For every seven Ukrainians being killed one Russian is being killed in the Russia Ukraine war- Ukraine nor Russia are democracies…

I thought Ukraine was winning.
it is , bad news for pootler´s cuckold like you ?

We can see this from the beginning of Tucker Carlson tonight. I speak from this post as a liberal as a Democrat as a FDR democrat. And I have to say something here I will never forget the sacrifice of 25 million Soviet people who stood up with the Americans, the British and the Chinese to destroy the Nazis and the much vaunted empire of Japan. To liberate the Jews from the concentration camps. To liberate the Jews. To make sure that the Third Reich was not able to wipe out every jew of the world which they would have. Did you just read that Sixties Fan …. your a pro third Reich sympathize yes?

Neither Ukraine or Russia are democracies…. they are both authoritarian light countries

We will never forget the sacrifice and the Soviet contribution to World War II these are tough people. I’m not afraid to say what I say I know that there could be a small number of Republicans who might disagree with it for whatever reason. But there’s many more Democrats who have lost their ways who are now Warhawks, warmongers and anti-Russian racists. There are Nazis in Ukraine that is a fact and for all of the Democrats on the US message board to claim to support anti-racist viewpoints…. where the hell are they on this one?

All of these people with the Ukrainian flags in their avatar where were they when Yemen was in a war, where were they when Ethiopia was in a war. Why don’t they have a flag of Palestine up and I have nothing wrong with Israel. I’m making a point here …. all of these people who are told how to think by CNN, by Wolf Blitzer by all these radical people in the media whatever happened to critical thinking? …. Oh riiiight … the United States can launch wars but not Russia?

I don’t agree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I am on the side of The United States ….we should not be involved in this war in Ukraine because when we invaded Iraq, Russia did not supply Iraq. And if they would have if China or Russia would’ve supplied Iraq in 2003 we would’ve still won the war but would’ve taken a hell of a lot longer with many more American lives lost.

The well respected American officer Douglas McGregor was on Fox News yesterday saying that this thing is not going good for NATO, many countries including Germany do not agree with what America is doing today. NATO much of NATO does not agree with supporting Ukraine. Ukraine is losing this war.

What America should be doing now is pushing for peace in Ukraine. If Donald Trump was president there’s a good chance that this war would’ve never happened think about that my friends.

Franklin Roosevelt believed in the vision of world peace the major powers of the world working together and I believe that that is the way for today of course. What kind of world is it when the major powers are at each other’s throats. It’s a much better world when China, Russia and America are working together finding ways to work together. That’s the vision of the allies of World War II the greatest generation of Americans.

The issue isn't whether Ukraine or Russia are democracies.

The issue is where Russia is aiming. And its Poland, and other eastern European countries. Most of which are NATO members. Russian government officials have been explicit and clear about this. Russia is going THROUGH Ukraine to get to Eastern European NATO countries.

The moment Russia puts a boot in Poland or any other NATO country, its a direct war between the US and Russia. And since Russia's military is so wildly incompetent, the US and her allies would stomp the shit out of Russia in any conventional war.

Which leaves unconventional wars. With Russia regularly alluding to nuclear war.

We support Ukraine to keep the conflict OUT of NATO countries. As long as it stays in Ukraine, it stays conventional.
The issue isn't whether Ukraine or Russia are democracies.

The issue is where Russia is aiming. And its Poland, and other eastern European countries. Most of which are NATO members. Russian government officials have been explicit and clear about this. Russia is going THROUGH Ukraine to get to Eastern European NATO countries.

The moment Russia puts a boot in Poland or any other NATO country, its a direct war between the US and Russia. And since Russia's military is so wildly incompetent, the US and her allies would stomp the shit out of Russia in any conventional war.

Which leaves unconventional wars. With Russia regularly alluding to nuclear war.

We support Ukraine to keep the conflict OUT of NATO countries. As long as it stays in Ukraine, it stays conventional.
Well my friend I don’t think that’s the case. I think you’re a Democrat of all people you should recognize that what’s going on here is American exceptionalism on steroids. We can invade Iraq we can invade Afghanistan we can launch drone strikes wherever we want whenever we want. George W Bush even said he wanted to take down North Korea and Iran but we didn’t do it. Some Russian officials for years now have talked to big game, that’s what it is it’s talk. Right now we have Republicans in America saying we’re going to invade Mexico to fight the drug cartels. So two play at that game. But in reality in 2003 America’s number one target was Iraq. Today Russia’s number one target is Ukraine that’s it I believe. It doesn’t make any sense for Russia to go into Poland or into any other countries other than Ukraine right now.

Russia is bordering Ukraine. Much of the Ukrainian population 30% of it supports Russia according to a general from India. Certainly lots of eastern Ukraine supports Russia. I don’t think that’s the case with Poland or the other countries. So I don’t think that Russia has any ideas to invade other countries other than Ukraine. And it certainly doesn’t have the military for it seemingly from what we see in Ukraine.

