Indiana "doctor" tries to kidnap woman's child and assault him


Aug 5, 2012
Indiana Doctor tells Mom: “Be Compliant! Vaccinate or I’ll Call CPS!” |

This should make the nazi statists on the board happy....lets see, kidnapping,assault,child endangerment, what else can we add if this fucking nazi doctor had gotten his way...probably murder once the kid died from an overload of poison.Go ahead call CPS aka the domestic terrorist at the door...they can't do jack shit...I have had to deal with these nazi fucks before for the same thing and I know damn well a good lawyer and the laws thrown in their face they back down like the insignificant nazi scum they are.
I was sure some nazi statist would think this was great...ya know since big brother controls our ya go...
Come on nazi statists....I know this is what you want done to us evilllll anti vaccine folks...
Kids should be vaccinated before they can attend public schools. Otherwise they are a risk to the other children. Parents need to stop being so damned selfish and protect their children.
Dissent, you sound like a crazy person.
Also, kids really should be vaccinated.
Its the parents choice. End of story. Why not talk about this case and not people in general...that doctor should be charged with false imprisonment,assault,terroristic threats and have his license revoked.We do have a semblance of freedom left in this pathetic country and we still have the freedom at least in 48 states to not put poison in our kids bodies. Your personal opinion is that YOUR'S you do not have the right to force it on someone else....I doubt any parent that has gotten their kids vaccinated has done the research as to the dangers and the crap they put in the vaccines and would be shocked to learn what is in them and the danger they can pose.
Its the parents choice. End of story. Why not talk about this case and not people in general...that doctor should be charged with false imprisonment,assault,terroristic threats and have his license revoked.We do have a semblance of freedom left in this pathetic country and we still have the freedom at least in 48 states to not put poison in our kids bodies. Your personal opinion is that YOUR'S you do not have the right to force it on someone else....I doubt any parent that has gotten their kids vaccinated has done the research as to the dangers and the crap they put in the vaccines and would be shocked to learn what is in them and the danger they can pose.

Yes...because a tiny minority of kids have had a reaction to the drugs means that we shouldn't vaccinate anyone!

For Gods sake.
Its the parents choice. End of story. Why not talk about this case and not people in general...that doctor should be charged with false imprisonment,assault,terroristic threats and have his license revoked.We do have a semblance of freedom left in this pathetic country and we still have the freedom at least in 48 states to not put poison in our kids bodies. Your personal opinion is that YOUR'S you do not have the right to force it on someone else....I doubt any parent that has gotten their kids vaccinated has done the research as to the dangers and the crap they put in the vaccines and would be shocked to learn what is in them and the danger they can pose.

Yes...because a tiny minority of kids have had a reaction to the drugs means that we shouldn't vaccinate anyone!

For Gods sake.

...and you capitalize His name?!! How Christian of you.
Enjoy your dictatorship sheeple...from the nazis on this board to the nazis in washington, enjoy it.
The doctor was correct in saying that if the child was not vaccinated he was obligated to call CFS as a matter of public health.

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