Indianapolis To Drop Rush Limbaugh

That's 26 years of increasing listenership every year.
How stupid do you have to be to believe that LIE from your MessiahRushie.
The more his audience shrinks, the more the pathological liar, whose talent for lying is on loan from Gawwwd-da, says it grows.
Can you prove he's a homo ?
Your MessiahRushie's ex lover says he is.

A 46 year old music store owner from the St. Louis area, Elliot Sanders, is claiming that while a college student at Southeast Missouri University in 1971, he had an affair with Rush Limbaugh. Sanders claims that he and Limbaugh, the well known talk radio star, had an affair that went on for about 3 months in the fall of 1971...

Sanders stated that he met Limbaugh in a class he was taking, but it was only after meeting his sister, who was openly gay at that time, that he found out Rush himself was gay. "Rush was a charming man privately," says Sanders, "I met him in a class I was taking, and got on a first name basis with him. I didn't realize he was gay until his sister came to visit him. She was gay, and like, we hit it off, and she seemed shocked that I didn't know Rush was gay as well. When I found out I was like ... wow!"

Sanders says that privately, Limbaugh was very sensitive and caring man, but that he was furiously angry that KFBK, the top 40 radio station he worked while still in high school would not offer him a full time job.

"He was furious about that," said Sanders, "And he often told me that he was really going to show them." According to Sanders, Rush's politics at the time were somewhat middle of the road. "Rush said that he though most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous is was, the more they would believe it."

When asked when he thought Limbaugh "went straight," Sanders replied, "What are you talking about? I mean, he's been married four times now, do people really not get why he doesn't stay married? I guarantee none of those marriages was ever consummated."

Sanders would not divulge any further details, but when asked if he feared retaliation from Limbaugh for his revelations, he stated, "No, Rush wouldn't do that, he's really a sweetie at heart, but some of the people who listen to him might. I think most of them are psychotic. I don't think these people realize he's just pandering to them for ratings, but if they find out, I wouldn't want to be there."
Yes, Rush has mastered the cutting edge technology of 1920.
Something progressives have failed repeatedly at. Who does that reflect more poorly on?

Rush, actually.

Do you think Rush ever really wanted to be what he is today? The guy always wanted to be a sports caster, but no team would have anything to do with him. His attempts to break back into the sports world (His ESPN Gig, his attempt to buy the St. Louis NFL Team) met with utter failure.

So here you have this closeted homosexual spewing hate he doesn't even believe in, trying to drown his self-loathing in painkillers.

Meanwhile, Al Franken is a Senator.

He's laughing all the way to the fucking bank. But keep projecting your own failures and "sadz" onto him.
Can you prove he's a homo ?
Remember the gay "No Boundaries" ties he hawked on his TV show? He was a real "flamer" back then.

Yes, Rush has mastered the cutting edge technology of 1920.
Something progressives have failed repeatedly at. Who does that reflect more poorly on?

Rush, actually.

Do you think Rush ever really wanted to be what he is today? The guy always wanted to be a sports caster, but no team would have anything to do with him. His attempts to break back into the sports world (His ESPN Gig, his attempt to buy the St. Louis NFL Team) met with utter failure.

So here you have this closeted homosexual spewing hate he doesn't even believe in, trying to drown his self-loathing in painkillers.

Meanwhile, Al Franken is a Senator.'ll excuse my skepticism JoeyB but with your history of making up lies about Rush in here I'm interested in your source for your claim Rush always wanted to be a sportscaster?

How are all those PSAs and self-promos doing on Rush's show on the Big 89 WLS in Chicago these days?
First Howard Stern was gone.. many many years ago... now Rush Limbaugh. What does that say about Indiana?

Howard Stern isn't gone.
I don't think he is on the free airwaves anymore. Are you from Indiana?

No. He's on paid satellite radio and has maintained a massive audience. Rush would kill....and give up Oxy for Stern's audience.

Limbaugh has a larger listening audience.
Can you prove he's a homo ?
Your MessiahRushie's ex lover says he is.

A 46 year old music store owner from the St. Louis area, Elliot Sanders, is claiming that while a college student at Southeast Missouri University in 1971, he had an affair with Rush Limbaugh. Sanders claims that he and Limbaugh, the well known talk radio star, had an affair that went on for about 3 months in the fall of 1971...

Sanders stated that he met Limbaugh in a class he was taking, but it was only after meeting his sister, who was openly gay at that time, that he found out Rush himself was gay. "Rush was a charming man privately," says Sanders, "I met him in a class I was taking, and got on a first name basis with him. I didn't realize he was gay until his sister came to visit him. She was gay, and like, we hit it off, and she seemed shocked that I didn't know Rush was gay as well. When I found out I was like ... wow!"

Sanders says that privately, Limbaugh was very sensitive and caring man, but that he was furiously angry that KFBK, the top 40 radio station he worked while still in high school would not offer him a full time job.

