In swipe at Trump, Ryan says GOP nominee must reject bigotry. House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., joi

Paul Ryan is not credible. He just gave the finger to Republican voters when he agreed to fully fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood after they gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress. He, and his Washington insider traitors are the reason Trump is doing so well. Fuck him. He represents the establishment and their reign is nearly over.
We are not talking about HRC. We are talking about a candidate for our GOP. He does not pass the test. Paul Ryan and Ben Sasse are fine GOP legislators. They won't take any shit from the extreme right, thank goodness.
That's interesting, because two days later he said this:

"I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay," Trump said. "I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. I don't know, did he endorse me? Or what's going on. Because I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists." --- Donald Rump, 2/28

"I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists". And yet.... (time warp music....)

''The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani,'' he said in his statement. ''This is not company I wish to keep.'' --- Donald Rump, February 14 2000 ----- sixteen years ago.

Not seeing your point Pogo. One of the most revered Democratic Senators in my lifetime was a former Klansman.

It follows that just because a person espoused a view 16 years ago, that doesn't mean he espouses the same views today.

Four years ago, I was 100% against gay marriage, now I am not.

Not the point at all. The point has nothing to do with Duke but with Rump.

Sixteen years ago, and seemingly again in your video link, he knows who David Duke is and what he represents. Two days later (Sunday), after Duke gives him a kiss-of-death endorsement --- he doesn't.

Whatever's convenient at the time. The pasta-against-the-wall approach, that's Rump. Whatever gets a response in the moment, even if it contradicts what got a response in the previous moment.

Way to take a position, Rump.

You mean he is playing the Media? Well yeah. He's been doing that since day one. He got them to make a big stink about this "not disavowing", then put out on his twitter feed the video of him disavowing Duke two days earlier at a huge press conference where he goes out of his way to announce the huge media turn out.

Now, in the days leading up to Super Tuesday, no one else got their message out in the media, and the Media and Establishment looks deceitful and underhanded, again.

The mistake the Media keeps making is underestimating Trump.

I just quoted you him saying two different things about the same person. Sixteen years ago he knows exactly who Dukey is. Sunday, when Dukey might bring him some racist votes.... suddenly a memory freeze.

What part of that is "underestimating"? I'm just looking at a pane of glass and seeing right through it, and wondering why other people can't see the same thing through the same glass.

Rump is a huckster, a con artist, a hustler, a carnival barker. It's all he's ever been from day one.

Not seeing it Pogo...he disavowed the endorsement two days earlier. If he was trying NOT to disavow the endorsement, why did he disavow it a day or two before, on video in front of a packed press conference of journalists?

He played the media, and they ended up with egg on their faces, again. You'd think they would catch on eventually.

They can look back 16 years to find a clip where Trump says, at that time, Duke is not a good guy. But they can't go back two days and find a clip of Trump disavowing Duke in front of a huge press corp? Give me a break.

Once again you're still missing the point.

The fact that he knew who David Duke was two days before Sunday ---- and knew very well who he was sixteen years ago --- makes his Sunday claim that he "doesn't know who he is" ---- wait for it....


It really really is as simple as that. Doesn't matter if it's David Duke or David Bowie; one Rump knows perfectly well who he is, while his evil twin never heard of him.

You just don't get to have it both ways, I don't care how much money you try to convince people you think you might have.

He runs circles around them and their agenda.

The reason you can't see it is it is your agenda too.

Trust me, you will have an epiphany just like I have recently when it comes to Fox News. I used to defend them, but now I see the truth.

When the MSM are manipulating the narrative on a topic you care about, it will come to you as well. Might be awhile, like it was for me, because the MSM is usually on your side.

I've been a harsh critic of the MSM, because I know what it's made of.

But this point isn't about the media at all, which is what you seem to be watching. That's irrelevant. This point is about the candidate. And his veracity with ever-shifting positions that change on a moment's notice like some kind of rhetorical haboob.
Missourian, Trump lied. We all know he lied. He knows he lied. He stepped on his own dick.
Paul Ryan is not credible. He just gave the finger to Republican voters when he agreed to fully fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood after they gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress. He, and his Washington insider traitors are the reason Trump is doing so well. Fuck him. He represents the establishment and their reign is nearly over.

