Increased Number Think Global Warming Is “Exaggerated”

Yes, climate change has been going on for over 4.5 billion years on this planet. And at times has wiped out as much as 95% of the species then living.

Yellowstone has a periodicity of roughly 600,000 years. It last erupted, a major eruption, about 640,000 years ago. The massive landslides of the Hawian and Azores islands could unleash some devestating tsunamis. And the subduction zone on the West Coast, from Cape Mendiceno, California to the north end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, is capable and will unleash a 9 or greater quake.

But these are thing that we cannot do anything about. The GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere, and the effect that they are already having is our own doing, and we can cease to do it.

Hi Rocks,

We still run into the mathematics of the whole thing, though. The CO2 portion of the air is less than 4 ppm. 4 1000's of a %.

The total of all GHG's is about 5% of the total air. The CO2 portion of the GHG's is 3% of the 5%. The Anthropogenic contribution to the that % is 3%. The anthropogenic contribution of CO2 to the Air is .05x.03x.03=0.000045. 4.5 1000's of 1 percent.

The warmth of the climate is affected by various factors most of which overpower the effect of CO2. The Sun, the ocean, ocean currents, continental drift, the planet's magnetic field, volcanism, particualte air pollution and more.

The effect of GHG's is a small part of any climate change and the anthropogenic contribution to this small part is miniscule. In this thread, the IPCC is quoted as saying that it is 90% certain that the anthropogenic contribution to atmospheric CO2 is the cause of warming. Does this make anyone wonder why they are so certain?
People used to believe the earth was flat, too.

The scientists, however, said otherwise. Funny how that works.
Actually, most scientists of the time did not say otherwise. The explorers proved it.

The difference between proof, and theory.

Silly ass. Greek natural philosophers measured the circumferance of the world a thousand years before the Church declared the world flat. And it was the church, not the natural philosophers.
Yes, climate change has been going on for over 4.5 billion years on this planet. And at times has wiped out as much as 95% of the species then living.

Yellowstone has a periodicity of roughly 600,000 years. It last erupted, a major eruption, about 640,000 years ago. The massive landslides of the Hawian and Azores islands could unleash some devestating tsunamis. And the subduction zone on the West Coast, from Cape Mendiceno, California to the north end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, is capable and will unleash a 9 or greater quake.

But these are thing that we cannot do anything about. The GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere, and the effect that they are already having is our own doing, and we can cease to do it.

Hi Rocks,

We still run into the mathematics of the whole thing, though. The CO2 portion of the air is less than 4 ppm. 4 1000's of a %.

The total of all GHG's is about 5% of the total air. The CO2 portion of the GHG's is 3% of the 5%. The Anthropogenic contribution to the that % is 3%. The anthropogenic contribution of CO2 to the Air is .05x.03x.03=0.000045. 4.5 1000's of 1 percent.

The warmth of the climate is affected by various factors most of which overpower the effect of CO2. The Sun, the ocean, ocean currents, continental drift, the planet's magnetic field, volcanism, particualte air pollution and more.

The effect of GHG's is a small part of any climate change and the anthropogenic contribution to this small part is miniscule. In this thread, the IPCC is quoted as saying that it is 90% certain that the anthropogenic contribution to atmospheric CO2 is the cause of warming. Does this make anyone wonder why they are so certain?


Global Warming is self-important religion.

The earth is gonna do what the earth is gonna do...
A large number of people thought the wordl was flat.

They also had almost no way to find out. We can however measure the temperature, and it isn't going up like the global warming conspiracy alarmists would have us believe.

Kind of ignorant, there boy.
Slide #112 Monograph

The method pursued by Eratosthenes was theoretically sound, and was in fact identical in principle with that which has been adopted by astronomers in modern day. The method pursued by Eratosthenes is fully stated and explained by the astronomer Cleomedes, in his work on the Circular Motion of the Heavenly Bodies. Both the method and the accuracy of Eratosthenes' well-known measurement of the earth have evoked the admiration of later workers, and his calculation is regarded as one of the greatest achievements of Greek science. While still keeping to the geocentric views of the universe, Eratosthenes started from the assumption that the sun was so distant that for practical purposes one could consider its rays parallel anywhere on earth. He observed that the rays of the sun, at midday, at the time of the summer solstice, fell directly over Syene [modern-day Aswan] and that the vertical rod of the sun dial (gnomon or style) would not cast a shadow (predicated on the assumption that Syene was situated exactly under the Tropic of Cancer). At the same time of day and year, the shadow cast by a gnomon at Alexandria, to the north of Syene, was measured by Eratosthenes as 1/50 of a proper 360° circle. He assumed that: Syene (S) and Alexandria (A) lie under the same meridian circle (longitude), although there is a difference of 2°; that rays (R1 and R2) sent down from the sun are parallel; that straight lines falling on parallel lines make alternate angles equal; and that arcs subtended by equal angles are similar. He accepted a figure of approximately 5,000 stades for the distance from Syene to Alexandria, which, according to his previous reasoning, was 1/50 of the circumference of the earth. Thus 5,000 stades x 50 equals 250,000 stades, the circumference of the earth. But as a mathematical ploy, in order to achieve a number divisible by 60 or 360, so as to correlate stades with his subdivisions or degrees, he emended this to 252,000 stades [ a stade, stadion, stadia ), originally the distance covered by a plough before turning, was 600 feet of whatever standard was used]. A conversion to modern units of measure finds Eratosthenes' calculation to be somewhere between 45,007 km (27,967 miles) to 39,690 km (24,663 miles), as compared to actual equatorial circumference of 40,075 km (24,902 miles), there has always been some controversy over the equivalent modern length of a stade as used by Eratosthenes
People used to believe the earth was flat, too.

