In Sworn Testimony, Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghan Pullout

No he didn't. Even ABC news showed the interview. When asked if any military advisors told him to leave 2500 soldiers in Afghanistan he said "No, nobody told me that."

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no one told -- your military advisors did not tell you, "No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that"?

BIDEN: No. No one said that to me that I can recall. Look, George, the reason why it's been stable for a year is because the last president said, "We're leaving. And here's the deal I wanna make with you, Taliban. We're agreeing to leave if you agree not to attack us between now and the time we leave on May the 1st."

I got into office, George. Less than two months after I elected to office, I was sworn in, all of a sudden, I have a May 1 deadline. I have a May 1 deadline. I got one of two choices. Do I say we're staying? And do you think we would not have to put a hell of a lot more troops? B-- you know, we had hundreds-- we had tens of thousands of troops there before. Tens of thousands.

Do you think we woulda -- that we would've just said, "No problem. Don't worry about it, we're not gonna attack anybody. We're okay"? In the meantime, the Taliban was takin' territory all throughout the country in the north and down in the south, in the Pasthtun area.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So would you have withdrawn troops like this even if President Trump had not made that deal with the Taliban?

BIDEN: I would've tried to figure out how to withdraw those troops, yes, because look, George. There is no good time to leave Afghanistan. Fifteen years ago would've been a problem, 15 years from now. The basic choice is am I gonna send your sons and your daughters to war in Afghanistan in perpetuity?

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no one told -- your military advisors did not tell you, "No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that"?

BIDEN: No. No one said that to me that I can recall. Look, George, the reason why it's been stable for a year is because the last president said, "We're leaving. And here's the deal I wanna make with you, Taliban. We're agreeing to leave if you agree not to attack us between now and the time we leave on May the 1st."

I got into office, George. Less than two months after I elected to office, I was sworn in, all of a sudden, I have a May 1 deadline. I have a May 1 deadline. I got one of two choices. Do I say we're staying? And do you think we would not have to put a hell of a lot more troops? B-- you know, we had hundreds-- we had tens of thousands of troops there before. Tens of thousands.

Do you think we woulda -- that we would've just said, "No problem. Don't worry about it, we're not gonna attack anybody. We're okay"? In the meantime, the Taliban was takin' territory all throughout the country in the north and down in the south, in the Pasthtun area.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So would you have withdrawn troops like this even if President Trump had not made that deal with the Taliban?

BIDEN: I would've tried to figure out how to withdraw those troops, yes, because look, George. There is no good time to leave Afghanistan. Fifteen years ago would've been a problem, 15 years from now. The basic choice is am I gonna send your sons and your daughters to war in Afghanistan in perpetuity?
He lied people died

No justice No peace

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no one told -- your military advisors did not tell you, "No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that"?

BIDEN: No. No one said that to me that I can recall. Look, George, the reason why it's been stable for a year is because the last president said, "We're leaving. And here's the deal I wanna make with you, Taliban. We're agreeing to leave if you agree not to attack us between now and the time we leave on May the 1st."

I got into office, George. Less than two months after I elected to office, I was sworn in, all of a sudden, I have a May 1 deadline. I have a May 1 deadline. I got one of two choices. Do I say we're staying? And do you think we would not have to put a hell of a lot more troops? B-- you know, we had hundreds-- we had tens of thousands of troops there before. Tens of thousands.

Do you think we woulda -- that we would've just said, "No problem. Don't worry about it, we're not gonna attack anybody. We're okay"? In the meantime, the Taliban was takin' territory all throughout the country in the north and down in the south, in the Pasthtun area.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So would you have withdrawn troops like this even if President Trump had not made that deal with the Taliban?

BIDEN: I would've tried to figure out how to withdraw those troops, yes, because look, George. There is no good time to leave Afghanistan. Fifteen years ago would've been a problem, 15 years from now. The basic choice is am I gonna send your sons and your daughters to war in Afghanistan in perpetuity?

"No, no one said that to me."

