In swipe at Trump, Ryan says GOP nominee must reject bigotry. House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis., joi

There will be no third party run. The establishment is frightened that they are losing control. Their hand picked candidates are getting trounced, and the primary rules they have enacted to give themselves an advantage are being used against them.

Ryan is as corrupt as the media. Trump disavowed the Duke endorsement TWO DAYS before the interview the Establishment and the MSM are trying to smear Trump with.

And believe me, THEY ALL watched it...because it was the press conference where Trump took the wind out of all their sails by announcing the Christie endorsement.

But hell...don't take my word for for yourselves.

It's time to get rid of the Oligarchy of lying, manipulative, decietful GOP insiders. This is absolutely despicable.

Video not working btw...

I wonder, if he really rejected the endorsement, it was on the basis that the Duke guy was much more racist than Trump himself
You know, he doesn't like his success to be "shaded" ... :D

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