The scientists, however, said otherwise. Funny how that works.

Last night on the Ron Reagan show, the topic was, "why if global warming is happening, aren't we doing anything about it"? And they came up with many answers.

1. It will cost $
2. Don't think we can do anything about it even if we wanted to
3. It would be a major change in how we live. We are spoiled
4. Such a big push by the global polluters to deny GW is caused by man

They were also saying some scientists are now fearing that GW is going to get out of control by our kids lifetime. Not 50,000 or 5000 years from now, but one generation.

And then they started talking about all the plastic in Pacific Ocean.

Oh yea, Obama is considering a controvercial technique where they launch these reflectors into the upper atmosphere and they reflect light and will possibly solve GW. Let me see if I can find an article.
While we may find ourselves forced to take such steps, you can be sure that there will be unintended consequences.
UN Reports

quoting the UN on climate data is like quoting Rush Limbaugh on Obama's policies, perhaps the UN should just stick to ineffective "peacekeeping" missions

Since the UN climate data is gathered from the observations of scientists from every nation in the world, including our own, what specifically is it that you find erroneous? Please give examples, and the reason that the examples are incorrect.
At the time people believed the earth was flat science still mostly believed in an earth centric universe. Jillian it appears pre-law cramped your ability to study the history of anything other than Juriprudence.

Their were scientist as late as the latter part of the 19th century that believed speeds faster than 25mph would destroy a human body.

The notion that university professors are without bias is at best delusional and at worst self serving claptrap.

Sure, fellow, sure. A horse can do 30 mph easily. Care to repeat any more bullshit?

WikiAnswers - What is the average running speed of a horse
At the time people believed the earth was flat science still mostly believed in an earth centric universe. Jillian it appears pre-law cramped your ability to study the history of anything other than Juriprudence.

Their were scientist as late as the latter part of the 19th century that believed speeds faster than 25mph would destroy a human body.

The notion that university professors are without bias is at best delusional and at worst self serving claptrap.

Sure, fellow, sure. A horse can do 30 mph easily. Care to repeat any more bullshit?

WikiAnswers - What is the average running speed of a horse

I'm an old ranch hand, sorry but If I had a horse that ran 30mph I would be wealthy.
Here's a link....
Yes, climate change has been going on for over 4.5 billion years on this planet. And at times has wiped out as much as 95% of the species then living.

Yellowstone has a periodicity of roughly 600,000 years. It last erupted, a major eruption, about 640,000 years ago. The massive landslides of the Hawian and Azores islands could unleash some devestating tsunamis. And the subduction zone on the West Coast, from Cape Mendiceno, California to the north end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, is capable and will unleash a 9 or greater quake.

But these are thing that we cannot do anything about. The GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere, and the effect that they are already having is our own doing, and we can cease to do it.

Hi Rocks,

We still run into the mathematics of the whole thing, though. The CO2 portion of the air is less than 4 ppm. 4 1000's of a %.

The total of all GHG's is about 5% of the total air. The CO2 portion of the GHG's is 3% of the 5%. The Anthropogenic contribution to the that % is 3%. The anthropogenic contribution of CO2 to the Air is .05x.03x.03=0.000045. 4.5 1000's of 1 percent.

The warmth of the climate is affected by various factors most of which overpower the effect of CO2. The Sun, the ocean, ocean currents, continental drift, the planet's magnetic field, volcanism, particualte air pollution and more.

The effect of GHG's is a small part of any climate change and the anthropogenic contribution to this small part is miniscule. In this thread, the IPCC is quoted as saying that it is 90% certain that the anthropogenic contribution to atmospheric CO2 is the cause of warming. Does this make anyone wonder why they are so certain?

Hi Code. What per centage of your weight is a gram of potasium cynide? Small amount of certain things are capable of screwing up large complex systems. The physics of CO2 as a greenhouse gas has been well established for over a century. I have repeatedly posted the American Institute of Physics explanation of the history of the study of the discovery and mechanisms of greenhouse warmings. I will once more post it for any that might not be familiar with it;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
The irony of this thread is that the effects of global warming were actually underestimated by most scientists.

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