Incomes up and Poverty Down in 2019

Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.
Most active? Does that mean they forced the private sector to create more jobs? Higher wages?
Is that your answer? Is that the extent of your knowledge on this issue?
Well that’s what happen rich people got a tax break and trickle down effect worked.
So that does appear to be the extent of your knowledge on this issue. This is what worries me.
Ohhh are you lol
Very much so.
It’s pretty clear what happen when he gave the TAX BREAK! Gave the money back to the people, we spent it better than the government did. Thank you
Okay, you've really demonstrated your knowledge and expertise on this issue, thanks.
You can argue back and forth all you want. The fact still remains that the poor are still poor, the rich are growing even richer and wages compared to cost of living are still woefully bad. It's not Trump's fault it's always been this way. It takes two people working full time at a minimum to live decently in most cases. The squeeze is still on.
You can argue back and forth all you want. The fact still remains that the poor are still poor, the rich are growing even richer and wages compared to cost of living are still woefully bad. It's not Trump's fault it's always been this way. It takes two people working full time at a minimum to live decently in most cases. The squeeze is still on.
Yes, the division is growing unabated.

We're creating our own French Revolution, and we don't seem to care. It's already beginning.
You can argue back and forth all you want. The fact still remains that the poor are still poor, the rich are growing even richer and wages compared to cost of living are still woefully bad. It's not Trump's fault it's always been this way. It takes two people working full time at a minimum to live decently in most cases. The squeeze is still on.
Yes, the division is growing unabated.

We're creating our own French Revolution, and we don't seem to care. It's already beginning.
This is why democrats need to follow Trumps lead and deregulate and allow the poor to work. It’s working every where except deep rooted democrat areas. Let them work
Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.
Most active? Does that mean they forced the private sector to create more jobs? Higher wages?
Is that your answer? Is that the extent of your knowledge on this issue?
Well that’s what happen rich people got a tax break and trickle down effect worked.
So that does appear to be the extent of your knowledge on this issue. This is what worries me.
Lol mac, that worries you why? It makes a conversation pointless but not worrysome. The fact of the matter is that DBA has a valid point that Biden most likely will drive the deficit up. So did Trump and so did Obama.

To address your point at the moment the FED will keep up it's spendimg and they will do so as long as it doesn't cause hyper-inflation. There is some hope they will be able to do so Indefinitely considering the fact that money is becoming a more and more esoterical thing and more and more of the value of it is physiological not material. For my money though I'd bet we are in for the mother of all crashes regardless of who's in the oval office.
"Money is become a more and more esoterical (sic) thing"?

That's your view on all this?
Yes, it's not tied to commodities anymore. It used to be tied somewhat to GDP of a nation.
Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.
Most active? Does that mean they forced the private sector to create more jobs? Higher wages?
Is that your answer? Is that the extent of your knowledge on this issue?
Well that’s what happen rich people got a tax break and trickle down effect worked.
So that does appear to be the extent of your knowledge on this issue. This is what worries me.
Lol mac, that worries you why? It makes a conversation pointless but not worrysome. The fact of the matter is that DBA has a valid point that Biden most likely will drive the deficit up. So did Trump and so did Obama.

To address your point at the moment the FED will keep up it's spendimg and they will do so as long as it doesn't cause hyper-inflation. There is some hope they will be able to do so Indefinitely considering the fact that money is becoming a more and more esoterical thing and more and more of the value of it is physiological not material. For my money though I'd bet we are in for the mother of all crashes regardless of who's in the oval office.
"Money is become a more and more esoterical (sic) thing"?

That's your view on all this?
Yes it's not tied to commodities anymore. It used to be tied to GDP of a nation. Now I'm not sure what it's supposed to be an expression of in the real world. I do know that untold trillions of dollars have been pumped into economies without a corresponding rise in inflation. This makes me conclude that money has become esoterical. Feel free to argue I'm wrong.
It's always been this way it's not new. The problem is that the cost of living is such that $20 er hour is not much and difficult to survive on unless one works 60 hours per week. A miserable existence.
It's always been this way it's not new. The problem is that the cost of living is such that $20 er hour is not much and difficult to survive on unless one works 60 hours per week. A miserable existence.
Well let’s reduce the housing standards to some realistic levels, let’s allow more people access to start a business with out all the restrictions. Cancel unions Who have a monopoly on government restrictions.
Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.

Why on earth would I go into the monetary policy changes by the fed when there is absolutely no evidence that their policies would change under Biden, other than to become MORE aggressive. Again, you are blinded by your hatred. Biden's polcies will do nothing but force the hand of the fed. I know Biden gives you those warm and fuzzies and Trump the opposite, but it is time to put the childish warm/fuzzies behind you and start using some practical common sense. Biden/Harris play to emotions, practicality or reality be damned. You have taken the bait hook line and sinker.
Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.

