In Sworn Testimony, Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghan Pullout

If Veggie Joe can’t recall such critical advice on a major issue like this, it’s worse than him outright lying about it.

He has employed the "not that I recall" ploy many times as most all politician do.
Document all that. Post # 179.
Let's see some semblance of proof.
How many times?


Mr. Reed: (03:08:09)
Now, in the Doha Agreement, President Trump agreed to leave with certain conditions on May 1st. Those conditions have been testified by the panel that were really never achieved, never challenged by the Trump administration. Would you consider that an abdication of or a surrender, that agreement?

Sec. Austin: (03:08:37)
I certainly believe that the conditions were preset and again, we met, lived up to all the things that we were obliged to do. We didn’t attack them and we drew down our forces, but the Taliban, the only thing that they lived up to was that they didn’t attack us.

A. The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will take the following measures in the first one hundred thirty-five (135) days: 1) They will reduce the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to eight thousand six hundred (8,600) and proportionally bring reduction in the number of its allies and Coalition forces. 2) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from five (5) military bases.

According to your link TEN Americans flew out of Afghanistan.

So how many are still trapped in Afghanistan under the thumb of the Taliban?

I notice the Biden regime is not claiming the Americans left behind are all back.

Maybe they can't lie the way you feel free to do.
Since there were so many flights out, at this point any US citizens remaining would be the responsibility of those US citizens, not the government.
It absurd at this point.

The Taliban isnt trapping any US citizens in afghanistan, since the Taliban have zero motivation to do so.
Milley also said something to the effect of generals shouldn't be overriding president's decisions or going behind the president's backs and yet he thought Trump was so crazy that he needed to do that with Trump, while also saying that Trump had no intention of starting any kind of a war with China. Say what?

Trump was crazy and desperate and dictators will do anything to retain power. Look at the capitol riots. There's your proof.

Presidents are usually defined by military prowess. it would have quite reasonable for trump to rattle their cage and put the fear of Christ into the nation to save his arse.
Milley knew that and did exactly to right thing to deescalate any build-up in case.

Trump was a complete phsycopathic nut case and woyld stop at nothing to maintain power. It's only through some patriotic minders who convinced him to leave peacefully.
I don't recall anyone saying he had no intention of starting a war.
Trump was crazy and desperate and dictators will do anything to retain power. Look at the capitol riots. There's your proof.

Presidents are usually defined by military prowess. it would have quite reasonable for trump to rattle their cage and put the fear of Christ into the nation to save his arse.
Milley knew that and did exactly to right thing to deescalate any build-up in case.

Trump was a complete phsycopathic nut case and woyld stop at nothing to maintain power. It's only through some patriotic minders who convinced him to leave peacefully.
I don't recall anyone saying he had no intention of starting a war.

Milley's testimony was that the phone call was in reaction to what the Chinese were thinking about how crazy our Trumpybear was acting. Milley wanted to calm them down. He never said he thought our crazed President was going to start a war.
Trump was crazy and desperate and dictators will do anything to retain power. Look at the capitol riots. There's your proof.

Presidents are usually defined by military prowess. it would have quite reasonable for trump to rattle their cage and put the fear of Christ into the nation to save his arse.
Milley knew that and did exactly to right thing to deescalate any build-up in case.

Trump was a complete phsycopathic nut case and woyld stop at nothing to maintain power. It's only through some patriotic minders who convinced him to leave peacefully.
I don't recall anyone saying he had no intention of starting a war.
Thank you for your opinion but it is only an opinion. Even Milley himself said that Trump had no intention of starting a war with China.
Since there were so many flights out, at this point any US citizens remaining would be the responsibility of those US citizens, not the government.
It absurd at this point.
Bullshit. Many people were not allowed by the Taliban to fly out.
Do you have a thing for guys with beards and a 12th century world view?

The Taliban isnt trapping any US citizens in afghanistan, since the Taliban have zero motivation to do so.
So you KNOW every single American in Afghanistan has left the country?
How do you know?
Milley's testimony was that the phone call was in reaction to what the Chinese were thinking about how crazy our Trumpybear was acting. Milley wanted to calm them down. He never said he thought our crazed President was going to start a war.
So have read transcripts of Milley's phone calls to China?

Sure you have.
hahaa a memo is not an order

your own link debunks your post
So you think the Generals could have objected to the Presidents signed order like they did when they were first presented an unsigned memo with the Trumpybears Lame Duck Agenda?

"On Nov. 9, the same day Trump appointed Miller, McEntee offered controversial retired Col. Douglas Macgregor a job as Miller's senior adviser, handing him a list of goals for Trump's final weeks in office, Swan reports: "1. Get us out of Afghanistan. 2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria. 3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany. 4. Get us out of Africa." Macgregor said if Trump really wanted that, he had to sign an order to that effect. When Miller got a signed memo two days later, saying all U.S. forces had to be out of Somalia by Dec. 31 and out of Afghanistan by Jan. 15, his reaction, Swan reports, was "What the f--k is this?"
It reminds me when trump was advised to stay away from bribing ukraine. He wouldn't listen so impeachment followed.
Stay away from bribing ukraine? what are you talking about? Don't you mean Biden being warned about taking bribes from Ukraine?
So you think the Generals could have objected to the Presidents signed order like they did when they were first presented an unsigned memo with the Trumpybears Lame Duck Agenda?

"On Nov. 9, the same day Trump appointed Miller, McEntee offered controversial retired Col. Douglas Macgregor a job as Miller's senior adviser, handing him a list of goals for Trump's final weeks in office, Swan reports: "1. Get us out of Afghanistan. 2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria. 3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany. 4. Get us out of Africa." Macgregor said if Trump really wanted that, he had to sign an order to that effect. When Miller got a signed memo two days later, saying all U.S. forces had to be out of Somalia by Dec. 31 and out of Afghanistan by Jan. 15, his reaction, Swan reports, was "What the f--k is this?"
there was no signed order

just stop already
there was no signed order

just stop already

Not only did Milley testified under oath that there was but he also describe the lengths to which the top brass went to reverse that order and not completely withdraw all 8,600 troop the Surrender agreement called for, leaving the new administration with only 2500 US troops when they took office.

Do you think they are going to charge him with perjury?
Yes, when a President signs it, it becomes an order.

He did it in a snit fit so after he calmed down the Generals (who support forever wars) were able to convince him to kick the can down the road.
Explain in detail how a memo from one President binds the next President, even though the original President took the advice of experts and didn't follow the plan in the memo.
It reminds me when trump was advised to stay away from bribing ukraine. He wouldn't listen so impeachment followed.
Really? that was after Biden Blackmailed them.......and an impeachment with no witness.....sounds like the NAZI democrats are right on schedule. Only the dems impeach over a phone call.

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