Thanks for playing. Dude, even ABC news said the generals testimony CONTRADICTED WHAT BIDEN SAID IN THE INTERVIEW. For that matter, so does your bastion of truth, factcheck.

I hope you aren't using the cop out "that I can recall" as an excuse for creepy Joe. You do realize all that does is solidify our argument that he's fucking senile and shouldn't be president? He was being interviewed on something from DAYS PRIOR.
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"No, no one said that to me."

Thanks for playing. Dude, even ABC news said the generals testimony CONTRADICTED WHAT BIDEN SAID IN THE INTERVIEW. For that matter, so does your bastion of truth, factcheck.

I hope you aren't using the cop out "that I can recall" as an excuse for creepy Joe. You do realize all that does is solidify our argument that he's fucking senile and shouldn't be president? He was being interviewed on something from DAYS PRIOR.

I can't recall the first time I heard a politician used the the term I can't recall.

Nor can I recall the first time I saw someone misquote a partial sentence to disingenuously denigrate a politician either.

I'm pretty sure this will not be the last time for either.
Milley, Austin, and whoever else was in charge of that mess need to resign. I'm no Biden fan, but he is Commander in Chief, and this level of dishonesty, either from Biden or the generals cannot be allowed to stand. If these generals and Austin had any integrity they would have addressed this before being called out for it. What a sad state of affairs. The next president should probably fire every single 3 and 4 star officers when they take office, as it appears our military leadership is more interested in politics than war fighting.
Biden lied. His generals told him to leave 2500 troops.

Lefties, who are you choosing, Biden or the Generals?
Biden lied. His generals told him to leave 2500 troops.

Lefties, who are you choosing, Biden or the Generals?
I believe the generals, when politician use the term 'I can't recall' is like them saying 'I didn't have sex with that woman'. Generals want to stay forever. They successfully talked Commandant "Donnie" into leaving a mere 2500 for the next guy, instead of a complete pullout on Jan 15, 2021.
The rats are jumping off the Biden Regime ship and throwing him and his regime under the bus.

Pentagon leaders blame State Department for chaotic Afghanistan evacuation of civilians​

Pressed on timing of evacuations, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said it was a 'State Department call'​

Top Pentagon officials blamed the State Department for not beginning evacuations of civilians from Afghanistan sooner, calling the efforts "chaotic," while defending the "skill and leadership" of U.S. troops during a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee Wednesday focused on the military withdrawal.

The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan was complete on Aug. 31, after successfully evacuating more than 124,000 individuals from Kabul – including 6,000 American citizens. Despite the large number of evacuations prior to the withdrawal date, at least 100 American citizens and thousands of Afghan allies remain in Afghanistan.

Pressed on why evacuations did not begin sooner, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said it was a "State Department call."

"We provide an input, as I said in my opening statement, to the State Department," Austin said, explaining, though, that officials were "being cautioned" by the Ghani administration that "if they withdrew American citizens and SIV applicants at a pace that was too fast, it would cause a collapse of the government that we were trying to prevent."

"I think that went into the calculus," Austin said.

He added, though, that military officials "provided our input" to the State Department.

"We certainly would have liked to see it go faster or sooner," Austin said. "But, again, they had a number of things to think through as well."

Later, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley described the evacuation efforts in the days leading up to the Aug. 31 troop withdrawal deadline as "chaotic," when asked about the best way to extract U.S. military from Afghanistan.

Pentagon leaders blame State Department for chaotic Afghanistan evacuation of civilians
So far from these hearings we have learned:

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley is a media diva, failed military leader, and traitor.

Secretary of Defense Austin is an incompetent, ignorant failed leader

Secretary of State Blinken is an incompetent failed idiot

And Biden is a dementia-ravaged, lying POS who lied / betrayed / left behind Americans and allies in Afghanistan, is trying hard to force the American people to 'turn the pages on Americans still stranded jn Afghanistan...he has zero credibility, nothing he can ever say again can be believed, and he has continued to prove he is STILL wrong about every foreign policy decision he has ever made...

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