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In the dying days of Trumps presidency what will his legacy be?

Oz and the Orchestra

Platinum Member
May 25, 2020
Claimed to

Build a wall Failed
Keep Muslims out Failed & let Corona in
Drain the swamp Don't even know what that means & neither does he!
Sort out N Korea Failed
Put America First Failed

He blew the treaty with Iraq - they are now enriching uranium.
He blew the Climate treaty - the worlds continuing to warm.

Is there one thing that this president has done that has had a positive effect?
And finally:-

U.S. deficit to soar to record $3.8 trillion in 2020, budget watchdog …

Claimed to

Build a wall Failed
Keep Muslims out Failed & let Corona in
Drain the swamp Don't even know what that means & neither does he!
Sort out N Korea Failed
Put America First Failed

He blew the treaty with Iraq - they are now enriching uranium.
He blew the Climate treaty - the worlds continuing to warm.

Is there one thing that this president has done that has had a positive effect?
And finally:-

U.S. deficit to soar to record $3.8 trillion in 2020, budget watchdog …
View attachment 351895
Funny how in Floor E. Da. the temperature of late has been below average.
That uranium Iran is enriching came from Russia who Hillary Clinton sold the Uranium out of Harry Reid's state.
Wall being built
America will be first, once the police go away and the rest of US go on a Commie hunt.
N. Korea, havent heard any sabre rattling, but i have heard about the British PM getting England out of the P.U. Now if we decided to stop trading with the buck tooth, inbred Brits, they would be in a whole heap of shit.

US deficit soars. EU deficit soars, China Deficit soars, the whole world deficit soars.
Claimed to

Build a wall Failed
Keep Muslims out Failed & let Corona in
Drain the swamp Don't even know what that means & neither does he!
Sort out N Korea Failed
Put America First Failed

He blew the treaty with Iraq - they are now enriching uranium.
He blew the Climate treaty - the worlds continuing to warm.

Is there one thing that this president has done that has had a positive effect?
And finally:-

U.S. deficit to soar to record $3.8 trillion in 2020, budget watchdog …
View attachment 351895

And we could still send the state of Georgia to kick the shit out of the Brits while the rest of us watch.
You really want to ask that question?
Here's a link to Trump's "promises kept" site: Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments


Its not just that the wall works, but that Mexico is stopping migrants from reaching the wall.

Muslims are on their best behavior, or they know what happens

We'll see if the swamp wins or if Barr and Durham put a big dent in it

NK is a big nothingburger. WTF do you think Trump did for NK? Even Gates likes Trump's "talk" initiative.

Put America first was working fine until COVID-19 hit, its coming back by November, so don't be too disappointed

Iran can do what it wants, the bullshit 10-year time limit is up soon anyway.
Climate change isn't slowing, and its not due to the US, get a clue.

Is there one thing Trump did well? Yes, the economy:
Trump will be known as a mistake
A mistake the whole world suffered for

How did we suffer ?

I have not suffered from Trump.

I've had to suffer through Adam Schitt and his schitsham show.

I've had to suffer through Nancy Botox and her bullshit lies.

I've had to suffer through Obama's need to somehow preserve his "accomplishments".

As much as I like Michelle, I've had to suffer through some of her stupidity.

But Trump gave me Kavennaugh and Gorsuch.

He also boosted my portfolio.

So tell me how he's made me suffer.
Claimed to

Build a wall Failed
Keep Muslims out Failed & let Corona in
Drain the swamp Don't even know what that means & neither does he!
Sort out N Korea Failed
Put America First Failed

He blew the treaty with Iraq - they are now enriching uranium.
He blew the Climate treaty - the worlds continuing to warm.

Is there one thing that this president has done that has had a positive effect?
And finally:-

U.S. deficit to soar to record $3.8 trillion in 2020, budget watchdog …
View attachment 351895
Ask again in 4 years.
Whatever it is I'm sure it will be the greatest legacy in the history of all mankind. I mean come on, he'll have surpassed the accomplishments of all other Presidents before him, combined.

By a Mile

Maybe two miles, or more. Probably more.......

Nobody will ever come close to his legacy either. Just so ya know. Massive. Really big.

<I hope you like the audition, I want to be your historian Sir Trump. Do I get the job?>
That uranium Iran is enriching came from Russia who Hillary Clinton sold the Uranium out of Harry Reid's state.

So while we were in a 20 year process of buying 500 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia's decommissioned warheads, they bought the mining rights from a Canadian firm to some mines that produce less than 5% of the nuclear fuel our reactors burn every year? Are you saying they paid to ship that ore to Russia or Iran?

Them Russians must be some stupid fucks. Suckers.
Claimed to

Build a wall Failed
Keep Muslims out Failed & let Corona in
Drain the swamp Don't even know what that means & neither does he!
Sort out N Korea Failed
Put America First Failed

He blew the treaty with Iraq - they are now enriching uranium.
He blew the Climate treaty - the worlds continuing to warm.

Is there one thing that this president has done that has had a positive effect?
And finally:-

U.S. deficit to soar to record $3.8 trillion in 2020, budget watchdog …
View attachment 351895

I am reminded that the legacy of King John of England, aside from being the villain in the Legend of Robin Hood, is the Magna Carta. The Founding Document for Western Civilization. Here was a King so bad, that his Knights all mutinied and demanded that the King respect their rights as human beings, and government the country according to certain basic principles.

