felt asymptomatic, he would have no pressing reason or feel a need to take another stick up the nose.

fact is: we do NOT know what he was thinking or what he “knew.” You are engaged in mere speculation.
No; we know no such thing. The reason to take the 2d test is precisely because you doubt the validity of the first test.

also, if he felt asymptomatic, he would have no pressing reason or feel a need to take another stick up the nose.

fact is: we do NOT know what he was thinking or what he “knew.” You are engaged in mere speculation.
His avoidance of being tested before the debate, as previously agreed up, tells you. Well, it tells normal folks. You may not qualify.
It’s not, but that’s not the end of it. Want to get a negative test? Easy. Just don’t swab very hard or very deep. Couldn’t be simpler.

Trump had a positive test and a negative test and decided the negative test was the correct one. Why? Because he wanted it to be.

A sane person would know that they should be cautious in the setting of something that equivocal.

But even worse, both tests were the far less reliable antigen tests. Any rational protocol would have had him doing a PCR test.

But st the end of the day, we KNOW the positive test was the right one because he was in the hospital a week later.
You are arguing an irrelevant point. We do know that he got Covid. So it looks like the negative test was the false result. And?

Nothing you’ve pointed to (with lots of repetition) shows what he knew about his medical condition at the time of the debate. Not a thing.
Thanks for that insertion of your uninformed and biased speculation stated as though you had any actual knowledge about what he knew or believed.

Your post is rated as: “horse shit.”
Everything I said is from Meadows book. He was there.
His avoidance of being tested before the debate, as previously agreed up, tells you. Well, it tells normal folks. You may not qualify.
No. It actually tells nobody. We all see that you are determined to be just a hack. So you “see” whatever you are predisposed to see and then assume that you “must be” right.

LOL. You’re still wrong.
Nothing you’ve pointed to (with lots of repetition) shows what he knew about his medical condition at the time of the debate. Not a thing.
He knew he had a positive test and a negative test.

We know he acted as though the positive test didn’t exist.

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