Inconvnient Truth Re Obama Deficit Plan: Country Has Shortage Of Millionaires

Why is it when a thread about the rich is started and I mention the fact that America's elected officals are some of the richest people in America my comment goes ignored?

so, some of them are rich and successful, AND???????????????

would you rather have poor and unsuccessful????

what is you point?????
Why is it when a thread about the rich is started and I mention the fact that America's elected officals are some of the richest people in America my comment goes ignored?

because there's no country in the world where this isn't true. anyway, there actually aren't that many billionaires in congress or government, and we have almost enough billionaires to fill the house of representatives. so plainly the really rich are finding more interesting things to do with their time than to serve in elected government.
Why is it when a thread about the rich is started and I mention the fact that America's elected officals are some of the richest people in America my comment goes ignored?

so, some of them are rich and successful, AND???????????????

would you rather have poor and unsuccessful????

what is you point?????

the top 6 combined wealth are over 2 trillion dolars the same ammount obama wants the tax payers to foot the bill for. Our elected officals voted for and the tax payers are going to pay for it. Why don't those who vote for it pay for it. What an idea.:clap2:
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well-intentioned conservatives who want to see honest entrepreneurship rewarded do their cause disservice when they apologize for massive multinational corporations and billionaires who earned their riches by gaming a faulty financial system.

please keep in mind, real conservatives want a limited government and no corporate tax so there is, in effect, no system to game.

that's what i've heard. doesn't do much for me. corporations use resources paid for with public dollars. they need to pay taxes just like individuals, especially now that the supreme court has chosen to call them "people." and i don't buy "small government." i don't care about small government, or big government. i want government that's fair, and that works. obsessing over its size is silly. the founding fathers presided over a country a tiny fraction of the size it is now. pretending that frontier government is going to work in administrating an industrialized postmodern society of 300 million people is a pipe dream.
Why is it when a thread about the rich is started and I mention the fact that America's elected officals are some of the richest people in America my comment goes ignored?

Because America is so proud and protective of their CongressCritters..

And they also ALWAYS pay their taxes...

Also because RICH congresscritters are less likely to be bribe-able????? :eusa_whistle:
i'm not suggesting tarring and feathering anyone. i'm not suggesting we "soak the rich." i'm not suggesting we seize anyone's entire fortune. :lol: i m suggesting we end the bush tax cuts. that's all. you guys crack me up.

Raise the cost of doing business is a growth strategy for you?

suppressing demand by shifting the tax burden from offshore corporations and money hoarders onto middle- and working-class families is definitely NOT a growth strategy.

It depends on the rate and how much, actually. That said, cutting tax rates at the top is not shifting the burden onto middle and working class families. After 2003 upper income brackets made a higher share of total income taxes collected, not less.

Historical Shares of Federal Tax Liabilities for All Households
i don't know if you've noticed, but giving foot massages to the extremely affluent, the way we've been doing since reagan, hasn't worked to create jobs. they just move their jobs off shore and pour their cash into speculative investments that blow up the economy. this bromide that the affluent create jobs is bunk. demand creates jobs. put money into the pockets of the middle class, they spend it, and that's good for business.

Where does the money that you want to put in the pockets of the middle class come from?
their wages and salaries.

How is raising the tax rates on the upper income brackets increase the middle class wages and salaries?
i m suggesting we end the bush tax cuts. that's all. you guys crack me up.

what would be the point . It would not raise any significant revenue at all?????? Taxing those who have jets and above 250K is BOs way of tricking dumb liberals into thinking the goofy liberal welfare entitlement programs don't have to go!! There is no money there!!
The entire liberal wish list of Tax Increases:(complimets of Fox News)

1 ) Corporate Jets subsidies were extended by Obama administration but now he wants to get rid of them saving= $3.1 billion

2) Oil and gas subsidies saving=$40 billion

3) Hedge fund cap. gain tax eliminated saving = $20 billion

4) Wealthy above 250k pay their fair share saving=$800 billion

5) Deductions like mortgage deduction eliminated on those making over $250. Savings=$300 billion

Total saving= 1.2 trillion total 10 years
But debt is projected to be $21 trillion in 10 years even after current deal.

In sum, the ill conceived, ideologically stupid, liberal welfare, entitlement state is about to come to a crashing end but liberals can't face reality. Thankfully Pubs are there to help them and to save the country.
Why is it when a thread about the rich is started and I mention the fact that America's elected officals are some of the richest people in America my comment goes ignored?

so, some of them are rich and successful, AND???????????????

would you rather have poor and unsuccessful????

what is you point?????

the top 6 combined wealth are over 2 trillion dolars the same ammount obama wants the tax payers to foot the bill for. Our elected officals voted for and the tax payers are going to pay for it. Why don't those who vote for it pay for it. What an idea.:clap2:

let's repeat this one more time
so, some of them are rich and successful, AND???????????????

would you rather have poor and unsuccessful????

what is you point?????

the top 6 combined wealth are over 2 trillion dolars the same ammount obama wants the tax payers to foot the bill for. Our elected officals voted for and the tax payers are going to pay for it. Why don't those who vote for it pay for it. What an idea.:clap2:

let's repeat this one more time

are you being serious?? Why waste everyones time?
Going by Forbes', 32 of the top 100 billionaires live in the US.

The World's Billionaires 2011 -

Inconvnient Truth Re Obama Deficit Plan: Country Has Shortage Of Millionaires

Going by Forbes', 32 of the top 100 billionaires live in the US.

So we have a shortage of millionaires....and most of the Billionaires live outside the US....

What the hell is the left talking about with being angry with the rich and they don't pay their "fair" the Lefts leading spokesman on this board the amount of millionaires and billionaires in this country is not that great...So where will the left go to get paid.They will have to go after those small business owners making $250,000.