Russia’s military is not incompetent.….Ukraine has all of the western weapons that Iraq did not have a 2003. Russia has only about 120 million people Ukraine has 30 million people it’s only a three to one edge…. Ukraine was once a part of the Soviet union and so many of the older people in Ukraine and their ancestors come from the Soviet fighting spirit of course which helped to win the allies World War II.
Well my friend I don’t think that’s the case.

That's because you're ignoring Russia State TV and her allies.

"What if, after the successful completion of the NMD, Russia begins to denazify and demilitarize the next country? After all, after Ukraine, Poland is on the map! I will not hide that I personally have such an intention," Kadyrov said on Telegram, according to a translation by the Daily Beast."

And Russian State TV:

"I have some unpleasant news... Even though we are methodically destroying the weapons that are being delivered [to Ukraine], but the quantities in which the United States are sending them force us to come up with some global conclusions. Perhaps it’s time to acknowledge that maybe Russia’s special operation in Ukraine has come to an end, in a sense that a real war had started: WWIII. We’re forced to conduct the demilitarization not only of Ukraine, but of the entire NATO alliance.

I think you’re a Democrat of all people you should recognize that what’s going on here is American exceptionalism on steroids. We can invade Iraq we can invade Afghanistan we can launch drone strikes wherever we want whenever we want.

You're literally offering proof against your argument, yes? The Russians in Ukraine, like the US in Iraq, assumed they'd be granted as liberators.

How'd that work out again?
That's because you're ignoring Russia State TV and her allies.

"What if, after the successful completion of the NMD, Russia begins to denazify and demilitarize the next country? After all, after Ukraine, Poland is on the map! I will not hide that I personally have such an intention," Kadyrov said on Telegram, according to a translation by the Daily Beast."

And Russian State TV:

"I have some unpleasant news... Even though we are methodically destroying the weapons that are being delivered [to Ukraine], but the quantities in which the United States are sending them force us to come up with some global conclusions. Perhaps it’s time to acknowledge that maybe Russia’s special operation in Ukraine has come to an end, in a sense that a real war had started: WWIII. We’re forced to conduct the demilitarization not only of Ukraine, but of the entire NATO alliance.

You're literally offering proof against your argument, yes? The Russians in Ukraine, like the US in Iraq, assumed they'd be granted as liberators.

How'd that work out again?
There certainly are many more Ukrainians then Iraqis who welcome the invasion. Again if this is something I think you didn’t respond to something like 30% of Ukraine is pro Russia. That’s more of a Civil War. Ukraine and Russia border whereas Iraq was thousands of miles away from America.

Russian media and American media sometimes have Talking Heads that talk a big game. That’s what they do they talk a big game their actions are different.
There certainly are many more Ukrainians then Iraqis who welcome the invasion. Again if this is something I think you didn’t respond to something like 30% of Ukraine is pro Russia. That’s more of a Civil War. Ukraine and Russia border whereas Iraq was thousands of miles away from America.

Russian media and American media sometimes have Talking Heads that talk a big game. That’s what they do they talk a big game their actions are different.
Bullshit. Before the invasion only 17.2% of Ukrainians identified as ethnic Russians and there are no indications these people wanted to live under a Russian dictatorship.
There certainly are many more Ukrainians then Iraqis who welcome the invasion.

An assessment based on what? Is that what the Russians told you?

You keep making these assertions without factually supporting any of them. All while ignoring Russian State TV's and Russian military allies openly signalling that Poland is their next target. Along with all NATO allies

Russians were not greeted as liberators when they arrived in Ukraine. As demonstrated elegantly by their war dead, their retreats, and the wreckage of their military vehicles strewn along the roads of Ukraine.

What's your evidence that the Russians were welcome?
Bullshit. Before the invasion only 17.2% of Ukrainians identified as ethnic Russians and there are no indications these people wanted to live under a Russian dictatorship.

Apparently Ukrainians signal their support for the invaders by helping them to release excess blood.
An assessment based on what? Is that what the Russians told you?

You keep making these assertions without factually supporting any of them. All while ignoring Russian State TV's and Russian military allies openly signalling that Poland is their next target. Along with all NATO allies

Russians were not greeted as liberators when they arrived in Ukraine. As demonstrated elegantly by their war dead, their retreats, and the wreckage of their military vehicles strewn along the roads of Ukraine.

What's your evidence that the Russians were welcome?
We both don’t know the intricacies ‘ of This is a war that does not directly involve United States it’s between two light authoritarian countries. Relying on the numbers from each country whether Ukraine or Russia is iffy.

While in United States there is protest from many Americans wrt supplying the Ukrainians in a major way giving them tons of our advanced weaponry.

