In Sworn Testimony, Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghan Pullout

People were told in March 2020 we were leaving. If they stayed that's on them. We had since then to take any equipment out. Why didn't we?
People were told in March 2020 we were leaving.

Surrender Joe told those same people in August the Afghan govt wouldn't fall.
The rats are jumping off the Biden Regime ship and throwing him and his regime under the bus.

Pentagon leaders blame State Department for chaotic Afghanistan evacuation of civilians​

Pressed on timing of evacuations, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said it was a 'State Department call'​

Top Pentagon officials blamed the State Department for not beginning evacuations of civilians from Afghanistan sooner, calling the efforts "chaotic," while defending the "skill and leadership" of U.S. troops during a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee Wednesday focused on the military withdrawal.

The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan was complete on Aug. 31, after successfully evacuating more than 124,000 individuals from Kabul – including 6,000 American citizens. Despite the large number of evacuations prior to the withdrawal date, at least 100 American citizens and thousands of Afghan allies remain in Afghanistan.

Pressed on why evacuations did not begin sooner, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said it was a "State Department call."

"We provide an input, as I said in my opening statement, to the State Department," Austin said, explaining, though, that officials were "being cautioned" by the Ghani administration that "if they withdrew American citizens and SIV applicants at a pace that was too fast, it would cause a collapse of the government that we were trying to prevent."

"I think that went into the calculus," Austin said.

He added, though, that military officials "provided our input" to the State Department.

"We certainly would have liked to see it go faster or sooner," Austin said. "But, again, they had a number of things to think through as well."

Later, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley described the evacuation efforts in the days leading up to the Aug. 31 troop withdrawal deadline as "chaotic," when asked about the best way to extract U.S. military from Afghanistan.

Pentagon leaders blame State Department for chaotic Afghanistan evacuation of civilians
It doesn't matter. Biden is still the POTUS and he will not being going anyway.
Suck eggs. Throw all the lies you want. Nothing will happen.
People were told in March 2020 we were leaving.

Surrender Joe told those same people in August the Afghan govt wouldn't fall.

You can parrot that all you want. We were told that for years. We all knew it was a lie.
You can parrot that all you want. We were told that for years. We all knew it was a lie.
So you admit Biden lied to the world and that resulted in Americans being abandoned by Biden in Aghanistan.
Post the text of this Trump deal, and highlight the parts Surrender Joe followed. Why do you morons keep spewing this lie knowing I will call you out with this challenge none of you have been able to meet BlindBoo
Why? The Generals testified that we met all our obligations and the Taliban had met but one. That didn't matter as the "Surrender Monkey Trumpy" was still willing to pull all our troop out in Jan.
Why? The Generals testified that we met all our obligations and the Taliban had met but one. That didn't matter as the "Surrender Monkey Trumpy" was still willing to pull all our troop out in Jan.
Glad to see you admit Surrender Joe was under no obligation from any agreement Trump made, and this entire debacle is owned by him 100%
LOL. They were taking over ASAP. We all knew that. It's why Bush, Obama and Trump didn't do it.
Joe did the right thing only he went at it A** backward. Biden WON'T admit he SCREWED UP the Afghanistan withdrawal. He's throwing his Generals under the bus...To save his own butt.
They all lied to us. It seems that is what they do.
Please bring the quotes by Bush, Obama, and Trump saying the Afghan govt wouldn't fall after we surrendered.

Cuz I can bring video of Surrender Joe saying that.

Joe did the right thing only he went at it A** backward. Biden WON'T admit he SCREWED UP the Afghanistan withdrawal. He's throwing his Generals under the bus...To save his own butt.

I have little concern for the generals that wanted to stay. As I noted somewhere else. let them stay if they wish.
Please bring the quotes by Bush, Obama, and Trump saying the Afghan govt wouldn't fall after we surrendered.

Cuz I can bring video of Surrender Joe saying that.


You don't get to put words in my mouth and then expect me to reply to them.
Um, you said we were lied to for years about the collapse of the Afghan govt.

Bring these lies.

We were told by all of them our invasion was going to be successful. It never had any chance of being successful.
We were told by all of them our invasion was going to be successful. It never had any chance of being successful.
Our military kept us safe from any more terrorist attacks planned and funded in Afghanistan.

Now, back to the issue at us the quotes by Bush, Obama, and Trump saying the Afghan govt wouldn't fall if we bugged out.

Try not to deflect and run away like the pussy you are this time.

Our military kept us safe from any more terrorist attacks planned and funded in Afghanistan.

Now, back to the issue at us the quotes by Bush, Obama, and Trump saying the Afghan govt wouldn't fall if we bugged out.

Try not to deflect and run away like the pussy you are this time.


Trump came up with the plan to leave. Do you believe he did so believing the government would fall?
None of you gives two shits about anyone unless it's politically advantageous. Spare us your fake compassion for the people in Afghanistan. You can't even mourn people who have died of covid because it might make Trump mad.
Shut up. You are happy to leave Americans behind and just forget them.

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