For every seven Ukrainians being killed one Russian is being killed in the Russia Ukraine war- Ukraine nor Russia are democracies…

Land belongs to people who live on it. Government must work for people, not people must change themselves for the every caprice of government.
It's your mere opinion that it is not, and your opinion is... poof.
So, we agree to have our disagreements and we agree to solve those disagreements by military way. It's ok. The only question is how many American civilians will be killed and how many American cities will be destroyed before you f#ck off and start minding your own business.
It won't, and if it does attack the US, it dies forever.
Who said you that? Highly likely, after Russian de-escalation counterforce strike (AKA pre-start interception) the USA won't have neither enough of nukes to cause unacceptable damage to Russia, not will to launch that limited retaliation, for that retaliation will be pretty suicidal for the USA.
Buffer states are a good thing, and Ukraine looked good in this role, says American journalist Michael Knowles. He was generally supportive of Kiev after the conflict began. But now he has landed on the Kiev regime's hit list, and there is no end to his outrage. "Let Putin take Ukraine, I don't care! Forget it, I don't care about it anymore!" - commented the journalist.

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