So this isn’t a war American troops have been directly involved in but for w/ e reason some Americans on the left and even a number of conservatives want to see America involved in this war by supporting Ukraine with weapons. Now if American troops are on the ground by the masses I will support the United States direction involvement against Russia.

There used to Be a time in history in the world where two countries might go to war it with each other but they would still speak in a polite manner. Now we’re not even involved in this war and of course there seems to be a lot of blood between Ukraine and Russia but that’s one side of the story the other side from Russia is that it’s the Ukrainian governments problem …. I don’t see the Russian soldiers is being any different from American soldiers. were all humans and there’s good and bad people in every country. I don’t think the average Russian soldier is much different from the average American soldier.

I never agreed with Russia’s invasion I don’t think many Americans do …the only question is our involvement considering all the other wars of the world … if people are going to try and claim Ukraine is different why is it ? because they’re white or something or why are they different from the issue in the Sudan the issue in Palestine so many issues that have arisen around the world in Africa most recently with all sorts of wars going on… there’s quite a bit of issues going on in Africa which is mineral rich by the way with all sorts of raw materials, most recently being used by electric cars so they seem to be important to Tesla for example and other companies.
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We both don’t know the intricacies ‘ of This is a war that does not directly involve United States it’s between two light authoritarian countries. Relying on the numbers from each country whether Ukraine or Russia is iffy.

While in United States there is protest from many Americans wrt supplying the Ukrainians in a major way giving them tons of our advanced weaponry.

So this isn’t a war American troops have been directly involved in but for w/ e reason some Americans on the left and even a number of conservatives want to see America involved in this war by supporting Ukraine with weapons. Now if American troops are on the ground by the masses I will support the United States direction involvement against Russia.

Be a time in history in the world where two countries might go to war it with each other but they would still speak in a polite manner. Now we’re not even involved in this war and of course there seems to be a lot of blood between Ukraine and Russia but that’s one side of the story the other side from Russia is that it’s the Ukrainian governments problem ….

I never agreed with Russia’s invasion I don’t think many Americans do the only question is our involvement considering all the other wars of the world and if people are going to try and clean while Ukraine is different why is it because they’re white or something or why are they different from the issue in the Sudan the issue in Palestine so many issues that have arisen around the world and Africa most recently with all sorts of wars going on…

So...nothing that Russians were accepted as liberators when they invaded Ukraine. saying so. All while ignoring BOTH Russia's massive causualties at Ukrainian hands (you know, the people that were supposed to welcome them) and Russia State Media/Russian Ally calls for attacks on Poland next.

History is not your friend. The US invasion of Iraq and the Russian invasion of Ukraine succumbed to the same folly: assumption of support in the invading country that didn't exist.
Bullshit. Before the invasion only 17.2% of Ukrainians identified as ethnic Russians and there are no indications these people wanted to live under a Russian dictatorship.
It depends first of all on who ask them. If they are asked by SBU - they are definitely pro-Ukrainian. When they are asked by FSB - they are definitely pro-Russian.
When you take a territory with, say, 5 million population and 90% of them more or less support you, you still have half of million potential enemies of your state. And find them all and eliminate them without creating additional problems for actually pro-Russian population it's a bit complicated thing. Complicated but possible. Like finding and eliminating all Democrats in a Republican state or all Republicans in a Democratic state.
Right now Russia is quite successful (with the great support of local population) in finding and elimination of potential terrorists.
Russia won't face serious problems with guerilla warfare until crossing Zbruch river.
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Zavulon is partisan his side only.
Sure. Self-defense is the most natural reaction. I do not like those who wanna kill me, and I prefer to kill them first. You picked your side, we picked ours.

Ukraine forever.
Technically, Borderlands will exist while the borders exists. But where exactly will be drawn new borders and where exactly will be new frontiers - it's the question.
They will be mostly the same with the exception of Belgorod becoming Ukraine.
Or, may be, as it was described in "America (replay game)" and "Russian frontier" the new frontier will be at western coast of the Northern America and will include Alaska, California and Mexico in the borders of 1820.

We'll see.
Or, may be, as it was described in "America (replay game)" and "Russian frontier" the new frontier will be at western coast of the Northern America and will include Alaska, California and Mexico in the borders of 1820.

We'll see.

Horsey Horse is being exceptionally asinine but just for effect.

He knows that his detail knoweledge of the conflict is zero and just pretends he is a Contrarian because the lonely old chap has nothing else to occupy his time .

He shouts , "Ukraine forever " but has no idea why .

Is he medically fit to productively contribute?
Difficult to be certain but his silliness gets very irritating for better informed people .
Why are both the United States and Ukraine fighting so fiercely for the Lenin-Stalin borders of the Ukrainian state? Why has it not occurred to anyone to ask the people themselves, the population of the Ukrainian regions, who they want to be with? Why are the foundations of democracy being trampled in such a heinous way?

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