In Seven Days Trump Showed Americans Exactly What Kind Of Human Being He Is

Gone?? Where'd he go? He's still holding rallies like he's running for president again.
Good for him, why do you care? The less press he gets the tougher it is for him to get re-elected. He had so much bad publicity in 2016 that he won, he was a couple states from getting re-elected. It's all the publicity he gets no matter what he says. A news clip comes on with him in it, I switch the station, we are giving him some attention and bad publicity is a lot better than no publicity. The GOP and the Democrats need to do a better job of getting better candidates.
He knew he had a positive test and a negative test.

We know he acted as though the positive test didn’t exist.
We know the positive result came before the negative result.

Texas police learn COVID-positive illegal immigrants sent to local hotels, after Whataburger encounter​


Poor, Dumbfuck. Your salacious headline doesn't match the article. Had you bothered to read your own article, it doesn't say for sure they had covid.

Authorities in South Texas said Tuesday they've learned that illegal immigrants who have possibly tested positive for COVID-19 were being released from federal custody to a Catholic charity, which booked hotel rooms for them without notifying local officials.

You really suck at this.

And still waiting for you to prove your bullshit claim of hundreds of thousands of covid-infested illegal aliens being dispersed around the country.

No. It actually tells nobody. We all see that you are determined to be just a hack. So you “see” whatever you are predisposed to see and then assume that you “must be” right.

LOL. You’re still wrong.
There was no other reason for him to avoid being tested.
There was no other reason for him to avoid being tested.
That’s another baseless, stupid, ignorant thing to say — based as it is (yet again) on your speculation.

Poor, Dumbfuck. Your salacious headline doesn't match the article. Had you bothered to read your own article, it doesn't say for sure they had covid.

Authorities in South Texas said Tuesday they've learned that illegal immigrants who have possibly tested positive for COVID-19 were being released from federal custody to a Catholic charity, which booked hotel rooms for them without notifying local officials.

You really suck at this.

And still waiting for you to prove your bullshit claim of hundreds of thousands of covid-infested illegal aliens being dispersed around the country.

But if you’re not vaccinated and live in NYC you will be fired unless you’re a trespasser.
What difference does it make weather the Mouth of The USA was positive or. negative it did not shut that alligator fucking trap of his known as his MOUTH!
What difference does it make weather the Mouth of The USA was positive or. negative it did not shut that alligator fucking trap of his known as his MOUTH!
You should love Trump since your wife probably won’t let you get in a word.
trump and his wife got vaccinated just before he left the Whitehouse.

He hid this from the public.

Meanwhile, he made it known that he didn't want his followers to get the vaccine so millions of them didn't get vaccinated and tens of thousands of them died of COVID, drowning in their own mucus.

That's our trump.
We lived better. You are of the Village. 10 thousand B.C., Bronze age is high tech for you. This is not funny. Population reduction will occur.
Not at all. Any rational person would have done a confirmatory PCR for a rapid antigen test.
Nonsense. Nobody would feel a need to confirm the negative result if they assumed the earlier positive result was a false positive. Maybe because they felt no symptoms.
Speculation? What other reason was there?
As I already suggested. It is just as possible that at the time of the “positive” test result, Trump had not felt any symptoms. So he doubted it. He then got retested. This one came back negative. He still felt ok maybe, so he still had no reason to assume he was Ill and, therefore, took the negative test result as confirmation. Under such circumstances, why would he feel any need to have another stick shoved up his nose?
trump and his wife got vaccinated just before he left the Whitehouse.

He hid this from the public.

Meanwhile, he made it known that he didn't want his followers to get the vaccine so millions of them didn't get vaccinated and tens of thousands of them died of COVID, drowning in their own mucus.

That's our trump.
/——-/ Imagine for a moment that getting the vaccine is like a woman getting an abortion—- none of your damn business.
You should love Trump since your wife probably won’t let you get in a word.
No actually dipshit smart ass not the way it goes at my house..Must be your fucking problem huh you're talking about it. Enjoy the JOYS of being on IGNORE Biden Fuck head!

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