In simulated war with china US loses over 900 fighter jets

The Pentagon has ran this scenario. No way the US allows manned aircraft within striking distance of mainland China.

We would stay on the leeward side of Taiwan, and use long range air to air missiles against Chinese aircraft in the Taiwan Straight.

There’s no way we could keep a carrier safe from Chinese anti ship cruise missiles, if we got that close. It would require air refueling operations at sea, for fighters to carry out sorties.

If China sank a carrier, there’s no way in hell we don’t retaliate by offensive operations on Chinese naval and air positions on the mainland coast. At that point all bets are off, and the nuclear option is now on the table.
Lol, leftists know everything!
If China sank a carrier, there’s no way in hell we don’t retaliate by offensive operations on Chinese naval and air positions on the mainland coast. At that point all bets are off, and the nuclear option is now on the table.
There’s the rub, some seem to think the Chinese would sit meekly and take it from a carrier force. The swarm of missiles aimed at those ships would quickly overwhelm defenses. What comes next is a conflagration that only mental defectives think acceptable or survivable.
There’s the rub, some seem to think the Chinese would sit meekly and take it from a carrier force. The swarm of missiles aimed at those ships would quickly overwhelm defenses. What comes next is a conflagration that only mental defectives think acceptable or survivable.
So your advice is to meekly submit to chinese aggression?
It's difficult to know how such a conflict would unfold. However, I do believe China could take Taiwan if it wanted, but the costs to them would be very high, both in terms of their military, Goodwill, acceptance by the region they took and, global economic issues.

Their plan is to win the hearts and minds of Taiwan to have them willingly accept reunification, especially if Taiwans allies remain on alert in the region.
After what happened to Hong Kong, Taiwan will never except rule by the CPC.
Since Potatohead is owned by the Chinese he would just call up that Milley traitor asshole and tell him to negotiate a surrender to the Chinese. Milley would be Johnny on the Spot doing it.
Putting Commander in Chief Potatohead's incompetence and anti American treachery aside it would be expected for two Tier I militaries to suffer horrendous losses in a major conflict.

Of course the US would be fighting with queers, transsexuals and affirmative action Negroes and women with more woke diversity training than combat training so we would probably get a major ass kicking.
Putting Commander in Chief Potatohead's incompetence and anti American treachery aside it would be expected for two Tier I militaries to suffer horrendous losses in a major conflict.

Of course the US would be fighting with queers, transsexuals and affirmative action Negroes and women with more woke diversity training than combat training so we would probably get a major ass kicking.
Then maybe we’d better stay home and let the Chinese work out their own problems.
It's difficult to know how such a conflict would unfold. However, I do believe China could take Taiwan if it wanted, but the costs to them would be very high, both in terms of their military, Goodwill, acceptance by the region they took and, global economic issues.

Their plan is to win the hearts and minds of Taiwan to have them willingly accept reunification, especially if Taiwans allies remain on alert in the region.

Americans and other Westerners seem to have forgotten Shock and Awe bombing campaigns which opened the second US war with Iraq. China is somewhat better equipped militarily than was Iraq and for that reason alone I give China an extra day or two until we (the US) ground their major cities, infrastructure and military bases into the dust of the ground. Our living pilots have years and years of actual combat experience honed from two decades of constant war post 9/11. Chinese pilots haven't even participated in live fire punitive military actions since the Korean War. In short, we (the US) would wipe China out in a few short days with conventional military strikes. Before we'd sacrifice 900 fighters we'd nuke the fuckers back to sticks and stones. Our media is so far up China's ass convincing the CCP military it's indestructible that its leaders actually believe the propaganda. Apparently, many Americans believe it also.
Then maybe we’d better stay home and let the Chinese work out their own problems.
A giant dictatorship invading a much smaller neighbor is not "working out their own problems." Maybe we should let muggers and their victims "work out their own problems."
A giant dictatorship invading a much smaller neighbor is not "working out their own problems." Maybe we should let muggers and their victims "work out their own problems."
you talking about Russia/Ukraine?
I know 1 thing to be fact: Chinese metal sucks balls.

Their stuff would probably crack and fall apart.

It was made in China, after all.

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