"In The Souls Of The People The Grapes of Wrath Are Filling...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
and growing heavy,growing heavy for the vintage."

WTG OWS and Tea Partiers! It's great to see the People standing up. I applaud you all. :clap2::clap2:
How much more can they push and humiliate the People? When people have nothing,they have nothing to lose. And this is what the Government & Corporations have forced on the People. They go to their crappy $7.00 an hr. Jobs everyday and then have to realize they still can't afford to feed themselves,let alone their families. This is why i don't have a problem with Private Unions. Neither the Government or the Corporations are looking out for workers. So the workers better start looking out for themselves. They better quit counting on Government and Corporations to take care of them. That just aint gonna happen.
you sound an awfully lot like truthdon'tmeanshit.. right now.

I guess that's a bad thing? It wasn't intentional. I'm just pointing out reality. The Government & Corporations are just shitting on Workers these days. Making em jump through hoops with drug tests and personal background checks just to get a shitty little $7.00 an hr. slave-labor job. Well they can have their shitty jobs because now the People are just pissed. They have been pushed too far. I hope more Americans get pissed. And i hope they get out there and stir things up. Because that's the only way to get Government & Corporations to listen. So go get em OWS and Tea Partiers! Keep fighting the good fight!
Everyone should read John Steinbeck's 'Grapes of Wrath.' It really is amazing the similarities between then and now. We really are enduring some very rough times. And unfortunately it looks like it's only gonna get worse. The People are restless. I see lots of upheaval in the near future.
Protest is good. Hopefully it will shake up Government & Corporations. I'm all for it.
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you sound an awfully lot like truthdon'tmeanshit.. right now.

I guess that's a bad thing? It wasn't intentional. I'm just pointing out reality. The Government & Corporations are just shitting on Workers these days. Making em jump through hoops with drug tests and personal background checks just to get a shitty little $7.00 an hr. slave-labor job. Well they can have their shitty jobs because now the People are just pissed. They have been pushed too far. I hope more Americans get pissed. And i hope they get out there and stir things up. Because that's the only way to get Government & Corporations to listen. So go get em OWS and Tea Partiers! Keep fighting the good fight!
Yeah, but what about all the businesses that are near those protest?? I guess they have no rights to even operate since no one but the protesters go in there and that is to use bathrooms and ask for free stuff
Or the residents that reside near the protest. I guess they have no rights either to be able to use the park, be around an area that doesnt smell of urine or shit.
Comparing the tea party to the OWS is wrong. The Tea party protesting during the day , cleaned up their mess , got the necessary permits , got the necessary security and paid for it themselves and not on the tax payers, got the necessary bathrooms and paid for themselves and not on the tax dollars.. Just saying
The two are being set up to battle each other and so having successfully and permanently divided us the elite win, freedom exits stage right, the end.
The Tea Party and OWS protesters actually have a lot in common. They shouldn't be fighting each other. I suspect this division is being created by both political parties. They both have very valid beefs. Big Government has become an awfully big pain in our ass and the Corporations can keep their shitty $7.00 an hr. slave-labor jobs. Drug tests,full personal background checks,full credit checks? And for what? So you can have the pleasure of suffering through a miserable corporate shit-hole job? Well no thanks Walmart & MacDonalds,the people hate you now. The Government and Corporations have caused all this unrest. Their wrongs must be made right or there will be more uprisings.
The two are being set up to battle each other and so having successfully and permanently divided us the elite win, freedom exits stage right, the end.

Yea it's a shell game for sure. But how much will the People take? They're constantly being pushed. When do they reach the boiling point? I really do fear for our future. I see very dark times ahead.
How so when it also seems that not much more can be given anymore freely than what already is available. Sure, the American workers may not have the amount of wages they hopeto attain through time, but do they honestly need it? Greed comes from within all the layers, obviously. I don't see dark and necessarily hard times coming... I do see, however, changes being made that not everyone is going to like.
How so when it also seems that not much more can be given anymore freely than what already is available. Sure, the American workers may not have the amount of wages they hopeto attain through time, but do they honestly need it? Greed comes from within all the layers, obviously. I don't see dark and necessarily hard times coming... I do see, however, changes being made that not everyone is going to like.

Wages have stayed stagnant while the cost of living has skyrocketed. This is due to slave labor overseas and illegal immigrant slave labor here. The American Worker has been scewed so badly in recent decades. They tried to deal with it and kept on working hard but now they're at the boiling point. Now they're telling Walmart and MacDonalds to stick their lousy $7.00 an hr. slave labor jobs straight up their asses. The people are restless. They want their country back. I see much more unrest coming. It's inevitable.

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