Why on earth would I go into the monetary policy changes by the fed when there is absolutely no evidence that their policies would change under Biden, other than to become MORE aggressive. Again, you are blinded by your hatred. Biden's polcies will do nothing but force the hand of the fed. I know Biden gives you those warm and fuzzies and Trump the opposite, but it is time to put the childish warm/fuzzies behind you and start using some practical common sense. Biden/Harris play to emotions, practicality or reality be damned. You have taken the bait hook line and sinker.
Okay, got it. This is why I don't bother.
Is $26 an hour middle class? Questionable. That's the issue
Well I'm European my wife is American and the only thing I can say is that I've supported me and my wife and kid on one income for quite a few years. The difference being that my cost of living is quite a bit lower than in the US because my high taxation actually covers some very expensive items for a US household.
Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.
Most active? Does that mean they forced the private sector to create more jobs? Higher wages?
Is that your answer? Is that the extent of your knowledge on this issue?
Well that’s what happen rich people got a tax break and trickle down effect worked.
So that does appear to be the extent of your knowledge on this issue. This is what worries me.
Ohhh are you lol
Very much so.
It’s pretty clear what happen when he gave the TAX BREAK! Gave the money back to the people, we spent it better than the government did. Thank you
Okay, you've really demonstrated your knowledge and expertise on this issue, thanks.

Yes, he has. It is this simple. Allowing the government to distribute money as they see fit vs allowing people to keep the money they earn is an idiotic, short-sighted, ignorant plan. Have you ever been in buisness? Are you familiar with organic growth vs inorganic growth?

I see you as a pretentious "know it all". Have you put all of this vast knowledge of economics into practice for personal gain or are you just another one of these middle-class "experts" who are up to their eyeballs in personal debt?
Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.

Why on earth would I go into the monetary policy changes by the fed when there is absolutely no evidence that their policies would change under Biden, other than to become MORE aggressive. Again, you are blinded by your hatred. Biden's polcies will do nothing but force the hand of the fed. I know Biden gives you those warm and fuzzies and Trump the opposite, but it is time to put the childish warm/fuzzies behind you and start using some practical common sense. Biden/Harris play to emotions, practicality or reality be damned. You have taken the bait hook line and sinker.
Okay, got it. This is why I don't bother.

You don't bother because you have convinced yourself that you actually know what you are talking about, but you clearly can't even comprehend simple economic concepts because you have your head in the clouds. Can't see the forest for the trees seems an apt idiom.
Predictable result of massive spending increases and the most active & aggressive Fed in the history of the country.

Good, short term. But we're choosing to ignore what we're creating.

And you think a Biden/Harris presidency would be better? They would spend just as much if not more, implelment the Green New Deal, which would be catastrophic to our economy and make us MUCH less competetive in the world market, stop fracking, making us more dependant on foreign oil those of us with a brain recognize that we can't go green for decades. I could go on and on. There is absolutiely NOTHING in the Biden plan to help the economy. Not one thing. Again, you are voting with your bleeding heart, not your head.
At least you know better than to disagree with my point, even if you don't fully understand it.

I fully understand it. Clearly you don't understand the Biden economic plan.
Great! Please explain what I mean by "the most active and aggressive Fed in the history of the country". And please break it down to the actions of the central Fed and the NY Fed over the last three years, AND the long term implications of those actions.

Go ahead. Feel free to get as specific as you'd like.

Oh, and then tell us how long we can engage in massive deficit spending increases.

Thanks in advance.

Why on earth would I go into the monetary policy changes by the fed when there is absolutely no evidence that their policies would change under Biden, other than to become MORE aggressive. Again, you are blinded by your hatred. Biden's polcies will do nothing but force the hand of the fed. I know Biden gives you those warm and fuzzies and Trump the opposite, but it is time to put the childish warm/fuzzies behind you and start using some practical common sense. Biden/Harris play to emotions, practicality or reality be damned. You have taken the bait hook line and sinker.
Okay, got it. This is why I don't bother.
I bet you believe in climate change too?
We are getting rid of unions.....the result is still the same. Wages would basically have to double to begin closing the gap and of course that cannot happen as businesses could not afford it. The fact is the gap will continue to grow. It is what it is. There is no fix. The large percentage live paycheck to paycheck and saving is difficult if we want them to have a place to live and pay for it. That IS reality
Is $26 an hour middle class? Questionable. That's the issue
Well I'm European my wife is American and the only thing I can say is that I've supported me and my wife and kid on one income for quite a few years. The difference being that my cost of living is quite a bit lower than in the US because my high taxation actually covers some very expensive items for a US household.

This is at the expense of a lower standard of living for the successful. The ceiling is higher for more people in the US, however the floor is lower. That is the nature of a true Democracy. Personally, I prefer the ability for even mildly successful folks to have high standard of living because this possiblity promotes ambition and hard work. The standard of living for successful folks is suffering in high tax, blue states because of the more Socialist policies.Interestingly enough, those same states also have high rates of poverty, so not sure what they do with all the money they take from the successful.
It's always been this way it's not new. The problem is that the cost of living is such that $20 er hour is not much and difficult to survive on unless one works 60 hours per week. A miserable existence.

This is particularly true in blue states, not so much in red states.

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