In Sworn Testimony, Generals Accuse Biden of Lying About Afghan Pullout

On Nov. 9, the same day Trump appointed Miller, McEntee offered controversial retired Col. Douglas Macgregor a job as Miller's senior adviser, handing him a list of goals for Trump's final weeks in office, Swan reports: "1. Get us out of Afghanistan. 2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria. 3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany. 4. Get us out of Africa." Macgregor said if Trump really wanted that, he had to sign an order to that effect. When Miller got a signed memo two days later, saying all U.S. forces had to be out of Somalia by Dec. 31 and out of Afghanistan by Jan. 15, his reaction, Swan reports, was "What the f--k is this?"

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller's office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11. The order arrived seemingly out of nowhere, and its instructions, signed by Trump, were stunning: All U.S. military forces were to be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31, 2020. All U.S. forces were to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Jan. 15, 2021.
Since when is a 'memo" a Treaty, Dipshit?
Trump had no plan.

Biden had already stalled the date set by Doha agreement by several months.

Of course he didn't...why would he of had a plan to leave? The conditions were not being met by the Taliban.

He wasn't planning on leaving until they were.
Weird how 2500 kept the peace in the entire country until Surrender Joe started making decisions to pull our military out before anyone else and the resulting shitstorm left thousands of Americans behind.

Biden decided to pull out, created a clusterfuck, then had to send in twice the number of troops to one airport Trump used to keep the peace in the entire country.

Thanks for proving Surrender Joe is a blithering idiot.

They didn't. The Taliban keep to the one condition of not attacking the US or our Nato Allies. They never stopped attacking the Afghan forces.

Had we decided to stay, the Taliban would have started attacking our forces as well.
We had already withdrawn most of our troops and met all of our obligation under the Petulant Ones surrender agreement by the time President Biden was sworn in.
I fail to see your point Trump had not removed all the troops...he had 2500...which is the same number that the Generals told Xiden should be left....Xiden ignored that...also ignored the reality that the Taliban would take the country, and the troops needed to stay...

They didn't. The Taliban keep to the one condition of not attacking the US or our Nato Allies. They never stopped attacking the Afghan forces.

Had we decided to stay, the Taliban would have started attacking our forces as well.
Your last point is quite possible....there is no doubt that the Taliban was well aware we were no longer in a position of strength since Xiden and the Dembot cult was in office.

oh and by the way....they attacked us, even when Xiden was surrendering....13 dead servicemen...
They didn't. The Taliban keep to the one condition of not attacking the US or our Nato Allies. They never stopped attacking the Afghan forces.

Had we decided to stay, the Taliban would have started attacking our forces as well.
Which is why Trump never would have pulled out. They violated the agreement.
Since when is a 'memo" a Treaty, Dipshit?

Who said it was a treaty Zippy? It was a signed order to withdraw troop from a lot of places including Afghanistan by Jan 15, 2021, by the Petulant Fascist in Chief, mad about his recent election loss to good old Joe Biden. Not just something the General said.
Who said it was a treaty Zippy? It was a signed order to withdraw troop from a lot of places including Afghanistan by Jan 15, 2021, by the Petulant Fascist in Chief, mad about his recent election loss to good old Joe Biden. Not just something the General said.
So now a memo looking for advice is a "signed order"?????????????????

So why didn't we get out by Jan 15 if it was an "order"? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Who said it was a treaty Zippy? It was a signed order to withdraw troop from a lot of places including Afghanistan by Jan 15, 2021, by the Petulant Fascist in Chief, mad about his recent election loss to good old Joe Biden. Not just something the General said.
actually your link says it was a memo....not an order. Moreover, the article says that when there was push back from the military about what would happen if such a Order was actually given, Trump backdown.

My question is this, why did Xiden ignore the military? Trump was willing to accept their advice even when he wanted the troops home
Your last point is quite possible....there is no doubt that the Taliban was well aware we were no longer in a position of strength since Xiden and the Dembot cult was in office.

oh and by the way....they attacked us, even when Xiden was surrendering....13 dead servicemen...

Our strength is with our troops. 2500 is what the Don ordered left in Afghanistan. That was not part of his surrender agreement. I guess it was a gift to the Taliban and a giant fuck you to America for daring to elect good old Joe Biden.

It wasn't in any kind of combat with the Taliban. It was an ISIS suicide bomber.
Our strength is with our troops. 2500 is what the Don ordered left in Afghanistan. That was not part of his surrender agreement. I guess it was a gift to the Taliban and a giant fuck you to America for daring to elect good old Joe Biden.

It wasn't in any kind of combat with the Taliban. It was an ISIS suicide bomber.
2500 kept the peace for 8 months, until Surrender Joe dismissed his military leader's advice and thought he knew better. That's when is turned in to a clusterfuck.
Our strength is with our troops. 2500 is what the Don ordered left in Afghanistan. That was not part of his surrender agreement. I guess it was a gift to the Taliban and a giant fuck you to America for daring to elect good old Joe Biden.

It wasn't in any kind of combat with the Taliban. It was an ISIS suicide bomber.
huh? I agree our strength is in our troops. 2500 is all we needed, all Trump left, all the military advised Xiden to keep....and Xiden ignored the request and the warnings....i guess a big F U to the AMerican people, our troops, our allies, the world, and the Afghan people.

Xiden lied, people died....and as the military brass testified...more people will, thanks to Xiden's surrender, the Taliban will recreate a massive base of terrorist operations in Afghan....
Trump had no plan.

Biden had already stalled the date set by Doha agreement by several months.

Biden had to wait for Xi's Plan
Is that why the Trumpyhberra ordered a complete pull out by Jan 15th? Cause he knew that?

Mr. Reed: (03:08:59)
And we saw a great deal of difficulty in meeting the deadline which was August 31st. Would it appear to you that a May 1st deadline as President Trump imagined would have caused more complications in terms of getting our equipment out, getting our personnel out, identifying Americans who were eligible to leave and getting them the paperwork since you would be doing it at a much shorter timeframe?

Sec. Austin: (03:09:32)
Yeah, I don’t think that would have been feasible to do that in an orderly fashion, Chairman.

Mr. Reed: (03:09:37)
Thank you very much. General Milley, regardless of whether the Taliban had met the conditions required under Doha, weren’t you already in a trajectory to go to zero forces, as I said, by May 1st as required by the agreement when the President took over so that you actually would have accelerated the process of withdrawal and complicated it more, similar to my question to the Secretary?

General Milley: (03:10:04)
Yes, we were actually given an order to go to zero by 15 January which was changed to go to 2500 by 15 January and then taken down to zero by 1 May depending on the decisions of the new administration.

Because Trump set 8 conditions for the pullout. 7 of them were violated. That would be why Trump didn't leave. So it was a conditional pullout of the country not an absolute one.

BIg difference, you moron.

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