In Sworn Testimony, Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghan Pullout

The top US general conceded in a stark admission on Wednesday that the United States "lost" the 20-year war in Afghanistan.

"It is clear, it is obvious to all of us, that the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted, with the Taliban in power in Kabul," General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee.

"The war was a strategic failure," Milley told a committee hearing about the US troop pullout from Afghanistan and the chaotic evacuation from the capital Kabul.

"It wasn't lost in the last 20 days or even 20 months," Milley said.

US 'lost' the 20-year war in Afghanistan: top US general - France 24

BTW Milley was appointed by Trump.

Trump Appoints Gen. Mark Milley Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff

As we know, Trump only hires the best and the best say we lost long fact, there was never anything to win.
Trying to blame Trump for Milley following orders from Surrender Joe.

Quite pathetic.............and desperate. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure, he could have stayed and gotten more of our kids killed.

You still haven't answered why the order by trump to leave by Jan 15, and then flip flopping to leave a skeleton force of 2500 troops? Was that in the Surrender agreement he signed? I mean he was the CIC who ordered that drastic cut. Was it out of spite to America for tossing his ass out of the White House in 2020? Probably, he is a petulant man.
You still haven't answered why the order by trump to leave by Jan 15,

Link us up to this order to "leave by Jan 15".

Watch this......................
he wasn't be told that the Taliban wasn't following the agreement, he wasn't being told of the threats etc.

Sure, sure,

Senator King: (01:50:06)
My question is, and General Milley, you were the only one who overlapped the two administrations. Were there any efforts on behalf of the prior administration to enforce that condition of negotiation with the Afghan government and the Taliban?

General Milley: (01:50:25)
Senator, as I said in my opening remarks, the conditions that were required of the Taliban, none of them were met except one.

Senator King: (01:50:34)
My question is, did we attempt to enforce those conditions? Did we inform the Taliban, for example, we won’t advocate for the release of 5,000 prisoners, unless you begin negotiations or something similar?

General Milley: (01:50:47)
I don’t have personal knowledge of that, whether or not [inaudible 01:50:51] or others were personally saying that, I don’t have personal knowledge of that, but I do know that none of the conditions were met except the one which, “Don’t attack American forces and coalition forces.” That condition was-

Senator King: (01:51:03)
The conditions were not met, but you testified that the troop withdrawals and the release of the 5,000 Taliban prisoners did proceed, even though the conditions had not been met, is that correct?

General Milley: (01:51:14)
That is correct.

Senator King: (01:51:15)
And you’ve testified you provide your invested military advice to President Biden, that there should be a residual force left in Afghanistan. Did you provide the same advice to President Trump when they were negotiating the Doha Agreement?

General Milley: (01:51:28)
Again, I’m not going to discuss precise advice.

Senator King: (01:51:31)
Was it your best military judgment that a residual force-

General Milley: (01:51:34)
At that time, yes. And that’s what that a series of memos, and advice and meetings, et cetera, in the September, October timeframe, that’s exactly what they were. And you can talk to Secretary Esper, He can tell you the same thing.

Senator King: (01:51:46)
So your military judgment didn’t change on January 20th.

General Milley: (01:51:50)
We left. You want to frame it as "surrendering" as you know no one would frame it in those terms. We lost, we left.
um we hadn't lost until we left...hence why it's called a surrender...and it was Xiden that left, it was Xiden that ignored the advise of the military, it was Xiden that lied repeatedly about it

hence it was Xiden's surrender
Sure, sure,

Senator King: (01:50:06)
My question is, and General Milley, you were the only one who overlapped the two administrations. Were there any efforts on behalf of the prior administration to enforce that condition of negotiation with the Afghan government and the Taliban?

General Milley: (01:50:25)
Senator, as I said in my opening remarks, the conditions that were required of the Taliban, none of them were met except one.

Senator King: (01:50:34)
My question is, did we attempt to enforce those conditions? Did we inform the Taliban, for example, we won’t advocate for the release of 5,000 prisoners, unless you begin negotiations or something similar?

General Milley: (01:50:47)
I don’t have personal knowledge of that, whether or not [inaudible 01:50:51] or others were personally saying that, I don’t have personal knowledge of that, but I do know that none of the conditions were met except the one which, “Don’t attack American forces and coalition forces.” That condition was-

Senator King: (01:51:03)
The conditions were not met, but you testified that the troop withdrawals and the release of the 5,000 Taliban prisoners did proceed, even though the conditions had not been met, is that correct?

General Milley: (01:51:14)
That is correct.

Senator King: (01:51:15)
And you’ve testified you provide your invested military advice to President Biden, that there should be a residual force left in Afghanistan. Did you provide the same advice to President Trump when they were negotiating the Doha Agreement?

General Milley: (01:51:28)
Again, I’m not going to discuss precise advice.