Here we have the citizens of the United States standing up and demanding that the USA stop it's perilous slide into an out of control police state, and end the last 40 years of fiscal mismanagement and social malfeasance that has resulted in three economic crashes in 40 years, each crash worse than the last. During the same time frame, Americans have locked up one fifth of the people who are imprisoned in the entire world. More than the totalitarian regimes in Russia, China or North Korea.

American police shoot and kill 15 times more American citizens than the police in any other first world country, and the USA has more than 1/4 of all of the covid19 deaths in the world, and nearly 1/4 of all of the cases. 40 years of Republican fiscal policies, 18 years of continuous Republican wars, and 40 years of Republicans refusing to raise the minimum wage, has left the American people sick, broke, and unemployed.

The good news is that Trump has left the nation's foundational structures so weakened and in some cases powerless, that it provides the country with the opportunity to rebuild those structures from the ground up, and eliminate the foundations of inequity and racism that have underpinned the economic structures for so long. In particular, Republicans have pandered to the religious right with educational "choice" which was just a thinly veiled vehicle to use tax payer funded vouchers to support charter and religious schools, many of whom barred racial minorities or the children of gay couples.

Trump's legacy may be that the people revolted, threw him out of office, and rebuilt the country in the spirit of the Founding Fathers notions of "liberty, equality, and justice for all".
Claimed to

Build a wall Failed
Keep Muslims out Failed & let Corona in
Drain the swamp Don't even know what that means & neither does he!
Sort out N Korea Failed
Put America First Failed

He blew the treaty with Iraq - they are now enriching uranium.
He blew the Climate treaty - the worlds continuing to warm.

Is there one thing that this president has done that has had a positive effect?
And finally:-

U.S. deficit to soar to record $3.8 trillion in 2020, budget watchdog …
View attachment 351895
What will your legacy be?
Trump has a great start to his legacy,

- made Hillary cry, Dems cry, the liberal news media cry, Dem donors shit themselves.
- historic tax cut and reform
- deleted thousands of government regulations and got governments boot on the neck of business
- single handedly exposed the liberal news media as lying partisan hacks who cannot be trusted or believed
- unhinged Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
- dodged a half-preachment from flailing House dems :auiqs.jpg:
- elevated AOC and the squad to Dem leadership status :auiqs.jpg:
- exposed corruption within the DOJ and FBI
- exposed wormy Adam Schiff
- exposed corrupt Biden foreign money extortion scheme
That uranium Iran is enriching came from Russia who Hillary Clinton sold the Uranium out of Harry Reid's state.

So while we were in a 20 year process of buying 500 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia's decommissioned warheads, they bought the mining rights from a Canadian firm to some mines that produce less than 5% of the nuclear fuel our reactors burn every year? Are you saying they paid to ship that ore to Russia or Iran?

Them Russians must be some stupid fucks. Suckers.
Russian Uranium One Deal And Hillary Clinton In The News Again
enator Chuck Grassley (R- Iowa) wants the information obtained from a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who provided watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm.

Did you read the article you linked to fool? You drunken old fools really need to read more than the headlines.

The article questions why Chuck Grassley is pursuing evidence on a piece of Russian propaganda which has been thoroughly debunked, by multiple investigations. Is he trying to curry favour with Trump? I would point out that Chuck previously wasted two years of the nation's time and resources doing his own investigation of Hillary's emails, and last September released his report exonerating her of any wrong doing, so I don't understand what Grassley's game is here. It's not going to end any differently than the last 25 investigations have ended.

Of all of the fake Clinton Scandals, Uranium One is the scandal that is most easily debunked. That's because Clinton had nothing to do with the approval at all other than signing off on something her technical committee told her was Ok. She attended no meetings, and did no lobbying for the deal. The Energy Department was the lead agency on the deal, the other 8 agencies, had a secondary role at best.
That uranium Iran is enriching came from Russia who Hillary Clinton sold the Uranium out of Harry Reid's state.

So while we were in a 20 year process of buying 500 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia's decommissioned warheads, they bought the mining rights from a Canadian firm to some mines that produce less than 5% of the nuclear fuel our reactors burn every year? Are you saying they paid to ship that ore to Russia or Iran?

Them Russians must be some stupid fucks. Suckers.
Russian Uranium One Deal And Hillary Clinton In The News Again
enator Chuck Grassley (R- Iowa) wants the information obtained from a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who provided watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm.

Did you read the article you linked to fool? You drunken old fools really need to read more than the headlines.

The article questions why Chuck Grassley is pursuing evidence on a piece of Russian propaganda which has been thoroughly debunked, by multiple investigations. Is he trying to curry favour with Trump? I would point out that Chuck previously wasted two years of the nation's time and resources doing his own investigation of Hillary's emails, and last September released his report exonerating her of any wrong doing, so I don't understand what Grassley's game is here. It's not going to end any differently than the last 25 investigations have ended.

Of all of the fake Clinton Scandals, Uranium One is the scandal that is most easily debunked. That's because Clinton had nothing to do with the approval at all other than signing off on something her technical committee told her was Ok. She attended no meetings, and did no lobbying for the deal. The Energy Department was the lead agency on the deal, the other 8 agencies, had a secondary role at best.

They never go beyond the headlines.
They don't want a leader, they want to be entertained.
They don't have time to read, they like their TV.

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