In Sworn Testimony, Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghan Pullout

Biden had to wait for Xi's Plan
Your last point is quite possible....there is no doubt that the Taliban was well aware we were no longer in a position of strength since Xiden and the Dembot cult was in office.

oh and by the way....they attacked us, even when Xiden was surrendering....13 dead servicemen...
Xi gave Milley the withdrawal plan
President Biden didn't make the agreement for our complete withdrawal. That was ol Trumpybear. While our side met its obligations on time, the Taliban ignored all but one condition. That didn't concern the Trumpyone as he actually ordered our complete withdrawal by Jan 15, 2021.

Repeating a lie over and over does not make it a truth.

The taliban violated 7 of the 8 conditions of withdrawal. Trump didn't pull out, Biden did.

So you're really going to blame Trump for bidens fuckup? Are you too stupid to realize that like any contract, if one side violates it it becomes null and void? Biden wasn't bound by that contract. They violated the conditions. Biden had the freedom to do whatever he wanted to. But instead he decided to abandon our allies and even our own citizens in that shithole country.

Fuck Biden.
Repeating a lie over and over does not make it a truth.

The taliban violated 7 of the 8 conditions of withdrawl. Trump didn't pull out, Biden did.

So you're really going to blame Trump for bidens fuckup?
of course he is…jess dembot cultist that doesn’t live in reality

if xiden told him to put marbles up his butt he would
It could have been a good lie, except for the Yammering Maw of the Trumpyberra!

Donald Trump: (22:53)
Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

What do you think he meant by "They Couldn't Stop the Process"?
Yes, then Biden screwed it up.
Trump had no plan.

Biden had already stalled the date set by Doha agreement by several months.

So you're admitting that this is totally Biden's blunder?
I'm not convinced of anything based on the OP's attached article. It talked of Biden's August 31 deadline while the generals talked of avoiding a collapse of the Afghan security forces. Seems to me they're talking apples and oranges concerning the timing of these discussions. Biden's deadline was September 11th, and the August deadline was forced upon him by the Taliban after the Afghans had already given up.
Biden was nothing special for 47 years. I didn't vote for him but this was an error from the day we went in. Odd no one can answer simple questions. Trump said we were leaving in March of 2020. Why didn't we start pulling the military equipment then? Why didn't people leave then?

I give Biden credit for doing what Bush, Obama and Trump were too cowardly to do.
He screwed it up like an amateur, even the liberal commanders said so.
I believe the generals, when politician use the term 'I can't recall' is like them saying 'I didn't have sex with that woman'. Generals want to stay forever. They successfully talked Commandant "Donnie" into leaving a mere 2500 for the next guy, instead of a complete pullout on Jan 15, 2021.
If Veggie Joe can’t recall such critical advice on a major issue like this, it’s worse than him outright lying about it.

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