Indefinite Detention Ban Stayed By Appeals Judge In NDAA Case


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Ah remember back, when Bush was an evil dictator for indefinite detention?.. Remember back when BO said he would end such activity? What is the left gonna say when Obama releases KSM? Oh right, nothing.

Indefinite Detention Ban Stayed By Appeals Judge In NDAA Case

Indefinite Detention Ban Stayed By Appeals Judge In NDAA Case

WASHINGTON -- A federal appeals judge gave the Obama administration the OK to keep enforcing its indefinite detention policy Tuesday, issuing a temporary stay of a ruling that had found the practice unconstitutional.

The stay, issued by Judge Raymond Lohier of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, lasts until Sept. 28, when a three-judge appellate panel will hear the case.
Proving both the 'major' parties are detestable.

Unfortunately when things are bad all we can do is vote the ins out and the outs in. The whole of the Obama administration has to go. His incompetence can not be rewarded

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