Incredible!: 10,000 Turn Out To See Trump In Austin, 35,000 Watch Rally Streaming Online

I heard there were a lot of wtf's in the audience, maybe Texas isn't the best place to be hinting at amnesty.
Nobody is hinting at amnesty. I've done corrected you once on this before. Trump's position on immigration hasn't changed.

Sure he has. Just because you are too dumb to admit it doesn't mean it's not true.
No, his stance wont change. He's going to crack down on illegals big time.

No Trumpy is backing off the deportation of 11 million illegals....
They will not be deported....
We know it
You know it
Trumpy knows it....

There will be no wall and no mass deportation...

Trump open to ‘softening’ laws to help illegal immigrants

The dopes that support Trump are going to be shocked at how Trump scammed them so he could win the primary's.....
They have been conned by one of the best.

Rozman, so you want Hillary?

What in the hell is Trump doing in Texas? He's on the cusp of losing both Georgia and Arizona. He's behind in must win battle ground states of Virginia and Pennsylvania by double digits.

Why go to TEXAS of all places. That's a state that hasn't gone Blue since Disco was all the rage. He's wasting precious campaign time to feed his ego.

Like I've said over and over.....he's just an incompetent. For fuck's sake, he's claimed repeatedly that he can win California and New York. That's delusional.
He is losing Arizona? I just knew that state would want Drumpf.

Its right on the bubble. Its gone baby blue before going pink and back again. Same with Georgia. Stastically, they're both dead heats.

The electoral map is essentially With Clinton leading in all the states that Obama won. And some otherwise ruby red states going purple over Trump. I suspect that Clinton will pull 350 or so in the electoral votes. Give or take a dozen.
I heard there were a lot of wtf's in the audience, maybe Texas isn't the best place to be hinting at amnesty.
Nobody is hinting at amnesty. I've done corrected you once on this before. Trump's position on immigration hasn't changed.

Sure he has. Just because you are too dumb to admit it doesn't mean it's not true.
No, his stance wont change. He's going to crack down on illegals big time.
He must have a plan to lure them back to Mexico by creating more jobs there like he already does now.
His plan will be reinstating Eisenhowers program 'Operation Wetback' on a larger scale.
Eisenhower is dead and Drumpf is not going to do anything but lose badly. Your life wont change and you will still just be po white trash living in a trailer park.
He has a bigger crowd at this Hannity event than she ever gets

Hannity event? A news media journalist sponsoring Trump events? WTF.

when did he ever say he was a journalist? you thought Al Sharpton was a journalist, or Keith Olbermann, or Chris hayes or Chris Mathews? Are you serious?
But he invited Clinton..and so far she hasn't responded....typical....she knows she won't get a softball...

Okay so you admit that what Foxnews does isn't journalism.
He has a bigger crowd at this Hannity event than she ever gets

Hannity event? A news media journalist sponsoring Trump events? WTF.

when did he ever say he was a journalist? you thought Al Sharpton was a journalist, or Keith Olbermann, or Chris hayes or Chris Mathews? Are you serious?
But he invited Clinton..and so far she hasn't responded....typical....she knows she won't get a softball...

Okay so you admit that what Foxnews does isn't journalism.

Hannity isn't a journalist..... neither is don lemon.Chris hayes...George Stephanopoulos....I could go on for hours.....Hannity has never claimed to be one.....he's host with an ideology.....I mean for someone into politics I thought you would know. Fox has some great journalists

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