Man these guys are F* up....:(
the top 6 combined wealth are over 2 trillion dolars the same ammount obama wants the tax payers to foot the bill for. Our elected officals voted for and the tax payers are going to pay for it. Why don't those who vote for it pay for it. What an idea.:clap2:

let's repeat this one more time

are you being serious?? Why waste everyones time?

What do you mean waste everybody's time? It's time for those rich bastards to put up or shut up. They want to barrow money let them pay for it. They want toi give freebies to leeches let them take the money from their pocket. They have it I don't.
No more mortgage deductions on people making 250K? What will that do to the banks, stock market, and housing market? Wow. Is that a serious proposal?
Country Has Shortage Of Millionaires

Okay, I'll bite the bullet and volunteer.

Its a tough job but somebody's got to be a millionaire.

...time for those rich bastards to put up or shut up. They want to barrow money let them pay for it. They want toi give freebies to leeches let them take the money from their pocket. They have it I don't.
World of Class Warrior-thumb-700xauto-273.jpg

Liberté, égalité, fraternité ---Death to the rich on the guillotine!!
...time for those rich bastards to put up or shut up. They want to barrow money let them pay for it. They want toi give freebies to leeches let them take the money from their pocket. They have it I don't.
World of Class Warrior-thumb-700xauto-273.jpg

Liberté, égalité, fraternité ---Death to the rich on the guillotine!!

Just a bit out of context when you post just a portion of a reply.
the top 6 congressmen combined wealth are over 2 trillion dolars the same ammount obama wants the tax payers to foot the bill for. Our elected officals voted for and the tax payers are going to pay for it. Since our rich billioinaire elected officals voted for this spending why don't they pay for it. What an idea:clap2:
cutting government waste is a separate question from generating tax revenue. you want to cut government waste? start with defense. we bleed out more into "defense" than something like the next 20 countries combined, and we're going to go the way of the old USSR if we keep it up. cutting "entitlements" basically amounts to shifting yet more of the burden to the working and middle classes, since we've been paying into those programs our entire lives, and now the government wants to steal that money by cutting or privatizing our retirements. forget that. you've probably been paying into social security your entire life, too. i've got no idea why you're so eager to kiss that money goodbye just so exxon-mobil and warren buffett can continue to get by with paying criminally low taxes.

i don't know if you've noticed, but giving foot massages to the extremely affluent, the way we've been doing since reagan, hasn't worked to create jobs. they just move their jobs off shore and pour their cash into speculative investments that blow up the economy. this bromide that the affluent create jobs is bunk. demand creates jobs. put money into the pockets of the middle class, they spend it, and that's good for business.

Wow! You just refuse to accept reality. I'm not "eager" to kiss the money I've paid into Social Security goodbye. What I am, is realistic enough to understand that entitlements as they are currently structured are not sustainable. I'm not giving up something if what I'm giving up will cease to exist anyways if it isn't fixed. I know that's a hard concept for you progressives to deal with but that's reality. All your talk about the extremely affluent being the problem is just silly. With entitlements hitting 300% of our GDP inside of twenty years it wouldn't matter if you took ALL of the "extremely affluent" people's money. That STILL wouldn't pay the bill.

i'm willing to talk about entitlements if you're willing to talk about revenue increases and DEEP defense spending. but realistically, entitlement cuts create a host of problems. there's a reason those programs exist in the first place, which is that having lots of elderly people and people with health problems just tossed out in the street creates inevitable expenses just in terms of keeping the peace. fact: the desperately poor commit crimes to survive. you're going to have to manage that, and that also costs money. that's my complaint with the idea of cutting "entitlements," but again, it's a conversation i'm willing to have.

here's my proposal: cut defense spending to, say, twice the next biggest defense budget.


that would be china's, and spending twice as much as they spend would be around 12 percent of the world's expenditures. we'll still be spending twice as much as the next-biggest country, which is a pretty good position in terms of national security, but that would be a 75% cut in our military expenditures. you agree to that, and i'll agree to just about all the "entitlement" cuts you like.

Well it's nice that you're willing to "talk" about entitlements considering that they are by far the major driver of our debt. I have no problem at all with deep cuts in defense spending as long as they are a part of deep cuts of ALL government spending. I would propose a 20% across the board cut. Cutting our military by 75% is laughable...and you know it. In case you didn't get the memo we're currently at war with radical extremists who would like to destroy America. They aren't going away if you do away with our military.

As for your theory that cutting entitlements will cause people to be thrown out on the street where they will then go on crime sprees? The reality of the situation is that if we DON'T cut entitlements then we as a nation will go belly up. That isn't me trying to trick you. That isn't me playing with statistics to invent a phony crisis. That's me pointing out a fact. If we don't fix entitlements then we're all going to be thrown out on the street.

And I would love to see revenue increases. I just don't see revenue increasing by raising taxes. If you REALLY want to increase revenue? Grow the economy.
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...I don't have any horde 85's yet, but I do have an 81, and I volunteer!!!!...
LOL, SUPER! I got my Ally Druid on Earthen Ring and my Horde Druid on Kil'Jadean, (lvl 60's) maybe I need someone on Galakrond now...
...a bit out of context when you post just a portion of a reply...
Four problems I got with flame-war trolls that loooove to post the other guy's entire post (sometimes along with several others):
--Their floods are hard to paw though,
--No way of knowing exactly what they're responding to,
--They wallow in self pity complaining (in good liberal democrat style) about how everyone's picking on them,
--They assume everyone's helpless and stupid like them and can't/won't follow the link provided and check the original post.​
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