Nailed it.

Not to mention Paul Ryan's thinking taxpayers should pony up for Syrian refugees.

All the anti-Trumpers are little-dick establishment Republican cuckservatives. "Racism, boo hoo. Bigotry, boo hoo." They're busy worrying about racism and bigotry, but the American people are worried about getting killed by illegal Mexican drunk drivers and Muslim terrorists. That's why Trump is kicking so much ass.
We are not talking about HRC. We are talking about a candidate for our GOP. He does not pass the test. Paul Ryan and Ben Sasse are fine GOP legislators. They won't take any shit from the extreme right, thank goodness.

They are pathetic losers. Who makes this "test"? The fuckin' media? They don't get it either. The media, the elites, the Washington establishment --- they are getting spanked.
Where did the link say that "Ryan thinks Trump will lose the WH and the Senate"? The left has gone beyond liberal editorialism and drifted into a fantasy world.
Paul Ryan is not credible. He just gave the finger to Republican voters when he agreed to fully fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood after they gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress. He, and his Washington insider traitors are the reason Trump is doing so well. Fuck him. He represents the establishment and their reign is nearly over.
At one time Ryan was the tebaggers hero, my how far he has fallen
Paul Ryan is not credible. He just gave the finger to Republican voters when he agreed to fully fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood after they gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress. He, and his Washington insider traitors are the reason Trump is doing so well. Fuck him. He represents the establishment and their reign is nearly over.
At one time Ryan was the tebaggers hero, my how far he has fallen
That's because he's a leftist phony who ran as a conservative but governs as a fucking liberal. He's on his way out.
Paul Ryan Speaks Out on 2016

Ryan thinks Trump will lose the WH and the Senate, and if he does win, he will move to the left of center.

Perry's people are making noise about a third party run this year.

And Ryan made an ass of himself calling out Trump over the KKK when Trump has repeatedly denounced them. Including on Friday. Did you know his club in Palm Beach shamed all others when he opened it because his policy was to embrace anyone of any color or faith as compared to the other clubs?

'You take a look at Palm Beach, Florida. I built the Mar-a-Lago Club, totally open to everybody. A club that, frankly, set a new standard in clubs and a new standard in Palm Beach and I've gotten great credit for it. That is totally open to everybody. So of course I am.'

And even the Washington Post verified this.

When The Washington Post profiled the club last year, it noted that in the 1990s when Trump bought the property, he forced local bluebloods to accept a new club in town by shaming them with the fact that the existing clubs largely excluded Jews and blacks.

Not so Mar-a-Lago.

Trump: I've done 'so much for equality' because my club is color blind
I have noticed the ranking members of the establishment unleashing harsher criticisms of Trump. Whether that helps or hurts his campaign I don't not know. A question that will be answered more clearly after today.

Helps. The fury of the base against the establishment is being felt across the nation again tonight.
Ryan is looking for an excuse to oppose Trump. This is as close as he's gonna get.
  • Trump: Ryan Can Get Along With Me Or 'Pay price' ^ | March 1
    Donald Trump warned Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that he'll have to pay the price if he doesn't get along with Trump as president, hours after Ryan repudiated Trump for failing to disavow an endorsement from David Duke. "I'm going to get along great with Congress. Paul Ryan, I don't know whim well, but I'm sure I'm going to get along great with him," Trump said during his Super Tuesday speech. "And if i don't, he's going to have to pay a big price."
Ixnay on the Rumptray criticism. It is time for we democrats to keep a low profile because I think that some of the GOP are starting to figure out that the republican primary disaster was orchestrated by us.....
We are not talking about HRC. We are talking about a candidate for our GOP. He does not pass the test. Paul Ryan and Ben Sasse are fine GOP legislators. They won't take any shit from the extreme right, thank goodness.
what has Ryan "legislated" since his reelection in 2014?
Trump is far to the left of Ryan and Sasse, far to the left.

If he tries to govern by EO at the expense of Congress, his programs will be tied up in Court just like Obama.

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