What’s really missing from Trump media coverage is his insane, incoherent tangents strictly verbatim

Trump has spoken off-the-cuff for literally hundreds upon hundreds of hours....Even the most eruditely loquacious individual is going to verbally fumble, from time to time under those circumstances.

Meanwhile, Pedo Peter can't tell you what day of the week it is without stepping on his own dick.
Biden is far more coherent than Trump...
The premise of this thread can be addressed by having Trump debate Biden.
Any bets Biden's handlers allow him to debate Trump?
Biden, actually speak for 90 minutes without a teleprompter and 5 days to practice a teleprompter speech? :auiqs.jpg:
Oh really? You think there are plenty of finished sentences in those quotes?
He’s speaking to people at a rally, not reading from a teleprompter. People talk like that. Get over it, you TDS infected idiot.
What's been missing from the news media's coverage of Trump is the complete news blackout on any positive Trump accomplishments. Even today it's pretty regular was see Dems demanding that Trump not be allowed to speak to the American people. That he be silenced.

Shockingly, it was reported recently that the illegals are backing away from Democrats because they see Democrats doing the same corrupt shit they fled in their home countries. :oops:
He’s speaking to people at a rally, not reading from a teleprompter. People talk like that. Get over it, you TDS infected idiot.
lol you think THAT is what normal people sound like?! It’s just so pathetic to me you can’t be at the very least like “yeah, he did sound a little ridiculous, I’ll admit.”

You’re such pussies. You lack any objectivity at all. You don’t sound like adults. You sound like literal 8th graders when you try this hard to be in denial
lol you think THAT is what normal people sound like?! It’s just so pathetic to me you can’t be at the very least like “yeah, he did sound a little ridiculous, I’ll admit.”

You’re such pussies. You lack any objectivity at all. You don’t sound like adults. You sound like literal 8th graders when you try this hard to be in denial

Sure most people don’t talk like the Donald. He is unique the way he talks.

Your cherry picked and edited videos aren’t convincing that something is “mentally wrong” with him. Practically any video of Biden speaking on the other hand is a trainwreck.
Sure most people don’t talk like the Donald. He is unique the way he talks.

Your cherry picked and edited videos aren’t convincing that something is “mentally wrong” with him. Practically any video of Biden speaking on the other hand is a trainwreck.
lol oh god you’re so pitiful. You KNOW I took these quotes verbatim. You’re pretending to question it because you know you can’t defend it
lol oh god you’re so pitiful. You KNOW I took these quotes verbatim. You’re pretending to question it because you know you can’t defend it
What quote has your panties in such a bunch?
What quote has your panties in such a bunch?
Trump’s hard on for Cary Grant was pretty bizarre. Why is he even talking about it? Do you know? Do you agree with it?

Of course anything he said was embarrassing word salad. 6th graders speak better than that.
Trump’s hard on for Cary Grant was pretty bizarre. Why is he even talking about it? Do you know? Do you agree with it?
No I don’t know why he was talking about Cary Grant because you didn’t post the whole context, but it sounded like it had to do with his age, which is a topic about both Biden and Trump. Trump looks good for his age, Biden looks terrible.

I know this triggers idiots like you, because you know how bad Biden looks when they cart him out in front of cameras. Meanwhile Trump does hours and hours of speeches at rallies, and this is the “worst” you got on him?
lol you think THAT is what normal people sound like?! It’s just so pathetic to me you can’t be at the very least like “yeah, he did sound a little ridiculous, I’ll admit.”

You’re such pussies. You lack any objectivity at all. You don’t sound like adults. You sound like literal 8th graders when you try this hard to be in denial
Gee, Billy...how's ruining Colorado going for you? Gotta love you liberals! You've managed to destroy California and now you're moving on to the next beautiful spot!
Tell you what. You find me a full Biden speech that sounds more incoherent and moronic than THAT.
The trump Nazis are terrified of facing the fact that their beloved cult leader's mind is rapidly deteriorating. They compare it to Biden's life-long speech impediment of stuttering, which through therapy and practice he has mostly overcome. But, it's all the trump Nazis have.

The trump Nazis are terrified of facing the fact that their beloved cult leader's mind is rapidly deteriorating. They compare it to Biden's life-long speech impediment of stuttering, which through therapy and practice he has mostly overcome. But, it's all the trump Nazis have.

Oh, now we're "Nazis"? Because we point out that Joe Biden is mentally unfit to be President? Joe Biden hasn't had a stuttering problem since he was a young man. What's going on now with him has nothing to do with a stutter. He's confused. He loses his train of thought and then just babbles nonsense. He doesn't know where to stand. He doesn't know where to go to get off a stage. He no longer uses the "big" stairs on Air Force One because he's physically unable to mount them without falling! He shuffles. You want another four years of this embarrassment? Or god forbid Kamala Harris as President?

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