Senator King: (01:51:31)
Was it your best military judgment that a residual force-

General Milley: (01:51:34)
At that time, yes. And that’s what that a series of memos, and advice and meetings, et cetera, in the September, October timeframe, that’s exactly what they were. And you can talk to Secretary Esper, He can tell you the same thing.

Senator King: (01:51:46)
So your military judgment didn’t change on January 20th.

General Milley: (01:51:50)
Sure what? Yes, Xiden was told the conditions...and lied about it, and ignored it
um we hadn't lost until we left...hence why it's called a surrender...and it was Xiden that left, it was Xiden that ignored the advise of the military, it was Xiden that lied repeatedly about it

hence it was Xiden's surrender

There was never anything to win.
You still haven't answered why the order by trump to leave by Jan 15,

Link us up to this order to "leave by Jan 15".

Watch this......................
General Milley: (03:10:04)
Yes, we were actually given an order to go to zero by 15 January which was changed to go to 2500 by 15 January and then taken down to zero by 1 May depending on the decisions of the new administration.

Mr. Reed: (03:10:14)
Thank you. General Milley, your prepared testimony indicates that the Biden administration through the National Security Council process conducted a rigorous inter-agency review of the situation in Afghanistan in February, March, and April in which the views of senior military leadership were all given serious consideration by the administration. You also testified that you received an order in November 2020 you just referred to to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan by January 15, 2021. Was that November order similarly informed by a rigorous inter-agency review?

General Milley: (03:10:49)
Sure what? Yes, Xiden was told the conditions...and lied about it, and ignored it
We had already withdrawn most of our troops and met all of our obligation under the Petulant Ones surrender agreement by the time President Biden was sworn in.
um we hadn't lost until we left...hence why it's called a surrender...and it was Xiden that left, it was Xiden that ignored the advise of the military, it was Xiden that lied repeatedly about it

hence it was Xiden's surrender
Trump had no plan.

Biden had already stalled the date set by Doha agreement by several months.

Biden was nothing special for 47 years. I didn't vote for him but this was an error from the day we went in. Odd no one can answer simple questions. Trump said we were leaving in March of 2020. Why didn't we start pulling the military equipment then? Why didn't people leave then?

I give Biden credit for doing what Bush, Obama and Trump were too cowardly to do.
Probably because Trump was a lot smarter than Biden
General Milley: (03:10:04)
Yes, we were actually given an order to go to zero by 15 January which was changed to go to 2500 by 15 January and then taken down to zero by 1 May depending on the decisions of the new administration.

Mr. Reed: (03:10:14)
Thank you. General Milley, your prepared testimony indicates that the Biden administration through the National Security Council process conducted a rigorous inter-agency review of the situation in Afghanistan in February, March, and April in which the views of senior military leadership were all given serious consideration by the administration. You also testified that you received an order in November 2020 you just referred to to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan by January 15, 2021. Was that November order similarly informed by a rigorous inter-agency review?

General Milley: (03:10:49)
So nothing in writing. Just something Milley says that was promptly changed.

Got it.
Yep he sure did. He ordered all but 2500 out. So much so that Biden had to bring over 5000 troop back after the Afghan Army fled, to help with the evacuations.
Weird how 2500 kept the peace in the entire country until Surrender Joe started making decisions to pull our military out before anyone else and the resulting shitstorm left thousands of Americans behind.

Biden decided to pull out, created a clusterfuck, then had to send in twice the number of troops to one airport Trump used to keep the peace in the entire country.

Thanks for proving Surrender Joe is a blithering idiot.
So nothing in writing. Just something Milley says that was promptly changed.

Got it.

On Nov. 9, the same day Trump appointed Miller, McEntee offered controversial retired Col. Douglas Macgregor a job as Miller's senior adviser, handing him a list of goals for Trump's final weeks in office, Swan reports: "1. Get us out of Afghanistan. 2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria. 3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany. 4. Get us out of Africa." Macgregor said if Trump really wanted that, he had to sign an order to that effect. When Miller got a signed memo two days later, saying all U.S. forces had to be out of Somalia by Dec. 31 and out of Afghanistan by Jan. 15, his reaction, Swan reports, was "What the f--k is this?"

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller's office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11. The order arrived seemingly out of nowhere, and its instructions, signed by Trump, were stunning: All U.S. military forces were to be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31, 2020. All U.S. forces were to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Jan. 15, 2021.
Yep he sure did. He ordered all but 2500 out. So much so that Biden had to bring over 5000 troop back after the Afghan Army fled, to help with the evacuations.
Is that the Afghan army Biden assured the world wouldn't lose to the Taliban?
Just the Obama era generals. They better let Lt. Stu out of the military prison too.

The Generals/Admirals in charge today are the ones who pledged to Obama that they would fire on American citizens if there was an uprising. The ones who refused were told to retire. That was the beginning of the current shame.

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