Incredible video on Ukraine-Russian war


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
I can’t believe I am agreeing with Code Pink, but this video is so spot on.

It covers the aggressive NATO expansion post USSR. It covers the Euromaiden protests and violent coup of 2014, supported by the US and carried out by the neo-Nazi group Azov.

Will Litwin and other Ukrainian cheerleaders and warmongers dare to watch?

"Devoted Russia-backer praises tankie. Film at 11."

"Tankies" are members of the kook left who always blamed and still blame every single world problem on the USA. As long as fascist imperialism comes from a nation other than the USA, they adore fascist imperialism. Hence, they now shill for Russia. They're so far left, they've come back around on the far right.

Needless to say, the tankies have received a lot of rubles for their devoted service to Moscow.

Other famous tankies include Glenn Greenwald, Tulsi Gabbard and Noam Chomsky.
At least the video gets to grips with around 60% of the truth and shows how appalling US and NATO actions have been .

This was a war deliberately engineered by the US using NATO voices as proxies for the last 30 years and particularly since 2014 when the US engineered the Kyiv regime change .

The conclusion is a soppy sentimental one which is gibberish . There will be no truce or negotiated settlement until the Russian SMO is over .

Russia is sick of US deceit and has already launched its winter offensive . It will meet its military objectives very quickly as the Ukey force is all but already demolished , there are no reserves and no allies have any money ( the banks ) which they will lend, let alone give . Recent US military promises were a joke and will never materialise before the fighting is over .

This has been a complete fiasco for the US and NATO as they have been out thought and out manoeuvred at every turn.
They have lied through out , as Angela Merkel confirmed a few days ago .

The American public has been scammed and has absolutely no idea what has gone on or will happen in the next few weeks .

There will be no escalation to nuclear warfare but there might be a danger of the US using material from the thirty plus bio labs they funded , built and ran in Ukey Land , to deflect with a new and worse pandemic threat .
"Devoted Russia-backer praises tankie. Film at 11."

"Tankies" are members of the kook left who always blamed and still blame every single world problem on the USA. As long as fascist imperialism comes from a nation other than the USA, they adore fascist imperialism. Hence, they now shill for Russia. They're so far left, they've come back around on the far right.

Needless to say, the tankies have received a lot of rubles for their devoted service to Moscow.

Other famous tankies include Glenn Greenwald, Tulsi Gabbard and Noam Chomsky.
Cool story.

Now lets hear you refute any point made in the video.

All you morons do is attack people with baseless accusations of being a “Putin stooge”. Same as calling people racist. You can‘t defend this policy of warmongering, decades in the making.
This was a war deliberately engineered by the US using NATO voices as proxies for the last 30 years and particularly since 2014 when the US engineered the Kyiv regime change
Bingo. But the Uniparty of John Bolton Foreign Policy doesn’t want to talk about recent history. They just proclaim Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked”.

The US is allowed to meddle in other countries affairs, bomb governments out of existence, fund coups and install puppet governments, and invade other countries, all in the name of national security. Yet Russia isn’t allowed to deal with geopolitical problems with a nation on its own border? It’s insanity.
Bingo. But the Uniparty of John Bolton Foreign Policy doesn’t want to talk about recent history. They just proclaim Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked”.

The US is allowed to meddle in other countries affairs, bomb governments out of existence, fund coups and install puppet governments, and invade other countries, all in the name of national security. Yet Russia isn’t allowed to deal with geopolitical problems with a nation on its own border? It’s insanity.
Well said .
And when we then label America as the biggest terrorist group on the planet, the mini Bolton's of this world react in utter disbelief and childishly pretend that we are stooges for dear Uncle P , anti -American etc .

The very idea that they are fixed mind bigots feeding on Fake News never dawns on their entrained minds .

If I was not such a delicate flower of a woman I would take up that disgusting habit of spitting .
Cool story.

Now lets hear you refute any point made in the video.
Sure. It's all fiction. That's generally the response to anything you post.

No, I don't think you shill for Moscow for money. You do it out of fanatical ideological devotion to christofascism. You see Russia as the GreatWhiteFascistHope, so you support Russia over the USA.

Sucks for you that that even the majority of Republicans think you're a traitor.

Now, how does Moscow say to respond to that? That is, what does Tucker Carlson tell you to say?
Sure. It's all fiction. That's generally the response to anything you post.

No, I don't think you shill for Moscow for money. You do it out of fanatical ideological devotion to christofascism. You see Russia as the GreatWhiteFascistHope, so you support Russia over the USA.

Sucks for you that that even the majority of Republicans think you're a traitor.

Now, how does Moscow say to respond to that? That is, what does Tucker Carlson tell you to say?
^^ there we go, you still can’t refute any point. Then proceed to name call and say all I do is repeat what Tucker says.

All I did was pay attention to current events over the last few decades, didn’t need anyone to tell me anything.
Sure. It's all fiction. That's generally the response to anything you post.

No, I don't think you shill for Moscow for money. You do it out of fanatical ideological devotion to christofascism. You see Russia as the GreatWhiteFascistHope, so you support Russia over the USA.

Sucks for you that that even the majority of Republicans think you're a traitor.

Now, how does Moscow say to respond to that? That is, what does Tucker Carlson tell you to say?

It's all fiction? Are you prepared to back that up?
It's all fiction? Are you prepared to back that up?
Quibbling over words now?

There are no doubt some facts in it. But twisting facts and leaving relevant facts out makes it deliberately dishonest.

The biggest overall lie is that NATO making a defensive alliance to fend off Russian imperialist expansion is somehow aggression against Russian. Anyone telling a lie that big and that stupid is obviously lying deliberately.

Tell us, when has NATO invaded Russia or threatened to invade Russia?
Quibbling over words now?

There are no doubt some facts in it. But twisting facts and leaving relevant facts out makes it deliberately dishonest.

The biggest overall lie is that NATO making a defensive alliance to fend off Russian imperialist expansion is somehow aggression against Russian. Anyone telling a lie that big and that stupid is obviously lying deliberately.

Tell us, when has NATO invaded Russia or threatened to invade Russia?

So you're saying 'Code Pink' is a Russian asset. Interesting.

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