"He was furious about that," said Sanders, "And he often told me that he was really going to show them." According to Sanders, Rush's politics at the time were somewhat middle of the road. "Rush said that he though most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous is was, the more they would believe it."

When asked when he thought Limbaugh "went straight," Sanders replied, "What are you talking about? I mean, he's been married four times now, do people really not get why he doesn't stay married? I guarantee none of those marriages was ever consummated."

Sanders would not divulge any further details, but when asked if he feared retaliation from Limbaugh for his revelations, he stated, "No, Rush wouldn't do that, he's really a sweetie at heart, but some of the people who listen to him might. I think most of them are psychotic. I don't think these people realize he's just pandering to them for ratings, but if they find out, I wouldn't want to be there."

He had a three month relationship over 40 years ago, yep, that means he's gay (insert rolling eyes smiley)
First Howard Stern was gone.. many many years ago... now Rush Limbaugh. What does that say about Indiana?

Howard Stern isn't gone.
I don't think he is on the free airwaves anymore. Are you from Indiana?

No. He's on paid satellite radio and has maintained a massive audience. Rush would kill....and give up Oxy for Stern's audience.
Do you ever post facts? Rush has been number 1 since 93 and has 20 times the Audience
List of most-listened-to radio programs - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You've been duped.

Talkers Magazine currently has Stern #7, and Rush, as he has been since 1991, #1.
Losing a small to middlin' market like Indianapolis probably won't cause Rush to stop smoking hundred dollar Cuban cigars, he only had about a 6% share of the Indianapolis radio market anyway but-----but it's bound to piss off a bunch-o-old farts in Indianapolis?
Rush picked up two stations in new cities last week and he is #1 in political talk streaming. And do you know what else??? he made 38 million dollars with his radio show last year. That does not count the money he pulls in elsewhere like Gitmo T-Shirt sales...AAAHAHAHAHA Have a nice day!
Can you prove he's a homo ?
Your MessiahRushie's ex lover says he is.

A 46 year old music store owner from the St. Louis area, Elliot Sanders, is claiming that while a college student at Southeast Missouri University in 1971, he had an affair with Rush Limbaugh. Sanders claims that he and Limbaugh, the well known talk radio star, had an affair that went on for about 3 months in the fall of 1971...

Sanders stated that he met Limbaugh in a class he was taking, but it was only after meeting his sister, who was openly gay at that time, that he found out Rush himself was gay. "Rush was a charming man privately," says Sanders, "I met him in a class I was taking, and got on a first name basis with him. I didn't realize he was gay until his sister came to visit him. She was gay, and like, we hit it off, and she seemed shocked that I didn't know Rush was gay as well. When I found out I was like ... wow!"

Sanders says that privately, Limbaugh was very sensitive and caring man, but that he was furiously angry that KFBK, the top 40 radio station he worked while still in high school would not offer him a full time job.

"He was furious about that," said Sanders, "And he often told me that he was really going to show them." According to Sanders, Rush's politics at the time were somewhat middle of the road. "Rush said that he though most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous is was, the more they would believe it."

When asked when he thought Limbaugh "went straight," Sanders replied, "What are you talking about? I mean, he's been married four times now, do people really not get why he doesn't stay married? I guarantee none of those marriages was ever consummated."

Sanders would not divulge any further details, but when asked if he feared retaliation from Limbaugh for his revelations, he stated, "No, Rush wouldn't do that, he's really a sweetie at heart, but some of the people who listen to him might. I think most of them are psychotic. I don't think these people realize he's just pandering to them for ratings, but if they find out, I wouldn't want to be there."
:bsflag::bs1::bsflag::bs1::bsflag:Rush does not have a or straight.
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Stern has moved to a place where people pay to hear him. Give the specifics of that #1 ranking, please.

Go to Talkers website, Limbaugh has been #1 for their entire existence.

By the way, according to polling data, just a few percent of Sirius subscribers would leave if Stern left.
Stern has moved to a place where people pay to hear him. Give the specifics of that #1 ranking, please.

Go to Talkers website, Limbaugh has been #1 for their entire existence.

By the way, according to polling data, just a few percent of Sirius subscribers would leave if Stern left.

Talkers? It's a joke.

I want to know who Rush went up against in his times slot.....did he ever go head to head with Stern? If so....what were the numbers in those markets? Specifics.
BFD. Even if he retired tomorrow the left will never come close to seeing that kind of success. Everyone they've put up against Rush has bitten the dust. That's gotta really piss you liberals off.

Yes, Rush has mastered the cutting edge technology of 1920.

Something progressives have failed repeatedly at. Who does that reflect more poorly on?

I'm rather proud of those who can't be swayed by empty rhetoric and one liners that personalities like Rush puts out. I will always prefer actual journalism over talk radio and entertainment personalities (liberal or conservative). There really isn't anything positive about what Rush does or provides except for his bank account statement.

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